Question for Stihl dealers re: Service

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Hmm. David Hume wrote that personal incredulity does not constitute logical proof, but I'd be surprised if it's anywhere near 5%. Even 5% of owners of pro grade Stihls would seem high, but I could be wrong.

Although I think it is wrong to make a blanket statement that Stihl's dealer network is bad, I do think Fred has a point. Not so much true of the members here since we have so many small engine professionals and serious users, but humans are increasingly dependent on technology they do not understand, and increasingly ignorant of basic mechanical principles. Which goes hand in hand with manufacturers who increasingly make things that cannot easily be repaired by users, and are cheaper to replace than to repair. Kind of a chicken-and-egg situation, but ignorance of how something works leads to unreasonable expectations and abuse, both of the equipment and the dealer. Returning to the statistics, even with all this forum does to disseminate knowledge, I doubt it has much impact on the work of the average Stihl dealer one way or the other.


Well said.:clap:
What if someone shows up with a poulan from Lowes? Do you fix it or refuse to because of where it came from?

I dont refuse it because of where it is from. I refuse it cause it is not a Stihl. The only brand we service is Stihl.
IMO that's part of the problem. You guys like the smell of your own farts too much.:hmm3grin2orange:

If that's the most intelligent reply you can come up with, then I'd say the argument has reached it's conclusion, and you are on the losing side. :cheers:

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