CM Small Engines.

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I am a sponsor and to be honest the sales I have made from the Aussies on this site hasn't been massive (but appreciated :) ). I sponsor this site to support the site, not myself. Even if I was making a loss supporting this site I would continue to do so. The vast majority of my chainsaw related income is from tree felling. I can make $500 or more in a day felling trees. To make that amount of profit on chainsaw bars, chains etc would see me having to sell close to $4500-5000 worth of gear. The only advertising I have done is on this site. Every other bit of business I do is word of mouth - I'm busy enough as it is with my full time Agronomist job. I am pretty lucky though and have got where I am through bloody hard work, not trying to pull on people's heart strings. My total income this year will be over $100k, but my chainsaw business is running at a slight loss, simply due to the amount of stock I have bought. Most of the tree felling I have been doing is on wages ($50/hour) and isn't running through the chainsaw business side. I would not have the balls in the current financial climate to go out alone with just chainsaws and tree felling in our area - it would be very very tough and word of mouth would definately not cut the mustard.
Calvin needs to help himself as mentioned, and I can't stand constant whining. Although I have trade accounts and no need to buy stuff from CM Small Engines I would refuse to do so after reading all the hard done by stories - they wear very very thin with me.
Spacemule has explained this numerous times and been shot down - I'm here to say I support Space 100% on this one.
Sorry if I've offended anyone but businesses fail every day, and sitting there whining about it will not put money in the bank. Some people are destined to go bankrupt...
I'm sure you are a nice guy Calvin, but I feel you need either MASSIVE business changes, or another line of business...
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Does he sell parts? And if so does he have a web page?

He's got parts, better have a deep pocket. He's all over fleabay. Not many pictures of parts, but always a nice picture of Randy and his truck:)
I'm always a little leary of someone who calls themselves the "go to guy" for stuff. If they really are, they don't need to say it. People will know.

Nothing against you. I just want you to have more mainstream supplies like some LGX chain in 3/8 050 and some other stuff. I don't have any old macs and homelites to buy parts for....

I agree, If I had some cool Old Saws I would order up parts for them from you in an effort to help a small business. Sadly I don't have any old Mac's and my wife has enlisted a chainsaw moratorium in my house for the near future.
just want to appoligize to everyone i been under alot of stress and sometimes that can have its affects on people got alot going on i have not told anyone before gary i hope you can find in your heart to forgive me i was not intending that post to you personally

spacemule i can see you do have a heart to show your concern

that goes for everyone else i can set here all day posting who i read your replys and really can see i was wrong and i admit i was wrong

thall thank you for the concern

and everyone that posted
i guess i could ask those that do believe in prayer please pray for me and my family mom dad and siblings we are all going thru a hard time right now with dad having his health in the shape its in currently seems as if he is all the time in and out of the hospital that is part of the stress if not most of it constantly worried about him

i wish i can take the words i said back cause i dont want no one feeling mad at me im not mad at anyone on here just have alot of hurt inside at least i am letting it out instead of keeping it inside

last night in church pastor was speaking of the 12 leapors that Jesus healed them of there desease when he spoke that parable it hit me hard yes i been praying puting my problems in his hands instead of me holding onto them myself i am weak but he is strong
i talked to gmac today they gave me 3 extra business days to make the 370.57 payment i have looked on my future deposits and there will be barly enough to cover them costs
but i know things may start turning for me i have to be positive and that is another thing i am thankful for is there are tons of folks on here that will tell someone how they feel in a instant what i mean by that is they will tell you what you are doing wrong expecally if that other person has a negative attitude they will let them know and i want to thank those that did just that you showed in your own way you do care if you did not know it at first

cause you responded in a aggressive way but a caring way

and that i am thankful and yes i may have a problem but im not alone on it

alot of hurting people out there that need a helping hand something i know what i need to do is go out there and forget about me quit b eing self centered like i caught myself doing
and offer to give myself to others to help them in there needs cause that is what Christ would have me do is give of myself to others just like he gave of himself to those in need
so with that said if you all can forgive me for being the way i was then that would help me out alot


and yes i do go out of my way to help others find what they are needing

Good post. Keep on plodding. Duncan, you know to whom I'm referring, asks about you often.

Stay strong,

ole joat
Duncan McCleod, king of the Scottish Highlands?


Good post. Keep on plodding. Duncan, you know to whom I'm referring, asks about you often.

Stay strong,

ole joat

yea i cannot wait to see you all again who knows it may be before spring

if our alto singer ever gets her voice back
i will make a recording of me singing oh what a saviour with my bass voice and send you all a copy
that song is suppose to feature tenor singers but i found a version that is low enough for a bass singer
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you sing?
yes i do thats why those times you talked on the phone you notice how deep my voice was ? Tim riley style i am aiming for eventionally

got some parts to box up to send out some novas a air filter and some muffler parts walbro corp. sent me some free items from the gie last month

from now on if you see me starting to speak neg. let me know right away

sometimes i can type thin gs and not realize what im typing

and if you can talk to gary for me that would be nice
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Duncan McCleod, king of the Scottish Highlands?


No, my 12 yerar old son Duncan.


He likes running the 7900, 390XP, MS660 and SP125c. He will not let me sell the Mac. I "gave" him the 7900, but now he is not interested in the 7900. He has his eye on the Dave Neiger ported 660.

Smart boy,

ole joat
No, my 12 yerar old son Duncan.

He likes running the 7900, 390XP, MS660 and SP125c. He will not let me sell the Mac. I "gave" him the 7900, but now he is not interested in the 7900. He has his eye on the Dave Neiger ported 660.

Smart boy,

ole joat

Very, very wise young man...Mr. Neiger built some fine saws...
I think it is truly awesome to see kids involved with saws. Most kids just want to sit on the phone , or play games all day . Not to mention the youngster has his hands on one helllll of a saw. If i was his age and running a saw my dad porbably would have beat me senseless for cutting every tree in the yard up ..
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