Cap & Trade Question

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Start emailing your local senators.....asap!!!!!!

Fat lot of good that will do you up there, Keith :chainsaw:

Well if you are not part of the fight don't start complaing later....
I get your frustration,but we need to at least try.
Well if you are not part of the fight don't start complaing later....
I get your frustration,but we need to at least try.

Oh, I'm fighting, it's just that I think we are beyond the point where an e-mail to devoted of them fraudulently holding his position...will do any good.They don't care what you and I think.We need to rid ourselves of these people once and for all.
One of the good things about moving from can't blame me!

I would say we are in uncharted waters. Politicians used to moderate their views, Left or Right, enough to avoid offending the vast majority in the Middle.This is how they kept their jobs.Like him or hate him, Obama has ended this practice.Lemmings come to mind, but we'll see in November.
Crappie you are on the nail head but research deeper into it. The Chairman and most of his pals also stand to make money from it. Lots of it.
federal inspectors

... the talk of federal inspectors coming to your home to make sure all your appliances, furnace, hot water tank, windows etc. meet the new green standards. This isnt the first time I heard that. Take a look at what is happening everyday in this country and the rapid pace that we are heading down the wrong road.

So my question is this. If they were to ban woodburning all together what would you do? Would you just roll over and say ok? My answer is simple. Sometimes you have to make a line in the sand and hold your ground. I would not ever let a federal inspector into my home.

If they can send a SWAT team to your house looking for plants, there is no reason why they wouldn't come looking for firewood as well, both are plant products. Now there may be some folks out there who would be inclined to take the "inspector" out to the woodshed, knock him/her over the head, and then just throw 'em into the woodburner and use 'em to get a few more BTU's. But I'm a peace loving man, and I hate jails. So let's just wait a few more years, the feds will eventually go completely bankrupt and won't be able to pay their bills, heck, they'll be lucky just to be able to pay a few folks to answer the phone. They'll sure not be able to afford to pay for any "green inspectors" - just sit back and relax, there are no problems out there that can't be fixed by the eventual terminal bankruptcy of the federal gov't and all the greenie weenies who are following and/or supporting them....
If they can send a SWAT team to your house looking for plants, there is no reason why they wouldn't come looking for firewood as well, both are plant products. Now there may be some folks out there who would be inclined to take the "inspector" out to the woodshed, knock him/her over the head, and then just throw 'em into the woodburner and use 'em to get a few more BTU's. But I'm a peace loving man, and I hate jails. So let's just wait a few more years, the feds will eventually go completely bankrupt and won't be able to pay their bills, heck, they'll be lucky just to be able to pay a few folks to answer the phone. They'll sure not be able to afford to pay for any "green inspectors" - just sit back and relax, there are no problems out there that can't be fixed by the eventual terminal bankruptcy of the federal gov't and all the greenie weenies who are following and/or supporting them....

The only problem with that observation is that if the Fed goes broke (officially anyway and collapses), I somehow think that firewood will be the least of our problems,... Cutting wood might be a pain while toting an SKS or a '94 Winchester keeping one eye on the saw and another eye on he lookout,...:dizzy:
We cannot underestimate how far a corrupt gov't will go to take away our freedom. I do not doubt at all that the EPA or some other gov't agency would attempt to force their way into American homes in violation of the 4th amendment ("unreasonable search"), however, I do not expect that this is the route that they will take with Cap and Trade. I expect them to force electricity/utility rates to "necessarily skyrocket" (in the words of the President) through enforcing a Cap and Trade system. They would have to closely monitor how much electricity and gas you use in order to force you to buy carbon credits when you use "too much" energy. They would force power companies to buy carbon credits in order to artificially raise electricity/utility rates.

