Groundmen say the darnedest things.

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My GM is great right now but he has a particularly annoying and whiney voice but the dicotomy is that he has a lot of good things to say. He talks too much and I have to wait to sift thru it. He is a top shelf gm tho overall. Keeps saying he will be with me for life. Heard that before lol. Not allowed to coil my ropes tho.
Lol. What's been saving this one, is usually the end if the week/job or whatever comes along, and I can just be done with him for a bit. That and he does have some talent, and knows how I work.
I kinda wanna have some fun with it. Thinking I'm gonna ask him to invite me along to check out his climbing skills next time he has one of these side jobs with the bozo uncle (I used that loser for one day and kicked him to the curb.. talk about a moron with the flapping mouth!!!!). I really wanna see what this is all about. You'd think the kid (24) knows everything the way he talks. Of course the MDS can smell the ******** a mile away.

No offence but we just have to face the facts, The climber is the star of the show. The ground men are just there to support the star and will never be the star of the show unless they become the climber. People stop to watch the guy in the tree not the guys on the ground looking up. I am the owner, most times the climber and sometimes one of the ground men but whoever the climber is for the day that's the guy running the show.

Of course the climber is in charge. That`s a given. And the groundman is there 100% to support the climber. My climber wants me to get his gear, fine. He wants me to coil his ropes, sure. He wants me to prep his saws, no problem. Back to the truck to fetch his smokes and lighter and anything else he forgot, I`ll do it right away. That the groundman`s job: support the climber so he can do his job and efficiently and safely as possible.

Unfortunately some climbers are so lost in their own egos they think being arrogant blowhards means the same thing as being professionals. I`ve grounded for lots of climbers of all skill levels. Two of the best were arrogant blowhards, but no one wanted to work with them because no matter how good they were, they couldn`t get over themselves. So, sure they were great climbers, but that does not excuse the reality that they were also just a couple of azzholes.

Anyway, I still think it`s a riot to see how some climbers get all indignant and whine like mules at the slightest criticism. Total Hollywood starlet syndrome. :laugh:
Asked a groundie a few years ago to send up a tagline.
Pulling the thing up seemed heavy.....cause he had uncoiled and sent up either 9/16 or 5/8" StableBraid.
Back in the day had one groundy who had tried to be a climber and pussed out say..........anybody can climb a tree , it's the cleanup that really counts. Hahahahahahahahaha
Back in the day had one groundy who had tried to be a climber and pussed out say..........anybody can climb a tree , it's the cleanup that really counts. Hahahahahahahahaha
Ha when I first started where I am now I was doing a bunch of side work where I was the climber but I never told anyone I could climb. one day the climber with the crew I was on was being all puss I was like maybe I should just do it for u... And I did and was like not bad for my first time huh? See I told u it ain't hard. Now after being on the crane all day every day I prob couldn't get 2 feet off the ground lol
Fetching smokes?,,

Why not? He`s got his gear on and doesn`t want to take his spurs off for the walk back to the truck. I don`t mind. I`ve been grounding for this climber for 10 years and we get along really well and I`m paid really well.

My job is to make his job easier. If that means getting him his smokes from the truck, fine with me.
...uncoiled a 180' rope he could not recoil.
Same guy would have a monumental hissy fit whenever he was careless feeding the chipper, and a branch would clip him in the face.
Didn't matter who was standing around watching him. Screaming profanities, he would hurl that damn limb as hard and as far away as possible. His mainspring was wound pretty tight.
"I don't wear a hardhat cause anything that hits me, a hardhat isn't gonna do anything anyway".
Yea sounds like a real piece of work. I was just thinking of how many times I have seen a newbie try n tie the whole dam coil onto my line.
Yea sounds like a real piece of work. I was just thinking of how many times I have seen a newbie try n tie the whole dam coil onto my line.

Sometimes that's not such a bad deal. Less for them to **** up!! What with all the un-tieing of the rope, the laying it down so it feeds from the top and all that. Let's face it, none of us are rocket scientists, but these guys really are typically less than stellar to say the least. Lol.
Some of y`all climbers are funny. You brag about how half-ass and unprofessional your crew is. One might assume, not unreasonably, that the quality of your work reflects the half-ass unprofessional nature of your team that you seem so proud to share with others. Do you share this information when you do estimates?

"My tree crew is so f****** stupid I won`t even let them touch my gear! But we`ll take down that big maple over your house and wires for $2000. We`ll do a good job. You can trust us."

Great. You must be proud. Please... continue.
