Certified Tree Risk Assessor

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Addicted to ArboristSite
Feb 27, 2005
A loophole??? WTF that mean dipschit? "Certification sounds like a "loop hole" around an ordinance...." What? Duh!:jester:

And what Cert did the NAA regulate. (Im so Dumb & Old I foget) You are in the upper echelon of great ones on this forum. You disappear for large blocks of time, then all of a sudden you are back, uggh, and blabbing bullshat everywhere. How bout making this one of those times you disappear? AA kicked your ascs(< I cant spell) big time....we all saw it....it was embarassing to watch and demeaning to mankind in general (like those "unmanly" commercials I star in). Go run to your momma before yo daddy, AA comes on this thread and whups up on you again lol. OOOOOuw he gonna sue me :cry: dern I wet myself again.

Uh oh ....more and more certs showing who really studied and knows anything. Tisk Tisk, I was doing so fine when people thought I knew something, now I gotta crack a book on fungi id and virulence, CODIT, shell wall thickness thresholds, root crown investigations for decay, etc etc. THEN after learning the whole system to rate a tree using all the steps, I gotta write a report and submit it for prioritization, mitigation, retention, removal and ACTUALLY be responsible for the decision. Drat, it was just so easy before. (See the tree, cut the tree down, buy the twelve pack, deaden my already degraded brain, go to sleep, get up the next day and do it all over again hoping to pay the bills for my ugly wife and genetically dumb kids waiting at the door with their mouths open) & this is just treevets immediate family.

As for the big summit where experts from all over the world met to assess the woods for defects and hazard high risk trees and afterwards when they said they were ok and left they starting falling like rain.....then they summon the GURU, LXTeat, and he arrives and waves a wand and the world experts all run into hiding as he does his assessin and a little as s suckin and fartin, and the results are in the newspaper the next day and all the appropriate trade journals ....as for that....

BULLSchit. Let's hear more fairy tales from your fairy as s.:hmm3grin2orange:

And just how do they make it "sound like" anything? They just go about their business of researching, teaching, and identifying the learned individuals that should represent us in day to day business. Without them the group of us are perceived as the hack that tops trees and grinds out a stump half way and hides the rest with grindings and spikes all over live trees and rips off senior citizens. Don't you see that? No cause all you do cut em down....shoot first and ask questions later. You are a hack.

Yes, as Holden says, this system is in part to preserve trees from the tree life thieves for profit guys like you but it also meant, like I said earlier, now listen up ####wad....to ID the trees that a dummy like you wouldn't see outta the window of your Yugo. Ever see a tree that was completely healthy in the canopy, the trunk was pristine without a flaw and all the wood that was holding it up was just thin shell of wood that is outside of Wall 4 CODIT? Picture that tree also as having dead roots as well and a solid 100 foot stem (lever arm) above it above a playground with kids out there all day every day.

Not id'ed by a non learner like mr. Teat or anyone like him. No system, no investigation, no report.... no culpability....many deaths and injuries on a mildly windy day. It is THESE hard to notice, high risk (no target...no risk) trees...that this system and associated practicioners are certed to identify and protect people from.

You as a consultant is a scary thing and....Oh, I will get that cert. Just gotta wait for the results. And, not to worry....I will make plenty of money with it. I will make money just with a pad and pencil and system and credential backed by the ISA. You can bet your tiny little weiny on that buddy.


WOW...........all that senseless posting to prove nothing, You sitting in your soiled depends again?

Vet.........AA much like you makes threats & cant back em up!! He had his own thread deleted cause I returned & kicked his AZZ!! much like Im doing to you on here!!!

Now enough about your Dad! The cert you speak of is as dumb as you (if not dumber), you just dont like the fact you stupidly paid for a Cert that has a strong showing in Hong Kong & British Columbia.........LOL, maybe AA`s neon earmuffs got caught in a sensitive spot on you to a point where medical attention is needed...........you keep wishing for it to be needed (cert that is) & when you put your dentures in the glass by your bedstand tonight...it`ll all be ok in the morning!