Do not be fooled into thinking that progressives (on both sides of the aisle) are true environmentalists. They do not care at all about protecting and preserving the environment; they care about power and control, and they simply see the fraud of "climate change" as a golden opportunity to seize that power. As others have already shown, using firewood is an exceptionally "green" (I hate that word) way to heat your home. However, if they want to stop you from using firewood to heat your home (and they do), the most effective way would be to ban cutting trees that have not already fallen on the ground. They could simply claim that they are protecting the forests, and then they would have their justification for forcing you buy electricity/gas at ridiculously inflated rates to heat your home. GE and other friends of this administration are heavily invested in the Chicago Climate Exchange. If this Cap and Trade system is implemented, CCX will be the "marketplace" that they use to buy and sell carbon credits. By the way, this is no conspiracy theory; these are their clearly stated plans.

Radicals are in power who model themselves after Che and Mao. Do not be lulled into thinking that everything will be ok if we simply do nothing. If we do not peacefully defend our liberty, we will to lose it.
Feds go broke?

The only problem with that observation is that if the Fed goes broke (officially anyway and collapses), I somehow think that firewood will be the least of our problems,... Cutting wood might be a pain while toting an SKS or a '94 Winchester keeping one eye on the saw and another eye on he lookout,...:dizzy:

As far fetched as it sounds, it's entirely possible or even inevitable. It happened to the old Soviet Union. The people there finally had enough, gave it up and quit of their own volition, primarily because they went broke. They couldn't afford a communist welfare state and a military empire, the math just didn't work out. We might someday wake up and decide that we'd rather have our local/state government doing the things we need rather than the bankrupt feds. In the end, it's up to the people to decide. If we get taken over by a Nazi style military dictatorship that wants central control of everything and everyone, then it's time to get the Winchester out and go kick some ass and probably die with our boots on. If life isn't worth living anyway under the boots of a bunch of Nazis, then what have we got to loose? Let's hope to God things never deteriorate that far.....
We cannot underestimate how far a corrupt gov't will go to take away our freedom. I do not doubt at all that the EPA or some other gov't agency would attempt to force their way into American homes in violation of the 4th amendment ("unreasonable search"), however, I do not expect that this is the route that they will take with Cap and Trade. I expect them to force electricity/utility rates to "necessarily skyrocket" (in the words of the President) through enforcing a Cap and Trade system. They would have to closely monitor how much electricity and gas you use in order to force you to buy carbon credits when you use "too much" energy. They would force power companies to buy carbon credits in order to artificially raise electricity/utility rates.

Do not be fooled into thinking that progressives (on both sides of the aisle) are true environmentalists. They do not care at all about protecting and preserving the environment; they care about power and control, and they simply see the fraud of "climate change" as a golden opportunity to seize that power. As others have already shown, using firewood is an exceptionally "green" (I hate that word) way to heat your home. However, if they want to stop you from using firewood to heat your home (and they do), the most effective way would be to ban cutting trees that have not already fallen on the ground. They could simply claim that they are protecting the forests, and then they would have their justification for forcing you buy electricity/gas at ridiculously inflated rates to heat your home. GE and other friends of this administration are heavily invested in the Chicago Climate Exchange. If this Cap and Trade system is implemented, CCX will be the "marketplace" that they use to buy and sell carbon credits. By the way, this is no conspiracy theory; these are their clearly stated plans.

Radicals are in power who model themselves after Che and Mao. Do not be lulled into thinking that everything will be ok if we simply do nothing. If we do not peacefully defend our liberty, we will to lose it.

That Mayan calendar isn't looking all that unrealistic now, is it? The only thing that I'm positive of is that the day I'm told by the fed to take arms up against my fellow Americans, that will be the day that my uniform comes off,... I just pray that day never arrives,... Just the same old wheel weights melt down great, as long as you keep an eye on the antimony level,...
Looking at the bigger picture.

We have gov. healthcare
We have a bill that if(already did in the house) passed will kill small farmers leaving our food to come from ADM and other huge farmes which are goverment subsidized or gov run to a point.
This bill already knows we will loose another 5 million jobs so they added 3 years of unemployment insurance...on the dole by the gov.

