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Old Monkey said:
Great quality picts and a cool site. There are one or two things I am curious about though. On your site,why did you need all the fancy rigging to get the wood to curbside? For fun? Seems like a time waster to me but I work trees full time. Did you tie off your speed line to a power pole? Not a very good idea in my book; not safe and you make yourself liable to unnecessary damage. On your pine removal, since you were using spurs, why leave so many stubs. I try not to leave anything that can hurt me later. Your systems are fun and save you work if not time but I find them unpractical for day to day use. A hand truck on level ground gets wood like that to the curb quicker. Sorry to gripe. Keep at it. :angel:

The yard was soft and recently landscaped (and mine!). We rolled the small ones, floated the big ones. And, yeah, the rigging was also fun, an experiment as much as anything. There weren't any time constraints so we played a little.

You are right on the power pole...I wondered if I should use it...but it was in the perfect place.

On the pine, the tree had a pretty good lean so nothing roped or dropped could get hung...probably about a 25 degree lean. If it had been vertical, I would have cut them flush.

Good observations...thanks for the feedback.
Pantheraba, I gotta say I think you were overdoing it a tad. But it was cool for friggin around. I like the disparity of PPE/whatnot between you and yur mate. :p

I'm glad you are the one with the hardhat. :cool:

Anywhoo, here's a nice pecan that I met today. I had already taken the main lead out when I snapped this pic. I got to take some nice lifts on this one, and was able to get it down in under three.

Did some quotes today and picked up this three tree T/D job. The home owner is concerned about all the branches dropping down on the swing set that the kids play on. He started cutting branches himself ,(not me) and got in over his head. It will give me something else to do this weekend. HC
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True enough MB but at least this home owner knew when to make the phone call. Come to think of was his wife that called! Both are good people, just didn't know better is all. HC
hehehehe! maybe that is a great example of why married men have a greater life expectancy. (maybe not a very funny joke considering all the activity in the injuries forum this week. man alot of guys fell/got hurt this week...
I love it when you get a TD that the home owner started. You can follow the series of cuts they made right up to the one that they soiled themselves on! :blob2:
No crane today on this puppy, the sucker got bigger the closer ya got to it. Good 'ole fashioned inventive rigging. And, as lately, no one to take some good pics. Just me arriving and again leaving. But, the hole iz vizable...
MasterBlaster said:
I need to figure out a way to carry a camera while climbing.

Maybe buy a disposable?

The pics in the tree were taken with my phone. It has a strong clip and it's protected with thick leather.
mb i could sell you mine its a piece of crap that should be disposable. paid 400 for it 2 years ago, point and shoot kodak. wont make that mistake again. no focus, most shots are blurrey. blah maybe i'll put it on e-bay after i get me a new one
i never have been real turned on by the prospect of a cam-phone. always worried they were lower quality than the cameras that were just a camera. but i hear now that they're making a 5.3megapixel cell-cam. whoayeah! i'm just about ready to replace my crappy cell phone any how. it is a serious POS.
i love working in the walnuts. great structure. yin, sometimes i hate when guys do this here, but i think i woulda cut it a little more like this...(and i would like to know what anybody else thought. am i just being my anal self?)
jason j ladue said:
i love working in the walnuts. great structure. yin, sometimes i hate when guys do this here, but i think i woulda cut it a little more like this...(and i would like to know what anybody else thought. am i just being my anal self?)

Yeah It would be cool to see what the others say about that. There are a couple other stubs that could be taken in a bit from branches that have broken off over time also.