Well pap.....I do consult in your state, from wellsville up to the far reaches of toledo & everywhere in between along with West Virginia to Philadelphia, new jersey (on occasion) & elsewhere!! where have you been? I know stuck!.....stuck in ohio cause you couldnt land a gig anywhere else due to hazmat laws preventing you from carrying your oxygen & Preparation H together, you grow a little mom & pop shop tree biz & think at 94 1/2 you can go get educated & make the 1 little Cert a law??? Laughable it is!!! LMFAO

Like I said ya dust collector, Ive been to meetings in your state & there is nothing c`mon in regards to Tree Risk asskisser Certification..........right now in Toledo is a right of away expansion project going through wetlands.......every Govt agency from local level to federal level is there.........NO TALK OF TREE RISK BS........

You are far worse than AA, atleast he knows he needs improvement & refrains from engaging in stupid banter with those who can obviously kick his arse verbally......you on the other hand......Im thinking while the home nurse was wiping you she let go & your head hit the coffee table............Now get outta here you non climbing, minimum wage violating, illegal immigrant hiring I have to sit whilst I pee pathetic tree trimmer............yeah tree trimmer!! cause what other Certs you got? uh pap!

This little school girl known as tree vet is the purest form of cry baby......C`mon Vet throw another tantrem & take a month off like before!!!!! :laugh: Cmon show us how much a man you are!!!! cry & whine like you did when you left, cmon put the remote away, shut off sesame street & show us!!

I take time off cause I was cut in half literally!!!!!! & am back doing trees, no crying here!! I come back to a gutless lawnmower riding hack threatening to sue me & pretending he ran me off...............I came back & proved otherwise & now Ill contend with you!! Yeah, take blocks of time off..............I was in the hospital ya wang, ya didnt hear me crying & whining about leaving this site & never coming back..............

I have no respect for you, you are lower than AA..............you whine & cry & want sympathy like a little girl, your types discust me....now take you ball & go home crybaby!



Addicted to ArboristSite
Feb 27, 2005
since turn around is fair play thought I'd fix your post as you really meant it to read...see above.:popcorn:

As with all things in life.......you dont have the ability to do anything first!!! you have to copy someones actions to make you feel good...........you are a funny dumb ole bastid!!!! LMFAO

cant imagine how with your intellect you could pass any exam!!! How bout I sit beside you so you can copy my answers? you`ll atleast pass then!!

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Addicted to ArboristSite
Feb 27, 2005
More important imo....required ceu's (30 credit hours min per yr. increment) that bring you updated science. Things are changing at blurring speed now. Exciting times to be an arb. Read Mattheck., Schwarze, Shigo, Luly, Urban, Brudi, focus on LXT posts and learn more than you ever could! "the body language of trees" means.

LMFAO.................I have all those books & more sweetheart!! BTW, check out Arborist News...I think Feb 2009 edition, Tree risk Assessment............there is a pic of a girl? with a Level on a tree!! talk about scientific, now all we have to do is go to Lowes, spend 10 bucks on a level & we can properly assess the lean of a tree......awe go ahead, throw some fancy geometry terms in the report, call it mitigation factors or whatever & sell your self as a tree risk asskisser.

yep thats the science of it!! a Level from Lowes......LMFAO!



Addicted to ArboristSite
Jan 21, 2007
The Nati, Oh Hi, Yo
LMFAO.................I have all those books & more sweetheart!! BTW, check out Arborist News...I think Feb 2009 edition, Tree risk Assessment............there is a pic of a girl? with a Level on a tree!! talk about scientific, now all we have to do is go to Lowes, spend 10 bucks on a level & we can properly assess the lean of a tree......awe go ahead, throw some fancy geometry terms in the report, call it mitigation factors or whatever & sell your self as a tree risk asskisser.

yep thats the science of it!! a Level from Lowes......LMFAO!

Damn Suzie, didn't mean to get ya so worked up. You're quite emotional aren't ya.

