Groundguy - Treeguy relations
Could we merge back to the problem about the bossman being an anus? The treeguy has a duty to be a leader. And to be a leader means, to not be an anus.
Our short-term duty is to move as swiftly, safely and hopefully even enjoyably through the job, and get a check. Our long-term goal is to be respected by the ground guy(s) so they will want to come back to work, as well as not decimate your character in public.
So they show up late, now and then. You're cool. Oversleep once, you're OK, you've done that. They move slower than molasses, seem to have forgotten any training they've gotten, want to leave the jobsite before the job is completed, and shift to becoming more of a liability than an asset. But you must be a team....
Those incidences cost an employer, and you are supposed to stay strong, deal with it properly, tactifully and with affirmed conviction. After all, it's only income slipping down a rat-hole before it can otherwise reach your hand. Or its perennials getting slaughtered AGAIN. Be a leader. Slow is OK. Groundguy can be careless and maim my equipment. That's all right. Respected leader, stand strong.
"Hello, my name is The Tree Machine, and I am an Anus." ( every one Hi Tree Machine) So bad that I am seeking counseling. I want to be a good boss, but I have limitations, like experience with personalities who don't give a flock, tolerance to stupid mistakes, and an impatience that grows exponentially along a linear timeline. Anger, though I hate that side of me, rears it's ugly head in the face of sucky working attitudes on the ground. I have an illness. Until I learn to become a leader, or get some decent ground help, I will never be able to grow my business beyond what it is.