Need help posting pics please

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ArboristSite Member
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
I understand the concept of posting but everytime i try to post I get this: " your pic has exceeded the 300kb limit" Is it my computer my camera, what the heck? Going nuts!!!!!!!!:dizzy::dizzy::dizzy::cry::cry:
Posting photos is not exactly clear, but this part is pretty easy.

When posting, look for the box that says 'Attach Files' below the window where you are entering text ('Additional Options'), and click the 'Manage Attachments' button. A pop up window will open and show you the maximum file size for different types/formats of files.

If your file (photo) is too big, you have to reduce the size using your photo editing (or other) software before attaching it.

here's a refresher course:

before adding applications for resizing, check to ensure you don't already own the equivalent.

right click on your image.

if it's an image you own, you'll have an option to "open with". Fly over this and see what your options are.
you might see software you loaded when you got your digital camera.
you might see a photo editor (or two) you didn't even know you had.
you might see microsoft photo editor (this would be the best choice).

any of these will have a resizing tool that is easy to use. normally it will be found under the "image" tab in your editor or organizer.

you may have an option to change from inches.
make the larger dimension no greater than 750 pixels. (height or width) dial up users won't love you, but they won't hate you.

vista users can use "paint" for resizing, the new version has that tool, works on percentages , check the size of your edited image by right clicking on it and opening "properties", you'll then have a feel for the percentage you need to use.

Here is an easy resizer for XP…free:

Here’s the equivalent for vista…a tad more laborious:

when you close the application, you'll normally be asked if you want to "keep the changes to such & such". if you say yes, the image will be replaced with your new (resized image). you find it right where it was before.

if you wish to have both images saved, the resized as well as the original size, you'll need to save the new (resized) one.

file>save as>mydrunkwifeatthebeach resize. Jpg
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damn, thats a lot of work for a noob posting pics. Use a good hosting site and most of that can be done from there. WDO
The easiest way is to upload your pics to Photobucket. You can one click copy your pics them from there. When your posting right click and click paste. Preview your post and your pic should show.
Last edited:'s no work guys. Takes a noob five minutes the first time....twenty seconds the second...

If ya' ain't' learnin'....ya' ain't livin' the saying goes...

You need to learn this kinda' to stay up with the current crop of five year olds...
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damn, thats a lot of work for a noob posting pics. Use a good hosting site and most of that can be done from there. WDO

The easiest way is to upload your pics to Photobucket. You can one click copy your pics them from there. When your posting right click and click paste. Preview your post and your pic should show.

It's also the worst method for the site. It's fine until the photobucket links go down, then the threads look like swiss cheese.

Irfanview is a free program, very easy to resize with. And learning how never hurt anyone :)