Got a rain day today. Gotta go work on my desk doing very important things. Me and AA will be back and slap ya around :deadhorse: a little more later.....I promise. Try not to get cut in half anymore lol.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Feb 27, 2005
ps....lemme see a pict of all those books ya got....I got you pegged as a Major League poo spewer.

you want a pic of my books??? what kind of online pervert are ya!!! LOL

Going round with you is fun Vet!! whatever makes you happy & if AA wants to chime in?.....hell the more the merrier, what books you want pictures of? MTWFA hand book, First Energy Transmission Forester Inspector training manual to the wild trees & many in between!!! MTWFA is the Mass Tree Wardens & Foresters Association....this publication helped me by providing references to neighboring towns in regards to tree care & accepted practices so they could be accepted as "Tree City USA"

So really I advocate alot more about tree care than you know or think, I am on the list for Dupont in regrards to enviromental studies which will have me traveling around the country no doubt!! On a serious note & not bashing you......you have to agree this certification thing is getting ridiculous!! I dont down anyone for wanting to further educate themselves.....but then lets make it part of a licensing program nationwide (god am I really saying this?)...........& incorporate all aspects in to the testing!

I just hate watching TCIA & ISA make up new Certs, promote them & try to push them as "law" into this trade, its just plain out right Greed & political propaganda to take even more money away from an already burdened trade! But thats my opinion, any way hope you did well on the exam!

Take care!



Addicted to ArboristSite
Jan 21, 2007
The Nati, Oh Hi, Yo
you want a pic of my books??? what kind of online pervert are ya!!! LOL

Going round with you is fun Vet!! whatever makes you happy & if AA wants to chime in?.....hell the more the merrier, what books you want pictures of? MTWFA hand book, First Energy Transmission Forester Inspector training manual to the wild trees & many in between!!! MTWFA is the Mass Tree Wardens & Foresters Association....this publication helped me by providing references to neighboring towns in regards to tree care & accepted practices so they could be accepted as "Tree City USA"

So really I advocate alot more about tree care than you know or think, I am on the list for Dupont in regrards to enviromental studies which will have me traveling around the country no doubt!! On a serious note & not bashing you......you have to agree this certification thing is getting ridiculous!! I dont down anyone for wanting to further educate themselves.....but then lets make it part of a licensing program nationwide (god am I really saying this?)...........& incorporate all aspects in to the testing!

I just hate watching TCIA & ISA make up new Certs, promote them & try to push them as "law" into this trade, its just plain out right Greed & political propaganda to take even more money away from an already burdened trade! But thats my opinion, any way hope you did well on the exam!

Take care!

Thanks LXT, but I don't see this as greed. I also don't see it as taking much money away from me but rather enabling me to make more and I hardly feel burdoned. Feeling a little blessed lately actually. But, as pointed out by many, I been around for long time so I should be in this position (got play your cards right to get here tho ;))

This program was initiated by some kind of grant involved with the Forestry Dept. after a couple of deaths from tree failures and morphed into the ISA involvement and this program, as I remember the instructor mentioned. This is on the plate internationally as a common goal of the arboriculture community. Why? Taken from "Perceptions of Tree Risk Assessment" by Sharon Lilly" June, 2011 Arb. News

problem 1. Within most countries there is no standard or clear definition of what a basic visual tree risk assessment entails, leading to disputes in court and misaligned client expectations.

problem 2. Professional arborists often vary significantly in their assessment of tree risk.

problem 3. Fear of litigation can, and often does, lead to the unnecessary removal of trees.

problem 4. Perception of risk differs within society and among arborists and perceived risk from trees is often much, much greater than statistics bear out.

The upcoming ANSI A300 Tree Risk Assessment publication will establish a definition and standard. This I assume has already been, in theory, established in this course and will evolve as do all ANSI Standards with periodic review by peers and be included in the evolving and maturing course that must be revisited by cert holders in ceu's and 4 year re taking of the course in total.
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Advocatus Pro Arbora
Jan 2, 2004
se usa
"The upcoming ANSI A300 Tree Risk Assessment publication will establish a definition and standard. "

yo vet, this has been out for months. http://secure.isa-arbor.com/webstor...ard-a-Tree-Structure-Assessment-Part-9-P479C2

I do not recommend buying it for tree workers. The BMP will be out soon--everyone should have that, unless $10 is too much for the "already overburdened trade"smen...:laugh:

"Yeah I didnt see your name on that list of over 700 Trace idiots!"

timing has not been right. actually i plan to be in the pnw before long and challenge the test to bypass the course fee. Or I may pay for it all and see how it is taught these days, compared to how I did it. re article cited yes it's been 5 years and I still stand behind it. anyone who gets 80% or better on the test gets a burger and a beer at the MN, WI, IN, KY, ON etc. meetings I'll be at this winter, or at expo. Just pm me the answers.

