MS441 or 385xp?

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Well it would have been faster if I had the time to grab another saw. The tree was reported to me by the police and I showed up from another job and only had the one saw with me. The owners insurance agent saw it and said I had to get it done that night for public safety . If you have a unlimited fund for saw that is great,I use only two saws do to limited funds. My 051 would have gone thru that tree a lot faster but on step rough ground it is a nightmare to swing the saw with a 3' bar.

The tree was reported to you by the police? Really??? From all appearances it was on private land and there would be no reason for the police to be involved. Even if the police were involved, why would you be the one contacted? If it was on municipal property the city/county/town crew would take care of it.

An insurance company is not just going to hire anyone off the street to do a job. You would probably need to be on an approved vendor list and at a minimum have a business license and liability insurance.

You mention that the job needed to be done "that night" but the video shows the cutting to be in daylight. My personal opinion is that the public was far safer with the tree in its downed position than with you attempting to swing a saw you could not handle. You were stumbling over branches (perhaps the baggy pants caused this) and were more interested in smiling for the camera than focusing on the "job". Looks like you needed to "tune" your chain, nothing but dust coming off the saw.

Just more BS on your part. :bang:
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Big bars are the only bars to own.

This vid is reason enough for you to reconsider that position.

Well it would have been faster if I had the time to grab another saw..

Grab another saw??? You say your only other saw is a 051?????

.........................step rough ground it is a nightmare to swing the saw with a 3' bar.

You call that steep? Even in S. Ga we don't call that a hill.
Well it would have been faster if I had the time to grab another saw. The tree was reported to me by the police and I showed up from another job and only had the one saw with me. The owners insurance agent saw it and said I had to get it done that night for public safety . If you have a unlimited fund for saw that is great,I use only two saws do to limited funds. My 051 would have gone thru that tree a lot faster but on step rough ground it is a nightmare to swing the saw with a 3' bar.

So if you were in such a hurry, how did you have time to set up the camera? And no I don't have unlimited funds for saws. If I did my signature would be alot longer.
So if you were in such a hurry, how did you have time to set up the camera? And no I don't have unlimited funds for saws. If I did my signature would be alot longer.

I have small cheap camera I carry in the glove box to have in case of fires or other natural disasters or if I need to see under house I can not crawl in. I retired from production logging years ago from a neck injury. I only need to have 2 running saws for the little work I do. The ground I was working was full of rock chuck holes. The local police know me from several trees I have cleared off trails along some of the foreclosed houses in the same area . The camera is the size of a pack of cigarettes. This seems bright but it was 6:00 PM. Yes the owners insurance agent was worried do to this tree falling across a major public trail, the power company need their wire removed as well.
The video is even more valuable, roflmao. One of my boys could have taken our little 028 with a 16" bar and had it buzzed up in half the time. Of course we're running a properly tuned chain, measured only with a keen eye and steady hand. I'm guessing that first cut took almost 13 or 14 seconds in that half rotten piece of soft wood, I think my 180 might take that 460. As far as technique, don't ever get a properly modded saw, you''ll cut a leg off or worse, that is level as a parking lot compared to where we normally cut. You need some practice on tuning your chains from the looks of that video before you offer your tuning services to others, by the looks of it your lucky you didn't flatten the fence in the background. Maybe you just need a bigger saw and longer bar where you live, most around here would cut that tree up with a 50/60cc saw with a 16/20" bar, the key being a sharp chain.
my buddy has both these saws to sell me and i have to pick which one i want. i wanna know if you think the 385 has easier service then the 441 or vice versa?

If you plan to cut often and for long term, take the one with more power. Especially if you plan to cut in big wood.
In light of the recent video, I noted your post of 8/2/2011 states: "In Oregon you need a general contractors license and 2 Million Dollar bond for any tree or forestry work." I am not sure if such a rule exists, but am curious as to whether that coverage is in place, especially since you indicate you are performing governmental and insurance work.

People come to this site seeking information and will often take it as face value given the number of professionals that contribute. While you claim to have extensive experience, your posts (often contradicting earlier information you have supplied) would suggest otherwise.

To those in the know your information can be shrugged off, for those that may not be as well versed the advice could be disastrous. Examples such as the “farmers backcut” and your advice in the thread on wedges quickly come to mind.

While you often chastise others for their actions, you seem to ignore the same principles when working. The prior video clearly shows you working without PPE save for a skull bucket, yet you have posted the importance of it previously.

I have found numerous contradictions over time in the information that you have disseminated, but think the moderators would frown on those differences being published in a public forum. While internet search engines can provide one with volumes of data, they can’t replace the real life experience that one gains from performing the task. As a service to this forum, it may be best to limit your discussions to those subjects that you have personal knowledge of and where you can support your position with independent data.

On the advice of others, I have edited my post to eliminate numerous contradictions I found in your posts and to provide more constructive feedback. We all want you to be a contributing member of the forum and that can probably best be done to focusing on those topics where you have real world knowledge and fully understand the terminology.
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Guido I suggest you delete that last post. I posted almost the exact same things a few months ago and it got me the red infraction and a promise to be banned for good if I posted something like it again. Scotty tells stories about his life and carreer that are to say the least uneven. So what? Move on or you'll likely find yourself in trouble. Just sayin.

BTW I think Scotty has a good heart. He needs to take notes on what he posted so as not to forget.
Guido I suggest you delete that last post. I posted almost the exact same things a few months ago and it got me the red infraction and a promise to be banned for good if I posted something like it again. Scotty tells stories about his life and carreer that are to say the least uneven. So what? Move on or you'll likely find yourself in trouble. Just sayin.

BTW I think Scotty has a good heart. He needs to take notes on what he posted so as not to forget.

Yup...But I still think that all his posts should be labeled "CAUTION...THIS INFORMATION IS PROBABLY INCORRECT". Just to keep some newbie from following his advice and getting hurt by it.

I know he's a "special needs person" and all that but most people wouldn't know.
Gologit, your on the money, I really don't care what he post, I just don't want someone who is a newbie or doesn't know any better getting injured, permanetly disabled or disfigured by following some of his advice. I'll never give felling technique advice even though I've dropped my share, the size of trees we have pales in comparison to what other regions have and I'm not a professional, I cut firewood, I'm not a production faller or a logger and would never want to see a person hurt or injured from advice I gave over the internet. If you were with me in the woods for a day, different story, I'd share any knowledge I have and walk a person through the process step by step, first by demonstrating, then helping them through the process.
Too many folks have the potential in reading into the "professional faller/logger" whatever the title of the day is and get hurt. I too believe there is no malice or purposeful disinformation, it just is, well, what it is.
So why would you get a warning, or threat of being banned from a post. Like guido's? I am just curious on the grey area's? After all the moderators say we have the right to opionions just wondering where the line is drawn. As far as Hillbillyredneck, I dont know him well enough some of his stuff made me laugh, some I may not take serious, and here and there he had a few small points. But I dont want to kick a guy when he is down, or join in when he is getting hit from all sides. Kinda makes me feel a little bad for the guy. But I would like to hear his side of the story? Is he learning, or experienced in his eyes. I guess alot of people have different way's, and maybe think it is right. I have not payed so much attention to it, but it is kind of a waste of energy to follow one guy with a microscope.