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we have 8-9 inches on the ground, it has now been sleeting for about one and half hours. gonna be rough in the morning,speaking of wind,saturday we had 55-60 mph gusts that took down a big hickory down behind the house. when I say big 46 inch through 8ft off the stump and about 130 tall. I see next winters fire wood, really can't wait to get my 372 to mm now.:yes:
Richmond. It's still snowing but slowing down. Supposed to continue till about 1am if you believe the weather guessers.

Edit: just stuck my head outside, looks like it's about stopped for now.
i can guaranty conditions are no better my way about the same really.
I spent 2 hours shoveling the driveway out yesterday with the help of my teenager. :surprised3: We only had about 4 inches, but with the temp in the single digits for a week or so, figured it would stay around a while if I didn't get it moved pretty quick. I keep thinking I'll buy a snow blower some day, but when I get some money, I just buy chainsaws..... Not sure what is wrong with me?:rock2:
Maybe getting and modding a snowblower would be the start of
SAD = Snowblower Acquisition Disorder ??
Surprisingly no-brainer idea, this guy is doing. You'd think almost everyone would have done it
after a few clogs and seeing the inside of the machine.
Modify Snowblower to never clog and throw twice as far w/ Impeller Kit
I bought the coolest snowblower ever, a Gilson gear drive. Then it didn't snow so I sold it. The next year we got dumped on.
So I built a blower from a junk pile then I bought 2 more for back up. It worked! I have only used a blower twice this winter. As long as you have one sitting around it won't snow.!!!:laugh:

I have to agree. The snow blowers sitting around my place are taking up valuable chainsaw room. i just keep stumbling on a better one but don't want to let the last one go. I have only had one day to really use any of them this winter. The little 3" tease snow storms aren't worth getting out the big blower. As long as I have them maybe it won't snow. I need to find a Gilson gear drive, I have a Gilson friction drive......must avoid SnowBlower Adiction Disorder SBAD.
Sorry to hear your weather woes Randy. We had 60 + degree sunny weather for our mini PNW gtg yesterday. I had three of the saws you did for me there. The little 36 was impressive once warmed up. I ran it against Bob's heavily moddified & piped 42cc Wildthing. What a blast, as long as he stayed in the pipe, he slaughtered me, however if he got out of the powerband, that little 36 was right there. The Masterminded 346 was dead even with a very healthy Poulan Pro 365. And that 395 needed more than a 36" bar to even slow it down. It was clearly everyones favorite. I forgot to bring the 50" bar to test that, oh well, next time. Thanks for building some great saws.

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