Yes this will be my 6th Cert and yes they are a good investment. Excellent posts by sgreenbeans etc on this in between the other... conversation.


If a landscaping company wants to provide tree service to their clients, they should know about certification and registration opportunities in that field. When trees are evaluated and managed by qualified people according to industry standards, there is less concern about malpractice and lawsuits against business liability insurers. Lawsuits over trees have caused increased premiums and canceled policies for landscaping companies.
Three tree organizations—ASCA, TCIA and ISA--work toward the professional development of their members, and the overall advancement of their branches of the tree care industry. Below is a brief recap of these organizations’ programs. You may want to contact them directly for more information about who they are and what they do.

The American Society of Consulting Arborists (ASCA) was developed to preserve the highest standards of performance in the field of arboricultural consulting. ASCA consulting arborists possess a high level of technical and business skills, making them the preferred choice as experts. ASCA members are experienced in legal, environmental and regulatory arenas, among others - giving you the distinct advantage when you select a designated consulting arborist.
ASCA's consulting arborists are committed to continuing their development of knowledge and skills, participating in continuing education to maintain their membership. Their professional training keeps them current on arboricultural issues. Consulting arborists are also set apart by ethical and professional codes, which are part of their membership. They serve as independent resources, rendering professional and credible opinions when they are enlisted as experts by the many industries they serve.
The Tree Care Industry Association (TCIA) Accreditation "seal of approval" helps consumers find tree care companies that have been inspected and accredited based on adherence to industry standards for quality and safety, maintenance of trained, professional staff and dedication to ethics and quality in business practices. They provide industry-standard written estimates. They carry sufficient insurance coverage and employ Certified Arborists.

The International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) has been working hard with their members to raise the standard of professional tree care. The decision to choose the right arborist is very important. Trees should be managed like any other long-term investment, because their value and contributions can appreciate if managed well, or depreciate if neglected. The decision was once a simple one. Choose an ISA Certified Arborist.

Now, the ISA has been listening to their credential holders and has responded by developing a career path in arboriculture through our certification programs. This benefits the professional, and it will benefit you when hiring professional tree care. The ISA Certification credentials are based on the knowledge required to obtain each one.

ISA Certified Arborist - This is the largest group of credential holders. These professional arborists have a minimum of three years experience in some aspect of tree care and have passed an exam developed by an international panel of experts. The exam extensively covers every aspect of tree care and the individuals must have an acceptable level of knowledge in all areas of arboriculture.

ISA Certified Arborist/ Utility Specialist - This certification is for professional arborists who are ISA Certified Arborists in good standing and have additional experience in the specialty area of tree care around power lines. The utility specialists work for utility companies, their contractors or consultants. One of the certification objectives is to provide the public and those in government with a means to identify those professionals who have demonstrated, through a professionally developed exam and education program, that they have a thorough knowledge of line clearance vegetation management.

ISA Certified Arborist/ Municipal Specialist - This certification is also for professional arborists who are ISA Certified Arborists in good standing and have additional experience in the specialty area of urban trees. The municipal specialists work for cities and states, parks, contractors or consultants. One of the certification objectives is to provide the public and those in government with a means to identify those professionals who have demonstrated, through a professionally developed exam and education program, that they have a thorough knowledge of establishing and maintaining trees in a community.

ISA Certified Tree Worker/Climber Specialists - These credential holders have a minimum of 18 months experience professionally climbing trees in a safe and efficient manner to perform tree care. They have knowledge in the major aspects involved in tree care including, pruning, removal, cabling and safety. They must pass a knowledge exam and a skills exam conducted by trained evaluators.

