Missing a few boys tonite

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Still got work over here Jeff. I will be out on New year's day removin' two 30"+ dbh Doug's over in Edmonds. It's still a mess in places. Guess you were "lucky".:)


Hey you guys out west be careful in planning your work, storm clean up as you well know can be very dangerous,,, we want to see yall finish the clean up all safe and sound!!!!!!!!! so you can come back and visit us here,,,,,, :chainsaw: :chainsaw:

Happy New Years

That's a wolfy codom fir there, Mr Turner!!

Now try this puppy on for size; also in Renton....this appx 42 inch dbh butt rotted cottonwood totaled this dwelling, trapping a lady in her bed. She had to be cut out by the paramedics, and escaped with only a nasty head cut, and, most likely major psychological trauma. There were other occupants as well, the neighbor broke into the house and got them out.


The other leaning trunk will be removed. I'll set a guy line behind its lean, then rig out the lateral limbs, pull some, then pull over the trunk. My new storm chasing subs, the "Storm Troopers" from Colorado, will bring their self loading log/trash truck, and skidsteer to load all the debris. I hope I bid it high enough. my guess is it won't take that long. There will need to be an asbestos abatement crew there hosing down the house and wood as we work, I hear.

That's a real mess! I don't envy all the work it will take.

Don't show the pics to the woman that was trapped or she'll be even more freaked out. Kind looks like a monster from he!! had come out of the earth and enveloped the house like an octopus.

Need some big machines!

RbTree, I've noticed before that you are local to me. I am always on the lookout to bring home specific types of fairly large wood for use in my studio. Keep me in mind if you take down trees like locust, elm, catalpa, monkey puzzle, oak, madrone, holly and the homeowners would like a trailer load of the larger wood hauled away from free. I have a trailer and medium to large hand carts.

A little more specifics on what I am chasing can be found at:


This storm cleanup is a different deal, but I generally only chase doug fir when it is an honest 34+ dbh as my use of that wood is very specific.

those are some great pictures, i'm glad to see you're working safe. i can't believe the troll would even consider not wearing the hard hat, it's good to see you in full ppe, too many pictures of storm cleanup show guys in shorts and sandals cutting up trees, i really don't know why people get in such a panic, the tree will be there tomorrow its not going anywhere. take it easy and keep those pics coming
Glad to see you all are safe and now having fun with your saws. I know what you guys are going through. In my area in the summer we have severe storms and sometimes tornadoes that cause a lot of havoc. Then in the winter we have ice and snow. But so far here all is good. You guys be safe and my prayers are with you all.:)

I usually give or sell good hardwoods to Jim of Urban Hardwoods. But he doesn't like smaller and knotty stuff, it seems. Perhaps you could swing by his lot and see if he has some wood he doesn't want. urbanhardwoods.com is his website, I think.

I usually give or sell good hardwoods to Jim of Urban Hardwoods. But he doesn't like smaller and knotty stuff, it seems. Perhaps you could swing by his lot and see if he has some wood he doesn't want. urbanhardwoods.com is his website, I think.

Jim is a good guy:) , but once he got that crane truck my luck salvaging wood with folks like Mark H. dried up a lot. Mark can now work the crane into the bid.

I don't like small and knotty stuff either. But I figured there are times when the wood is not accessable to Jim's truck and at least in the past he didn't want to bother taking it out in rounds like I often do.

Oh well, it doesn't hurt to ask....
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I usually give or sell good hardwoods to Jim of Urban Hardwoods. But he doesn't like smaller and knotty stuff, it seems. Perhaps you could swing by his lot and see if he has some wood he doesn't want. urbanhardwoods.com is his website, I think.

Don't forget me, or your 353 might never get fixed:hmm3grin2orange:
those are some great pictures, i'm glad to see you're working safe. i can't believe the troll would even consider not wearing the hard hat, it's good to see you in full ppe, too many pictures of storm cleanup show guys in shorts and sandals cutting up trees, i really don't know why people get in such a panic, the tree will be there tomorrow its not going anywhere. take it easy and keep those pics coming

I think troll was kidding... or at least I hope he was..

I had to chastise a neighbor yesterday - cutting high with a 24 inch full skip, NO PPE (even gloves) at all, and tennis shoes... all in snow and ice. Idiot. I hate seeing people squint to keep the crap out of their eyes while cutting above their heads. Sad thing is 6 months ago I sold him my old helment system and chaps.. he just can't be bothered wearing them... I need to dig up some nasty photos.

I slipped with a saw at least twice yesterday - snow and saws will get you if you aren't careful, and sometimes even if you are.

