Another this vs that thread...just have to ask

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Sawtroll will chime in soon with his thoughts and advice:msp_biggrin:

Well, the MS391 is an overheavy lump of plastic cased consumer saw, with a bad power to weight ratio.

Imo, it was not a good choise, but likely will do the job, although I doubt it will like a 24" bar in hardwood.....:givebeer:
MS391 is a GOOD saw. DOn't let others tell you otherwise.

That being said it is not a pro saw but will serve your buddy well.

I know a guy here that has been running one on a farm and he has done everything he can to kill it and it keeps on going.

It can run a 25" if the need arises.

If he muffler mods it and retunes it it will wake it up even more.

People around here feel if it isn't a pro level saw it must be junk and that is not the case.

If he is happy with it it will be great for him. NO need to go down the road he should have bought this and that. We all do that and you can't live in the past but you can keep beating a dead horse if you want and let us know how that works out:buttkick:

Could you tell me how to keep the muffler on it. I had to make a brace out on the front. The front of the muffler is not supported. Also the chain tensioner is very fragile and is held in place with one small diameter screw threaded into the plastic case. That screw brakes very easily. I know some people may make this saw work but I had a hard time keeping it on the job. The same guy has a 7900 and a 562 with no problems like this. The saw was a 390, not a 391.
Could you tell me how to keep the muffler on it. I had to make a brace out on the front. The front of the muffler is not supported. Also the chain tensioner is very fragile and is held in place with one small diameter screw threaded into the plastic case. That screw brakes very easily. I know some people may make this saw work but I had a hard time keeping it on the job. The same guy has a 7900 and a 562 with no problems like this. The saw was a 390, not a 391.

I have not muffler modded a 391 yet. I am pretty sure someone arou nd here has though and hopefully they will have pictures of it.

The best I can tell you is to take it off and start looking at how yyou can split it open to rid it of the baffles etc on the inside.

I personally have had good luck with a small propane torch and heaitng it them to glowing around the crimp edges and prying the seam back enough to open the muffler and then gut and recrimp. Takes time but it well worth it. The carb limiters need to be removed once this is done as well to richen the fuel mixture up afterwards
Struggle, I am not talking about modding the muffler. I am talking about keeping it on the saw. There is no support on the front of the muffler and it vibrates loose. Design shortcut? I had to make a brace and attach the muffler to the case.
And the chain tensioner is a POS. also. These are the two weaknesses I know of.
If I had 600 to spend the last saw id buy would be a 391/390.

Could have so much more for the same money.

Youd think someone like this would know this.
I agree the Dealer sold him on the 391. Agree to he would have been better off with the MS261. SIL went into local now defunct dealer said I want the biggest saw you got. That's what he sold him. We weren't speaking @ the time so he didn't ask me. Whatever they had I would have done my best to talk him out of that saw. Chain adj. broke in first mo. The crappy little plastic piece.
don't know the 391 but to all those who say all homeowner saws are just worthless junk - I have an ms170, it gets abused by everyone every day, it doesn't get put down it gets dropped, it doesn't get put in the truck it gets lobbed, if its in the way it gets kicked out the way, its had branches fall on it, its been dragged, trodden on and it looks like crap, but, it always starts, it always runs and with an adj carb and muff mod it cuts 12" of anything with a .050 picco chain. I know it's a POS plastic China special but it does everything it should and only cost a days pay new. Its all relative. A battered homeowner saw with a sharp chain and good mix will last longer than a newer blunt pro saw filled with pish.

p.s. Stihl catalogue lists which are pro, farmer or homeowner or look at power/weight