I know you think I'm nuts but

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ArboristSite Lurker
Oct 27, 2006
Reaction score
Oak View, California
I have an cunning plan to trim my **@%&*# Washington pines. It involves the use of my bow fishing equipment and a 'rope chain saw.' Shoot the arrow , pull up the rope, saw, saw saw saw, run like blazes so the dead fronds don't fall on me.

I'm insane, right?
Not insane just using a method that has more downside than up You'll have to shoot a line for every cut and isolate the branch (a bit of work per branch). It will be difficult to get the saw where you want it on the branch, too close to the trunk or too far out. Each time you make a cut it will rip the bark through the branch collar when the branch drops since you can't make an initial undercut. Your tree may end up a mess. Besides that have fun dodging branches!

That tool promises much more than it gives.
I tried one of those rope saws once. It was comical. I never did finish a single cut. Towards the end, it got stuck, I pulled really hard and it broke.
To properly cut a limb, you need to make an undercut, then cut down from the top, or it will tear the wood right down the trunk.
How are you going to make an undercut with a rope saw?
Mike Maas said:
I tried one of those rope saws once. It was comical. I never did finish a single cut. Towards the end, it got stuck, I pulled really hard and it broke.
To properly cut a limb, you need to make an undercut, then cut down from the top, or it will tear the wood right down the trunk.
How are you going to make an undercut with a rope saw?

With helicopter, maybe?

Seriously though, thanks.

What alternatives are there to sending a guy up the tree or in a cherrypicker? Horrible story in the LA Times yesterday about unlicensed trimmers falling to their deaths. I wouldn't want that on my conscience.
Just a curiousity Q here, how high up are these branches you're wanting to be getin' rid of? Why not just just leave 'em? Is it necessary (dangerous possibilities or wanting more light) or just a 'look' thing?
Mike Maas said:
To properly cut a limb, you need to make an undercut, then cut down from the top, or it will tear the wood right down the trunk.

Palm fronds don't need an undercut. Just whack 'em.
Sprig said:
Just a curiousity Q here, how high up are these branches you're wanting to be getin' rid of? Why not just just leave 'em? Is it necessary (dangerous possibilities or wanting more light) or just a 'look' thing?

No danger, just blocking my view of the mountain across the crick, where the bear and the mountain lion roam.
I have an cunning plan to trim my **@%&*# Washington pines. It involves the use of my bow fishing equipment and a 'rope chain saw.' Shoot the arrow , pull up the rope, saw, saw saw saw, run like blazes so the dead fronds don't fall on me.

sumthin dont sound rite here hmm?
Yeah, you trouble maker, stirring up these guys, they're veterans of war and order. :laugh:
Hey scrib, if the palm has one of those big long dead beards i got another idea ....

... torch it!

Heck yeah, chuck some gas on it and let her rip, have a camera handy it'll be a good show at night. :ices_rofl:
arboralliance said:
Are you joking mate?

I'm sure I haven't cut anywhere nearly as many as you guys, but I've never needed an undercut. Just hold them in one hand, and cut with the other. Handsaw, in my case.

Small trees, though, so I wouldn't be surprised if that makes a difference. Or species might make a difference, come to think of it.
Ekka said:
Hey scrib, if the palm has one of those big long dead beards i got another idea ....

... torch it!

Heck yeah, chuck some gas on it and let her rip, have a camera handy it'll be a good show at night. :ices_rofl:

Tempting, but not kosher in this highly inflammable part of the world.

A neighbor told me he got a quote of $1000 to de frond two Washy palms. An old Scotchman like me would prefer to set fire to his wallet. Does 500 bucks a tree sound reasonable to you seasoned tree guys or was someone blowing smoke?
sgrib said:
Does 500 bucks a tree sound reasonable to you seasoned tree guys or was someone blowing smoke?

Depends on where they are located, how tall they are, and if you want a professional job.

Let's see, mountain view in SoCal near Santa Barbra.. I think it's low by $500. Maybe 1000 if you're on Lake Casitas.

Seriously, too many people equate this work with unskilled labor. Say you have a $20/hr man do the work, in CA the workers Comp cost is ove 50% fo payroll. So now we are at least $30/hr for one skilled technician in payroll costs. Add in the other costs and it's more like $40. Now the truck, shipper, ground worker and a two man crew will cost around 120-160/hr. On that high end the estimator is scheduling 6 hrs for the work and cleanup and 1/2 hr travel.
Dear LORD!!

sgrib said:
Tempting, but not kosher in this highly inflammable part of the world.

A neighbor told me he got a quote of $1000 to de frond two Washy palms. An old Scotchman like me would prefer to set fire to his wallet. Does 500 bucks a tree sound reasonable to you seasoned tree guys or was someone blowing smoke?

Pack ya bags (and ya golf clubs) Ekky 'ol boy WE IS GOIN TO AMERICA!!!

$1000 U.S.D?????????????

Are they 120' tall with a DBH of 3M?

Seriously though, can you give some dimensions to these Palms? Then we could get an idea of what you're proposing...


$500 USD a washy ,,, I dont care if they're tall as Empire State, I'm going.

Time to "clean up" :hmm3grin2orange:

Jst get 1/2 dozen Mexicans cleaning the crap up under ya!

