Anybody know how to get back in touch with Moody?

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I guess in my opinion I would ask myself like this... If my son came to me and said," I am sending my new saw through the mail to some guy because I have read some posts about his work on some chainsaw site some place", plus several hundred dollars,... how would I react to him?
I send money to amazon all the time and I may get burnt sometime but they are known to many all over the world, And in my way of thinking they have more to loose from shady business dealings than some guy someplace who has my saw and 300 bucks. Good luck to all involved but your saw and money are now in someone else's home probably forever. And that just sucks.
If you search moody you will find similar threads. It's said to see guys do this kind of thing. I know last I was at tree monkeys he was not happy with what happened with the 362. Scott can teach a guy willing to learn many tricks, but a guy has to want to learn and listen before jumping in head first.
Wow, yet another guy bites the dust and screws a bunch of members. I was surprised to see the stuff about Neal as well. Like Randy said, people will have issues with stuff if you sell used saws or mods, I know I've had a few problems over the years with some saws I've sold, but we've always worked it out. I always just offer to buy the saw back if you don't think I represented it fairly. It's not worth having enemies or having people feel like you pulled a fast one on them. I've been burned a handful of times, but in general, the site is solid. The longer a guy has been on here, the better you can feel about making a deal with them. I'm only on during the late fall/winter since I work a lot during the rest of the year. Always surprising to see how fast the site has progressed when I hop back on.
Here is a message I received from a fellow member....

I know that I've never had any interaction with you on here, nor on sawhawgs, but I've been an avid reader and I know of the dilemma that you went through with Moody. I personally can't stand the guy. He is the full definition of a pathological liar. To a point that he actually believes his lies. He managed to manipulate several hundred dollars from my single mother sister, without any intentions of repaying. Then has the gall to guilt trip her when she asks for her money back..... Anyway, there is a new member here on AS with the name of cuttinties. I'm about 90% positive that this is moody and as much as I want to expose this to the rest of the AS members, I'm not sure if it would be considered kosher. I know that he can do decent work on saws, but I personally wouldn't want him near any saw of mine, or other members.

Before he pulled his BS act on my sister I would let him work out of my shop. I got to where I saw his business methods. the customer would send him a saw. He would open the box to take out the money. Then the saw would sit for at least 3 months (he had a saw of fin460 for nearly a year). the customer would begin to question where their saw was. Then his excuses would begin. By that time he had already blown the money, and since he doesn't own a lathe. He would try to borrow money to pay a machinest to do the cylinder work. He'd port it (which he actually does good work). Then he would hastily put the saw back together, just in time before the customer really starts getting onto him.

He's pretty dishonest and I know for a fact that he owes one of the Australian members $750 for a MS201 that he never purchased (he came over one evening and begged me for money to cover his lie). I just don't want to see anyone else get burned by him. So anyway, any advise would be appreciated.

a little further investigation I can confirm that this is indeed moody..... Some of his recent post are full of nothing but bullsh*t. he doesn't: have a kid (not one that he sees, nor pays child support for), have a shop and tree services that rely on him for service/repair, nor does he have any of the saws that he claims to have. He is basically a cheat and a liar that I think needs to be stopped....
I did get my saw back after a few months. Randy gave me a new top end for it. Last I saw him over on bacon fap, he was talking trash sayin he was gonna win the 390 build off in KY this past September, which he did not. Like a child, I spouted something back at him. I learn from my mistakes. Why can't this dude?
I think for the most part they would just like to find him. Lol.
he's around. I saw him drive by earlier today. I'd say find him at work, but.... his "bad back" prevents him from that. He did have a logging gig earlier this year in central MO, but that lasted about 4 days before he was fired. his "hard times" that he kept talking about were at his own doing.

one could go after him legally, but it's hard to garnish pocket lint....

oh, and hey Ty
Sounds exactly like a drug addict to me.
He's not a druggie.... I've never met anyone like him before. It's a combination of: laziness, zero work ethic, inability to see or do what is right, lack of common sense, extreme dishonesty, champagne taste on a tap water budget, cockiness, in-ability to accept blame, and the uncanny ability to consistently act like a f#cktard.

I hate to say this, but I'm pretty certain that all the aforementioned saws that are (were) in his possession have likely been sold to the local husky dealer....

he "self diagnosed" himself with aspergers last fall, so I think he has convinced himself that anytime he screws someone over, it's aspergers. I actually heard him say once "my aspergers is flaring up".....
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