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Ok, [and I'm saying this with a friendly smile] go to the bathroom mirror, look into it, and complete the following sentence to yourself:

I am wood-cutting buddies with this guy because....

Some yr. ago now, I had three different guys I did stuff like this with. Each one of them would ALWAYS cause me hassles like you describe, not exactly the same but always always something. This went on for about ten yr. After I finally came to, got some sense, and got them out of my life, [and they weren't bad guys, just always a pain], it was hard for me to believe I put up with it for so long.
I'd better not suggest using the 361 for the amutation, or for cutting him a wooden leg or somebody might think I'm a heartless smarta$$:monkey:

yeah, I know, but I sort of couldn't help myself...:hmm3grin2orange:

We all do things that we shouldn't do, and hindsight is 20/20. I wish him well, and I'm sure that you'll do right by him.

A bit over 3 years ago my wife and I were out on the motorcycle for a leisurely morning ride. We were hit head-on by a minivan at an intersection(other driver failed to yield), and both got the helicopter ride to the regional trauma center. I spent some 22 days there, another week in a nursing home(until I raised enough :censored: to go home), and was off work for 4 months. I wasn't allowed to walk for 12 weeks, went through extensive physical therapy, and am still recovering.

My wife's mother, sister, and friends helped her while I was out of action. The neighbor kept the lawn cut. The :censored: SOBs that hit us never even checked to see if we were OK.:censored:

We don't ride anymore...had that pleasure taken away from us, but are thankful for still being alive and functional. My chainsaws have take the place of the motorcycles, and are aiding my ongoing rehab....enough about me.

Anyway, I wish your cousin well as he's going to have to deal with this, even if its just broken ankles, for the rest of his life. It won't be as much fun as it was.
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Thanks for the support and the link...

That should be way helpful, Ill get him sent to that as soon as he is home.

Looks like his leg will get to stay put... and here I was ready to ask if a square chisel or semi chisel would be best...

His ankle bones will be fused together, making one leg shorter than the other... Even though he will keep both feet there still is a large amount of trauma to recover from, let alone financial woes.

He enjoyed splitting wood by hand... as did I. I will not enjoy splitting his wood and mine by hand... time to fix the log splitter...
Uh, yea... an update.

My cousin, Todd was able to keep both his legs, scheduled for an 8 hour surgery on Tuesday. His wife headed home this Thursday evening to get their only child (Her only child, his step child) to see Todd for the weekend. At 5pm she was involved in a car accident with a logging truck, and was fatally wounded in the wreck.

She had swerved to avoid a minivan carrying two adults and two children (My aunt and her daughter, and her two children) when she impacted the canyon wall and spun into the oncoming traffic. The logging truck, following the minivan hit the van on the passenger side and drove the vehicle into the guardrail. She was pronounced dead on the scene.

As fate would have it, not only did she avoid an accident with family members, the wreck postponed a meeting between more family members, an ex husband and current husband of my other cousin, whom where next door neighbors to Todd and his wife. They were in the area to drop off a kid from the previous marriage. The current husband was forced to ID Todd's wife's body...

Afterwards, the local news paper just so happened to interviews my cousin's ex husband who was supposed to pick up his son. The only people who weren't family members or former members of my family and involved in this accident where the Log Truck driver, the State Trooper, and the Coroner on the scene.

I am drinking a few beers, just got done stacking a load of firewood for Todd, swept his chimney, and assisted the women of the family clean up Todd's house. Its tough times, not only with a death in the family, but her spouse is in the hospital barely able to move around. Her family resides in Washington, and is many hours from making to our small town.

He is my best friend, my favorite cousin, great coworker and a wonderful neighbor (just across the fields). Hug your wife and children tonight... pray that no one should go through this.
My Lord, Ich. So sorry to hear this. Todd's REALLY going to need you now. I don't know what part of CO you're in, but if I can do anything, please PM or e-mail me. We're part of the family too, you know.
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I was waiting for the punchline for the joke at the end:jawdrop:

My God man, speechless, just speechless. God be with you both.
i'm up and headed to the deer and your family will be heavy on my mind...i don't know anyone on this site personally, but we are family.........if someone will get something to get to help raise money, i will definitely prayers are with you Ich.........please pass all of our condolences to your cousin..............
Ich, that's a heavy thing your cousin is going through right now. My prayers go out to him and your family.
Wow !! ........I'm speechless, You and yours will be in our prayers.
If there is anything we can do just let us know.
Man, I'm sorry for what you all are going through.

If you set up a donation link, I'm sure a lot of people who see this thread will send a few dollars your way. It might help to relieve a little bit of stress off of the family.
Thanks for the support guys.

We have a bank account open to support him in this terrible time... we are trying to get as much help as we can for college funds for the kid (16 years old) and hopefully insurance will cover more.

We also need some cash to get their house better insulated in the roof, so that if he can't burn wood he use the propane heat more effectively.

I have a hard time asking for donations from the internet, it seem a little hard to believe that a bunch of guys (great guys mind you) would care about someone they haven't even met in real life! PM I guess, I can give you my mailing address. The account is in my name right now, the wife set it up. Hopefully when Todd gets home and can at least move in his wheel chair we can put it in his name.

Thanks again for your support.
You should do everything you can to assist him in this time of trouble!!

And then tell him that HE cuts ALL of next years wood for both of you!!!
Maybe while He's cutting wood you might go out and play.
