HELP!!! Cant fight the addiction!!!

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ArboristSite Operative
Mar 1, 2010
crisfield MD
Okay so ive been farting around with wood all spring and Ive managed to get 3+ solid cords of red, white oak alot of cherry and maple a little bit of pecan and beech. Everything is split and stacked nicely and seasoning as we speak.

So I said heck with it im done. I took the woodsplitter back to my FIL's this past saturday and decided I was going to take a break till next spring. I only burn firewood in my shop so its not like firewood is my main source of heat.

Yesterday i got off work and immediately my addiction took over. I got in my truck with my chainsaw and headed to my buddies farm and started bucking a beautiful white oak that fell into one his fields


I tried to fight the addiction but couldnt

My wife said "I knew you werent done"...

and shes right!!! I never thought processing firewood could be so fun and theraputic. the forest is quiet and you kin of become one with nature. It just amazes me how old but yet beautiful some of these trees are and they really are becoming a part of my life.

I never used to pay attention when riding by a woods. now you would think theres a naked woman standing in there. :) i always find my self saying "man look at that tree Id get like two cords out of that" or something of that nature

Im a school teacher and I teach middle school. theres not a great deal of physical labor in my profession and I be damed if im going home and sit on my azz. Ive been raised on a farm my whole life where work from dawn till dusk is a way of life. It's kind of in my blood. Id get right down depressed if im not doing something constructive all day till dark.

I have a membership at the ymca, but why go there for an hr. a day when i can cut some wood. and at the end of one hr. of cutting wood I get a workout plus a nice pile of firewood to keep the shop warm

I need to get some pics up for you guys. I just wanted to share my story. anybody else feel this way?

happy cutting

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Arboristsite Raconteur
Dec 7, 2007
Newport TN
I wouldnt call it an addiction for me,but it has always been a way of life for me.I just wouldnt feel right not firing a saw a couple of times a week.

I have been pretty sick for the last two months, and my time behind the saw has been really limited.Really looked forward to those good days when I felt good enough to go to work and knock down a few trees.On days that I couldnt but really wanted to anyway, it was very depressing.Hanging out here has helped a good bit,if I cant bust some wood up its nice to hang out with wood cutting folks.
just a dave

just a dave

ArboristSite Member
Apr 7, 2010
Canton CT. USA
I was just in my backyard lookin to see what I'm gonna cut next. My arms, shoulders, back and feet are quite sore yet I hear a small inner voice saying " come on Dave, Your saw is ready to go, it will only take a few minuets to drop this one over here" I think about it alot. I've got rounds on the grounds but Im waiting for my splitter to arrive, maybe I'll just crack a few just to keep busy.
Yes avalancher, your an takes one to know one. :cheers:
Steve NW WI

Steve NW WI

Unwanted Riff Raff.
Jan 10, 2009
Heck, I'm gonna go cut some spruce trees in a friends yard tomorrow. Sure don't need the wood, but it will be fun, and fairly easy cutting. And there is that apple tree that needs quite a bit of trimming there too...Starting to drool already!

Right now I'm on break from cleaning up some small poplars the power co took down on the edge of the yard. There will be pics of both later. Right now I gotta sharpen some chains, I've been putting off sharpening a while and just ran out of sharp ones for the 5100 - doh!

Addicted - you bet! Do I care? Not at all. Done correctly, FAD is not fatal.


Addicted to ArboristSite
AS Supporting Member
Oct 21, 2008
Western PA
Yeah, I'm just happy that all my addictions are legal and, for the most part, healthy. CAD, FAD, Bourbon, chocolate,, et al. At least with FAD, there is the potential of getting paid for it or at least breaking even.