ISA Board-Certified Master Arborist - This credential is designed for arborists who have reached the pinnacle of their profession. To sit for the exam, individuals must be a Certified Arborist in good standing and have obtained other prerequisites, or "points" defined by ISA. A minimum of eight points are required, obtained through measurable experience, formal education, related credentials, or professional experience. The computer-based exam covers science, practice and management.
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Addicted to ArboristSite
Jan 21, 2007
The Nati, Oh Hi, Yo
I may have some comments later if you are looking for some guy. But here you have 2 fairly different arborists of similar age and time in in their careers. One is prone to write articles and give seminars, the other is more likely to read articles and attend seminars. Both read profusely. One is less in the field day to day while the other, in the field 6 days a week and a hands on arborist 8 plus hours daily all year. What do they have in common?

Both respect learning and research and the betterment of their profession and the improvement of arboriculture as a whole. Both appreciate the credential and the entity that judges proficiency to award them. At 60 give or take a couple of years, these senior arborists are (can't speak entirely for him) in a good place in their lives it appears. Something to learn from in that alone.


Advocatus Pro Arbora
Jan 2, 2004
se usa
well your picture's better anyway...right now yes i'm in the field <50% but when shoulders rehab that'll be >50% for sure. I'd rather do the work than merely report on it, but that's just me.

A lot of the opinions expressed here about hands-off and incompetent consulting I cannot argue with. But many full-time consultants stay familiar with the field that they worked in and do excellent work.

Overgeneralizations and oversimplifications are mental shortcuts that lead to bad decisions in the field and in reports, and can be fatal in both.

No I was not looking for reviews; that piece is 5 years old. but it still represents my thinking and that is always open to change based on new information. :msp_wink:

Re mitigating risk by removal and other means, here's the earlier TCI piece. See you around! View attachment 204681


Addicted to ArboristSite
Feb 27, 2005
Its not that $10 dollars is a burden.............C`mon Seer, its the $250 here, $500 there, $125 over there & so on...not including my time & travel...!

I also understand why such education is needed...however another cert? not sure such is a need! I think it will lead to further incompetency in some ways.........Jr gets his 4 year degree & this cert...but has never been in the air....how is he gonna assess that?

Tree risk & hazard assessment is a first taught step in this trade, we all have went through tailgate meetings, on site evaluations, talked with our foreman in our learning years to determine safe ascent & how to safely work the tree.....Hell, Ive been 30-40ft in the air & looked into a hollow that I didnt want to climb above!!!! a hollow not seen from the ground...

Everyday while I was an apprentice I was asked questions on how, why, when, etc.. It was a standard to be taught the hazards & risks involved....on top of inspecting not only the tree but the root system, surroundings, land & noticeable defects present!

I just think this is common sense, 101 stuff that most have learned along the way & to create a Cert & give that holder authority is just plain out right wrong! you can defend it all ya want........but for someone to tell me that a tree is good/bad & they havent done or cant do a complete inspection is ridiculous!!! I know you guys think this Cert will help you....understand this: Jr with a 2 year forestry degree & some Certs will end up being your boss!!! when it comes down to it & I have seen it first hand 25yrs in the biz & just about every Cert one can hold..................& bam, Jr who makes less per hour & has a degree will remain while the truly knowledgeable are let go!!!!

Certs dont make you better............they make you accountable! so whos fault will it be? the CA, BMCA, TRACE, LCTT, ASCA, CTSP.... when all have their names on the project? seriously look at all those certs!!!! really, how many more do we need?



Advocatus Pro Arbora
Jan 2, 2004
se usa
I also understand why such education is needed...however another cert? not sure such is a need! I think it will lead to further incompetency in some ways.........Jr gets his 4 year degree & this cert...but has never been in the air....how is he gonna assess that?

*by hiring you or me, same as is done when other specialists are needed--soil, tomograph, legfal etc.

Tree risk & hazard assessment is a first taught step in this trade, we all have went through tailgate meetings, on site evaluations, talked with our foreman in our learning years to determine safe ascent & how to safely work the tree.....Hell, Ive been 30-40ft in the air & looked into a hollow that I didnt want to climb above!!!! a hollow not seen from the ground...

