need stihl 044 parts REALLY BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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AS Supporting Member
Nov 10, 2004
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On the road
Ny grandpas 044 fell of the truck yesterday and tore the back all up! I desperately need parts befor my life comes to an abrupt hault! He is getting back on saturday, I need to have these parts as soon as possible! If any one has parts pleas help save the life of an 044 and me! :cry:

The following parts are needed for me to fix it; # 11281243406/ #11281410500/ #11241201620/ 1128/ 11280840900/ 11287911000

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dizzy:
I'm not sure but, I think he told me it was the back handle that cracked. And also a casing on the side of it.
Well to start off i need the airfilter, airfilter cover, That piece of aluminium that holds the carb on,the fire wall type piece that seals the carb to the air filter. Baisicly the back half of the saw.
Hey kid, I was just thinking that I might have some bits and pieces for that 044. Just remind me after school and I'll try to scrounge somtin up.
They are listed on ebay right now too. Just type in Stihl 044
Your grandpa is going to know no matter what you do. Instead of trying to sneak it under his nose by putting parts on and hoping he doesn't notice, you'd be a lot better off just telling him what happened. I know I'd be 3 times more pissed off if someone broke something of mine and tried to hide it than I would be at them for breaking it.
Yeah, that's good advice. Tell the truth about your mistake (letting it fall off a truck) and promise you'll fix it as soon as possible.

There is no way you can keep this a secret unless your granddad is blind and doesn't use the saw anyway.
good advice but you dont understand. My grandpa is the MOST unwilling to understand anything person i have ever met. Any way i told him i would work on it, im just going to have to do more work.
056 kid said:
good advice but you dont understand. My grandpa is the MOST unwilling to understand anything person i have ever met. Any way i told him i would work on it, im just going to have to do more work.
He's got a right to be upset--you broke his ????ing saw. :) If you come right out and tell him, and offer to get it fixed however he wants (he might not want you screwing with it, I wouldn't :) ), then if he fails to get over it it's his problem. Crap happens, it's how we handle it that matters.
His granpa is kinda of a hard ##s though. I'm pretty sure he would find out about kid breaking it, but would be suprised that he has enough responsibility to fix it up to working condition.
056 Kid-

I'll go with the majority on this one, tell your Grandpa and have a bullet handy to bite on. If it was me, I'd blow up over someone using my saw period. Think propane truck. Now, using my saw, breaking it, but coming clean is of course gonna be a bigger blow up, but not as bad as it could be. Think Nagasaki and Hiroshima or maybe even Bikini Atoll. Using my saw, breaking it, trying to fix it and/or succeeding at the repair but trying to HIDE the damage would be the biggest blow up of all. Think mother-in-law after you get fed up with her and tell her that the new walkway she was admiring on the way in was paved with her fruitcakes from the last umpteen years, and that her new hair-do looks like something the cat hacked up the night before. Welcome to the Apocalypse. Good luck, anyway. Hope you survive.
honesty is the best policy. I have a VERY hard time hiding things from my mom, like a wrecked truck. you cant not notice that in the driveway.

If you take responsiblity for your actions, and tell him the truth, it wont be as bad, mainly because at least you didnt lie to him. the guilt from lying to him would probably start to bug you after awhile. just tell him you'll fix it, or have it fixed how he wants, which may mean taking it to a dealer, and having them fix it.
056 kid

I think it might be hard and it might be the last thing in the world you want to do but tell him. I know it is going to su*k but life happens it is a saw saws can be fixed and replaced your not hurt you did not burn the house down I think he can manage. The thing is tha everyone is ok and no one is dead things can be replaced. Its a saw your his grandson if he is that mad what is the worst that can happen you but him a new saw fix the one he has. I think you should be straight forward as bad as it sounds now tell him.
second oldsaw-addict, a saw is something you can fix, but honesty is something you cant get back when you loose. go ahead and tell your grandpa what it is. good luck.
Though it makes me feel old to say it, 'fess up to Grandpa. The day I started owning up to my mistakes everything got better. Now I run a crew and I get to apologize for my mistakes and those who work under me. I never try to pin it on anyone else even if it is their fault. I've confessed to other people's mistakes and it always turns out OK.

1) It's the right thing to do!

2) It works like you wouldn't believe.

Lots o'luck with Gramps. I'd send you my 044 but it probably looks worse than Gramps. :angel:
I hate to say it 056 but, I think there right. Although I am still looking for some parts to fix it. If you dont get it fixed before he gets here you should probably tell him, even if he will get mad at least you told the truth. :angry:

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