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Welcome chick, but... If we are going to be friends, you have to kick that light beer habit and step up to something real...:buttkick: :givebeer: :givebeer: :givebeer:

She can drink it with the best of em'....She'll put down anything you can lay out on occasion.She really doesn't drink that much,and when she does,she steals whatever I happen to have stashed in the fridge....Last night it was bud light...Sometimes it's Jim Beam and coke.

Welcome chick, but... If we are going to be friends, you have to kick that light beer habit and step up to something real...:buttkick: :givebeer: :givebeer: :givebeer:

BTW My son is a Marine, he is in 29 palms getting ready to be deployed to Iraq or somewhere before long!!!!!!!!!!!!! ouhhhhraaaaahhhh

She prolly jus tyn 2 keep her girlish figure intact,,,, ya know great taste, less filling?????????????// oops wrong lite beer,,,,,, :givebeer: :cheers: :cheers:
Chainsaw Chicks

Hey Timberchic,
You go Girl!!I have actually had the stainless steel designer bracelets on myself a time or two.Until I figured out that alcohol makes me break know,break out teeth,break out windows,headlights.
Anyway,ya got a sister?I had this younger gal working for me last summer who HAD to show the guys that she could haul as much brush,cut as much timber,climb the gnarliest trees as any of them.They hated her.I loved her.I feel that a woman on the jobsite makes for great competition.The guys could not stand it that she could keep up with them.I would sit in my truck,hide my face and giggle like a 10 yr old.They would try to sabotage her every chance they got.They would come to me and say,"Mike,Shannon did this,Shannon did that,yada, yada ,yada."Finally,I said the next time ANY of you mutts complain to me abouy Shannon again,you can kick rocks.
So,Timberchic,keep working side by side with your old man,and maybe someday you will realize that tree work is the most fun you can have with you clothes on!! Hasta la vista,Baby!
Hey Timberchic,
You go Girl!!I have actually had the stainless steel designer bracelets on myself a time or two.Until I figured out that alcohol makes me break know,break out teeth,break out windows,headlights.
Anyway,ya got a sister?I had this younger gal working for me last summer who HAD to show the guys that she could haul as much brush,cut as much timber,climb the gnarliest trees as any of them.They hated her.I loved her.I feel that a woman on the jobsite makes for great competition.The guys could not stand it that she could keep up with them.I would sit in my truck,hide my face and giggle like a 10 yr old.They would try to sabotage her every chance they got.They would come to me and say,"Mike,Shannon did this,Shannon did that,yada, yada ,yada."Finally,I said the next time ANY of you mutts complain to me abouy Shannon again,you can kick rocks.
So,Timberchic,keep working side by side with your old man,and maybe someday you will realize that tree work is the most fun you can have with you clothes on!! Hasta la vista,Baby!

I have a sister,she is also a hard workin' girl,but she lives with a bum.I wish she had someone decent that would help her out.....We've all had our trouble's.When I first started this job,I started out as a traffic officer.I had been with the department for a little over a year,had been issued my own car and I was writing tickets and taking people off of the road everyday.I went to the DMV on an off day to re-new my licsence,and found out that they had been suspended for the last three months,so there I was taking people to jail and giving them big fines for the same thing I was guilty of at the same time.I don't know how in the hell they never found out about it upstairs....So believe me,we've all had our bouts with the law.....I agree,doing tree work is fun,but then again so is hauling drunks and dumb butts to jail...It's even funnier when it's someone sitting in the back of my car,handcuffed and shackled,telling me how they are gonna kick my ass.It doesn't get much more fun or any funnier at the same time.
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