*me three, but that is not all there is to it.

Everyday while I was an apprentice I was asked questions on how, why, when, etc.. It was a standard to be taught the hazards & risks involved....on top of inspecting not only the tree but the root system, surroundings, land & noticeable defects present!

*i got little when i started...anyway that is not all there is to it.

...understand this: Jr with a 2 year forestry degree & some Certs will end up being your boss...

*yes college is often overrated--all I got is a GED so the BCMA helps me with that. So will the QTRA or whatever they will call it

Certs dont make you better....really, how many more do we need?

*Look at other professions and countries. England has tons more for tree guys. This is not a big deal. The expense is minor compared to other payments, and brings excellent rewards, among them being in the habit of constantly learning and growing and changing as a person and a professional. Yes, field experience is very helpful--50/50 with book learning is good, too far in either direction leaves one deficient imo.

Folks need to do the math in terms of $/day or /10 years and compare cert cost (ceus can be cheap if you are smart about it) to their overall gross, and their market, skill, goals etc, and decide.

Relying on the orgs' sales hype, or on the anti-cert rants here, can lead one astray.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Feb 27, 2005
TC....that what you have pictured right there is case in point! did you need a tree risk assessor? hell No!! thats were things will get screwed up.....when a tree is that noticeably bad, why bring in another person? are you telling me that a CA cant make that assessment or any tree care person with reasonable common sense?...true some lack this.

Guy.....you keep saying thats not all there is to it..............I agree & yet disagree, To me if there is noticeable risk & a hazard involved, Then remove it!! If the tree is healthy & some home owner is concerned & the tree care person shows up to sell them a removal.......Insistant on it!! then thats were I see this Cert coming into play!

But due to Human intervention & the over removal of city trees or mature trees for the purposes of population expansion....then a Cert is ridiculous...........what is needed in those instances is purposeful laws to eliminate such needless destruction! you all know as well as I do........make this Cert an authority & corruption through palm greasings will take place!! bank on it!!

trust me, with the health issues I had this year if I thought a Certification such as this would put less physical strain on me, all the while making a living.......I wouldnt hesitate for a minute! I just honestly think we all have assessed tree risk & hazards through out our careers.....its par for the course! really what more can be taught? yeah we can go into the wind load forces, leeching effects, erosion, lean & weight load, etc....In the end the average person will not care....! if its hanging over their newborns bedroom its cmon down!!



Feb 6, 2009
somewhere else
TC....that what you have pictured right there is case in point! did you need a tree risk assessor? hell No!! thats were things will get screwed up.....when a tree is that noticeably bad, why bring in another person? are you telling me that a CA cant make that assessment or any tree care person with reasonable common sense?...true some lack this.

Guy.....you keep saying thats not all there is to it..............I agree & yet disagree, To me if there is noticeable risk & a hazard involved, Then remove it!! If the tree is healthy & some home owner is concerned & the tree care person shows up to sell them a removal.......Insistant on it!! then thats were I see this Cert coming into play!

But due to Human intervention & the over removal of city trees or mature trees for the purposes of population expansion....then a Cert is ridiculous...........what is needed in those instances is purposeful laws to eliminate such needless destruction! you all know as well as I do........make this Cert an authority & corruption through palm greasings will take place!! bank on it!!

trust me, with the health issues I had this year if I thought a Certification such as this would put less physical strain on me, all the while making a living.......I wouldnt hesitate for a minute! I just honestly think we all have assessed tree risk & hazards through out our careers.....its par for the course! really what more can be taught? yeah we can go into the wind load forces, leeching effects, erosion, lean & weight load, etc....In the end the average person will not care....! if its hanging over their newborns bedroom its cmon down!!


Kinda like this limp #### piece of garbage hanging over the roof half dead and leaning to the point that I felt bad even asking the guy to climb it , That will be fun to hear how they will justify me lightning it up a bit and a program to correct the lean , maybe they will recommend a Guy cable installed in case "she decides she's gonna go " , but God forbid we REMOVE it because its still got leaves at the bottom and it looks like it has kicked the leaf scorch View attachment 204747

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