Guess I can't call myself a woodboogah no more

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cords of mystic memory
May 7, 2008
Reaction score
Between Gonic and Chocorua
Could have also titled the thread "The unintended benefit of wearing my Stihl cap whilst picking up a loaf of bread."

Over the weekend, I stopped at the grocer to grab a loaf and a few other items so we can keep up with the boy's appetite for grape jelly sandwiches.

Long line at the check out. The grey-haired but stout chested gent behind me noticed the logo on my cap and commented that he'd just bought a chainsaw a few weeks ago - a 361 and his first Stihl after running older Homelites for years. He was actually just picking up a snack to nourish himself a little later as he was off to cut some firewood.

He commented on how pleased he was with his new acquisition. I mentioned I had a near 30 year old 041 in my truck and was planning on doing some cutting on a blowdown oak. He asked if he could see it, so I waited for him to pay for his assorted sundries.

My new friend got a chuckle out of the fact that I had an 70s vintage red Homelite scabbard over my bar. He asked how it ran. Told him it most always started on the first pull and ran like a top. Said that I'd give him a demo, but letting her rip in the parking lot might lead to an avalancher type of episode.

By this time we'd been chatting for about 10 minutes about saws and woodheat. He mentioned that he owned some wooded property just a few minutes away where he was heading to buck a couple oaks. Seeing how this guy didn't seem like a psycho - and knowing my blowdown oak wasn't going anywhere, I took him up on the offer to follow behind.

So we get there and I'm like, "Wow, this parcel's only 2 miles from the house." After the gate was unhooked, we drove in a bit. He'd dropped a couple of oaks earlier and we got them bucked into 18" rounds pretty quick between the 2 of us and loaded up his truck as full as we could.

He said that the parcel was over 500 acres and that I was welcome to cut there anytime. Even gave me the combo for the gate since he and his wife split their time between here and Fla. Not snowbirds gone for the season, but they fly back and forth quite a bit/

Took advantage of the offer late yesterday afternoon, bringing home a couple loads of dead and down oak.

So no more going to town hall looking at tax maps to find the names of landowners with fallen trees. No more firewood buzzarding the tree services on utility duty. I've achieved firewood nirvanah. :)
Great to hear...Nothing better than having a place to cut...Make sure you take care of him somehow...:clap::clap::clap:
Excellent score!! :jawdrop: Like my father always taught me, it never pays to be an ####### to anybody because you just never know. The toes you step on today might be attached to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow! See just being a genuine nice guy helping a fella out does have its rewards! Karma baby!
Great to hear...Nothing better than having a place to cut...Make sure you take care of him somehow...:clap::clap::clap:

Anytime I get permission to cut somewhere, my wife always bakes one of her mile-high apple pies - baked in the cookstove oven their generosity helped warm. In addition to being the right thing to do, just seems like good karma. :)
Well, we are just so very, very happy for you... No, really, we are. Overjoyed as a matter of fact...

Okay, seriously - that is AWESOME!! It just doesn't get much better than that!


You know you can't quit scrounging, it is in our blood. I no sooner start on one good patch that should carry me for a couple years than I start looking for the next one.

Harry K

Funny you mention that. I was wondering if that would be the case. Still early, but I've overcome the first hurdle.

I was out in the dooryard Monday night splitting some kindling for the week. The split stump is literally maybe 25 feet from the road. (We live in an 1800s house that was built right up close to the right of way.

This pick up truck with its hazards on pulls up slowly across the street, guy gets out, and starts loading up some wood dropped recently by a tree service hired by the electric co.

So there I am, with wood piled all around me, axe in hand popping open some white pine, and some other woodboogah loading up literally feet away from where I stood. Thought the dude must've had brass balls to do that, but after noting the guy's and his truck's description (in case the cops get called by the across the street landowner I can point them in the right direction), I just went about my business.

Also too, a pair of red oaks fell a few miles from home. Was planning to call the road agent to get permission - but someone beat me to it. In the past, I'd have beat myself up about it.
Over on a woodworking forum I frequent when people score a good deal on a new or used powertool or pile of lumber to build stuff out of they call it a gloat. The proper response back from the peanut gallery when the gloater tells of his conquest is "you suck!" It is said with admiration and jealousy.

So let me be the first to say YOU SUCK!

Oh, also, another tradition over there is no pictures then it didn't happen.
Funny you mention that. I was wondering if that would be the case. Still early, but I've overcome the first hurdle.

I was out in the dooryard Monday night splitting some kindling for the week. The split stump is literally maybe 25 feet from the road. (We live in an 1800s house that was built right up close to the right of way.

This pick up truck with its hazards on pulls up slowly across the street, guy gets out, and starts loading up some wood dropped recently by a tree service hired by the electric co.

So there I am, with wood piled all around me, axe in hand popping open some white pine, and some other woodboogah loading up literally feet away from where I stood. Thought the dude must've had brass balls to do that, but after noting the guy's and his truck's description (in case the cops get called by the across the street landowner I can point them in the right direction), I just went about my business.

Also too, a pair of red oaks fell a few miles from home. Was planning to call the road agent to get permission - but someone beat me to it. In the past, I'd have beat myself up about it.

I have several places to cut, but stihl never pass on wood that can be had easily...I have made many of phone calls or asked people in passing what they are going to do w/ that dead tree...I have a friend that laughs every time I tell him I need to cut down that tree...He says you have been saying that for years...I just tell him I am saving it for when I don't have anything else to cut...
good for you, booga !!

Firewood is becoming very scarse here with oil prices going up and a lot of people are installing woodstove inserts. On local craigslist are a lot of people advertising for free tree removals, even the dangerous ones.

Also new regulations make it more difficult to cut trees, even on your own property. Permits are the ticket now, and a bunch of city burocrats rule over the green that is still left.

I still have enough firewood for 2 years or so, but I am always on the lookout for a deal you pulled ...:clap:

PS. wearing a Stihl cap has its advantages ...LOL
Were also gonna need some pics too.

Hope to get some dead and downed stuff soon. Dead camera batteries are charging. Once the red light goes off, I'll put the camera in the glove box.

Been traveling with the baby saws since dropping the boy off at kidnergarten's been one of my duties of late. Keep the 210 on the floor and my beater 3818 behind the seat. :)

There's a few downed oaks there a ways in that might justify pulling out the 550. :clap:
That hat has already paid for itself eh? Nice score. Got lucky myself last year when a friend introduced me to a local farmer who cant stand the trees bordering his fields. He said he's too old to keep up with the trees, take whatever I want. Best part is the fields are within 5 miles of my house. Soon as the crops are out...... Got some mulberry and cherry last year, still a whole bunch left out there. Wish mother nature would shut the rain off so he could get his crop out.
You lucky dog. I've always known that you could talk a pirate out of his last eye patch and an Eskimo out of his last match. I'd just like to know how many hats you have behind your truck seat just in case the right occasion comes along.

Congrats on your new cutting area. :cheers: We should all be so lucky.

Oh yeah, I think your name should be Smoooooth.
I wouldn't worry about getting the urge to scrounge with that many acres to cut on. In a year or two you'll have 10 years worth of firewood cut and be running out of places to store it.

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