How far ahead are you on wood?

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Oct 29, 2005
Reaction score
Ulster County NY
I've had an unusually good run of wood scores the last year, and the way it shakes out, I'm bringing it in faster than I'm burning it. I've got two years out ready to go, and the stuff I'm doing now is wood that will be burned in 2012-2013; three years out. Part of this is being lucky on wood scores, and part is just looking to play with my saws. A logger friend of mine is on a jobsite not that far from the store, and I head over there on Saturdays when I close at noon and cut up a pick up load. He sets me up with some very good stuff. Last week I came home with a truck full of shagbark hickory. The week before that I had a load of hard maple. Can't turn down that stuff, right? All in all, I'm fatter on wood than Ive ever been.

My woodshed holds just about two years worth of wood, so nothing really stays out in the weather for more than a year. But still, I'm getting so much that I'll probably sell some of it to a couple of buddies at a pretty cheap price. Already did some recently in fact. Stopped at the local pub on the way home with a load I had just cut. A good friend who was low on wood asked about it and I said "You want it, it's your's". He picked up my bar tab for a burger and two pints of porter, so I guess I'm in the firewood biz. :cheers:
Stopped at the local pub on the way home with a load I had just cut. A good friend who was low on wood asked about it and I said "You want it, it's your's". He picked up my bar tab for a burger and two pints of porter, so I guess I'm in the firewood biz. :cheers:

Dang, you work cheap!
not sure how much I am going to burn a year as I have not installed the stove yet. I probably have enough for two years but I have to sell some because I need the money. Might be over 20 cord laying around.
not sure how much I am going to burn a year as I have not installed the stove yet. I probably have enough for two years but I have to sell some because I need the money. Might be over 20 cord laying around.

20 cord only enought for 2 years? Is it winter there year round? If you have that much just sitting, this time of year, go ahead and sell! Make that money, it could buy you a new saw! :clap:
out of my 75 cord stash for wet and cold days, ive got about 15 cds left.... started in march to replace and replentish what was sold out of the yard in march but didnt get far???? the pile so far has gained 4 cds of aspen and 1 cd of willow plus a free cd of 3yr old blackened red oak ready to go for free from a neighbor!!!! plenty more to cut if the wife would lose her list!! hope to do more for those mn. cold winter days before its here again... minnesota has two seasons= winters coming and winters here!! good cutting..............
out of my 75 cord stash for wet and cold days, ive got about 15 cds left.... started in march to replace and replentish what was sold out of the yard in march but didnt get far???? the pile so far has gained 4 cds of aspen and 1 cd of willow plus a free cd of 3yr old blackened red oak ready to go for free from a neighbor!!!! plenty more to cut if the wife would lose her list!! hope to do more for those mn. cold winter days before its here again... minnesota has two seasons= winters coming and winters here!! good cutting..............

Good luck with that wife list. In my experience, it only grows, no matter how much you do!
First time I have ever been ahead of the game. Have enough stacked and seasoned for next year, and enough down in the woods for the next year. Due in large part to the very mild winter we experianced in Atlantic Canada. Perhaps partly due to getting better at being properly prepared.
Came through the winter with 3 cord left over. Got 7 new cord on the ground and cut up now and waiting to be split. Next winter's wood is down and cut and on the property just as the current season is ending. It's a good feeling. There've been more than enough years to suit me that I scrambled for wood in October and it wasn't dry in time. All hail 2010/11! :) :)
First time I have ever been ahead of the game. Have enough stacked and seasoned for next year, and enough down in the woods for the next year. Due in large part to the very mild winter we experianced in Atlantic Canada. Perhaps partly due to getting better at being properly prepared.

You'll find yourself getting more better, more prepared, an greedier each year.
There've been more than enough years to suit me that I scrambled for wood in October and it wasn't dry in time. All hail 2010/11! :) :)

I've never gotten that low, or late, but there have been times when I've thought "Gee, I better get movin on the wood."

How about this one: Called my best friend one time and his wife answered the phone. She told me that she'd have him call me back later as he was out trying to find some dry wood. It was in the middle of winter, and there was better than a foot of snow on the ground.
Dang, you work cheap!

Yeah, that was a bit cheap, but we're talking a buddy here. Like us, he's also a scrounger, and he'd always scored enough wood for his needs. But the winter before the one just ending, he didn't have enough, and pretty much ran out. Just had some for extra cold nights. So, I'm getting more than I needed, and thought I should hook him up. I guess I almost feel guilty. I've got wood for the next 2+ years, and right now he's only got half of what he needs for next season. I'll be helping him get the other half. :clap:
How about this one: Called my best friend one time . . . he was out trying to find some dry wood. It was in the middle of winter, and there was better than a foot of snow on the ground.

Been there, done that. Sometimes life gets in the way of even the best laid plans/budgets, and when it's 48 degrees in the house in February and -46 outside, the propane tank is on 5 percent and the woodpile is on 1 percent, you hit the road with the truck and the saw and do what you need to do. And you don't let anyone get in the way.

Can anyone say "winter weight bar lube?" :dizzy:
a 12x15 shed piled. and more blocks about 1 cord on the ground. plus i got slabs coming from a friends sawmill to zing up for kindleing. now its time for my customers wood, ughhh it wont end but i love it.
I don't burn it, I only sell it but I did 5 cords last week, 200 yards off the road hauled off by hand. Getting $250 a cord for green spruce here.
How far ahead are you on wood?

I'm not, well not really. I have 2 cords of leftovers from the last few years in a few places around the yard. It's time to clean up the storage area. Bring in what was cut over the winter, restack the 1/3 cord or so that is left from this year. Then get it and the other 2 cords together all in one place and under cover.

What is in the woods needs stacked. By first frost it will be ready to start bringing in to sell.

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