The big logs on the ground have a lot of stress in them - two of mine (not so big - 20 inch dbh) swung 3 feet real fast laterally when cut... One more I need to get a rope up on today (hey rbtree- you coming over??) to pull it the right direction with my truck.
The big logs on the ground have a lot of stress in them - two of mine (not so big - 20 inch dbh) swung 3 feet real fast laterally when cut... .

That's is why I threw some chains around the two I was cutting the other day. At least while I cut the first tree it could not go far while chained to the other tree. In fact it did pull tight against the chain once cut and I had to use a big come along to pull it back enough to get the chain off afterwards. 34 dbh, 26 at the skinny end where I started.

All kinds of weird forces going on with big, long, suspended trees.
Yes, those are nice.. I have steel cap vibram-sole boots. Cutting in the snow isn't usual here, but I might have to look into them even if just for log walking.
Hey you guys out west be careful in planning your work, storm clean up as you well know can be very dangerous,,, we want to see yall finish the clean up all safe and sound!!!!!!!!! so you can come back and visit us here,,,,,, :chainsaw: :chainsaw:

Happy New Years


Will do you guys. I have to work until 11 pm (at my "real" job) on New Years Eve. Then be on the road at 5am to get down to Edmonds to start settin' up and get in the wood early. No drinkin' for me this NY'sE. Got a lot to do on NY's day. I'll try to remember my camera this time.:)

Take care all, and thanks again!

The big logs on the ground have a lot of stress in them - two of mine (not so big - 20 inch dbh) swung 3 feet real fast laterally when cut... One more I need to get a rope up on today (hey rbtree- you coming over??) to pull it the right direction with my truck.

Sorry, Andy, as you know I didn't make it. (so what else is new:buttkick: )
I got your voicemail 4 times, reckon you wuz out werkin... The Storm Trooper guys picked a tree off a house for me, with their self loading trash/log truck, then picked up the stump so I could cut the butt after washing the dirt and rocks off, which also made it easier for them to grind the stump with their 90 horse Rayco, one sweeet machine. Finsihed chipping that brush, they decked a 24 and a 28 foot log for future mill sale, then we chipped up a fallen spruce. Went home, threw gear in the pickup and went to cut two 40-50 foot firs that were leaning toward a nice old man's house since the wind hit. He's a retired po'man on disability and not very healthy. he'd called me three times, and I just HAD to do his trees. Made it cheap at $300, but it maybe took an hour. Set a throw line and felled the little one. Climbed the bigger 15 degree leaner, brushed it out, topped it, and dropped a few 4-8 foot sections. Piece o' cake. I sent them out to Union Hill to grind three stumps, they did one, then some teeth bolts came loose, but they had no allen wrenches of the right size, and could find none out that way...no good stores anyhow. Too bad, they woulda done $2000 worth of stumps from about 10:30 to 3 or so.....

Now off to Alpy or Crystal manana, prolly to backcountry tour to avoid the crowds. Lift served on New Year's day. no new snow, but it's been cold, so it's still powdery is the word!
Will do you guys. I have to work until 11 pm (at my "real" job) on New Years Eve. Then be on the road at 5am to get down to Edmonds to start settin' up and get in the wood early. No drinkin' for me this NY'sE. Got a lot to do on NY's day. I'll try to remember my camera this time.:)

Take care all, and thanks again!


Whatcha doing, Gary? Fallen trees for compadres? Have fun, ya hear....I'm skiing, need to forget trees for a spell! Any salvageable logs? I have some scattered around town to pick up by week after next or so.
Whatcha doing, Gary? Fallen trees for compadres? Have fun, ya hear....I'm skiing, need to forget trees for a spell! Any salvageable logs? I have some scattered around town to pick up by week after next or so.

Yup. One is a good sized Doug, but there is no access to the back yard to retreive the logs. So I will have to yard it out in smaller chunks. If you saw the backyard you'd understand why. It's basically a hillside with houses on it. Maybe (and I mean maybe) we can get one or two up to the front with the winch on my truck. I think the guy I'm cuttin' for might want it all for firewood. I'll find out for ya.

Have fun on the slopes. I haven't been to Crystal in years. bring back some pics Roger!:clap:

As I couldn't get Rb to scamper up my tree yesterday, I used my big-shot. Hit a 6 inch by 18 inch target (trees crossing and jambed, so I had to get the top one off first) 50 feet up on the third try... 150 feet of rope, pulley around another tree, hook up to the truck, and boom, thud... Couple of others look really nasty though... I have two trees, one at 45 and the other about 30 degrees crossing on a smaller tree.. and it bends a little more each day... Unfortunately there are some real nice trees behind this mess so I can't wait for nature to take it's course. I'll try to get a photo posted today, but it's real hard to get perspective.
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