There is also a push from the gov to hold control of our waters.

Let's see now...they control food,water,healthcare.

What's next....Hitler? Zeich Heil!
Not trying to make a political thread ...........but. I got an email the other day from a friend and I know, I know, you can't believe everything you read, however a few points that really stood out was the talk of federal inspectors coming to your home to make sure all your appliances, furnace, hot water tank, windows etc. meet the new green standards. This isnt the first time I heard that. Also they claim that all forms of wood burning heat would be outlawed. Now I know that there are people that say they can't do that here!! All I say is don't be a fool and think it couldn't happen. Take a look at what is happening everyday in this country and the rapid pace that we are heading down the wrong road.

So my question is this. If they were to ban woodburning all together what would you do? Would you just roll over and say ok? My answer is simple. Sometimes you have to make a line in the sand and hold your ground. I would not ever let a federal inspector into my home. No way no how. How about you?

Sorry to say but it is true. At the federal and local level. Bureaucrats want more control of are personal lives. The city next to me is albuquerque NM, the former major was a major piece of work! That nut went out on the green freak limb! He wanted all the houses in albuquerque to install "green" roofs. Those green roofs were to be made out of living grass! That same nut got the council to draft a bill requiring when you buy a new water heater, forced air heater, or toilet. They all have to beat current epa standards. Now none of these where on the market at time the bill was signed. Never let the "free market" get in way of building a "new utopia".

Anyways, buried in the current cap and "rob" bill is a law requiring that you get your house certified by the fed's that it meets all current epa green requirements. Meaning if your house is more then a 5-7yrs old. You will need to replace HVAC - Washer + Dryer - Water Heater - Refrigerator. Just think of the expense of replacing the HVAC!!! Do you think some buy your house is going to eat that cost??? Nope, not going to happen!

I've got a rental house, it is a pain in the hindquarters! :cry: It cheaper and less of a headache to keep it as rental then sell it. If I sell it, I have to up grade the septic system to current standards. That is going to cost me over 40k on a house as of right now worth less then 200k. Is it fair on my part to be forced into upgrading a system less then 10yrs old? Heck NO, is not! The green nazi's are everywhere and growing. They are the reason that some you guy and gal's need a permit to trim the tree's in your own yard! What heck happened to the land of brave and free???

Okay, I am off my soap box for today!
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I hope you can fix the politics of New Mexico, as I plan to retire to the Eagle's Nest area as soon as I have enough dough.

I am working on it! I will be putting on lobbyist shoes this summer! Yuck! Being in the same room as freaking democRATS! I need to take shower just thinking about being in the same air space as those vermin! I guess thats why they make anti-bacterial hand cleaner and face masks! LOL :cry:
I hope you can fix the politics of New Mexico, as I plan to retire to the Eagle's Nest area as soon as I have enough dough.

Don't plan on the politics here being fixed, they've been corrupt since before we were a territory. It's really not just the Dem's, they're all corrupt. From the lowest village official all the way up to our esteemed gubner.
gallegosmike is right about Albuquerque's former mayor, he's a real nut case. He would have been a better comedian than mayor.
I took my son to Albuquerque this morning for Dr.s appointment. On the way home I pulled over and put my head on the steering wheel. My wife asked what I was doing. I told her I was thanking God that I live 225 miles south of the city.

Don't plan on the politics here being fixed, they've been corrupt since before we were a territory. It's really not just the Dem's, they're all corrupt. From the lowest village official all the way up to our esteemed gubner.
gallegosmike is right about Albuquerque's former mayor, he's a real nut case. He would have been a better comedian than mayor.
I took my son to Albuquerque this morning for Dr.s appointment. On the way home I pulled over and put my head on the steering wheel. My wife asked what I was doing. I told her I was thanking God that I live 225 miles south of the city.


I've been reading about Kit Carson and New Mexico, lately; wow, what a bloody past! I guess nothing changes.It has always been a peaceful place for me, but the Elk I take home would probably disagree.

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