The Ethanol SUCKS thread....

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what is your problem? go back and reread my posts before you go telling people to f**k off. you realy need to start doing some growing up and acting like a little crybaby.
not once did i say you have to. all you need to do is a little more work getting the lower rating or e free.
been running 10-15% in quite a few old saws. far more than you will ever have in your hands. not one problem yet.
oh yeah my '96 gmc runs just fine on it aswell.

I'm looking at it...
:ghost: Boogity, this post may contain ethically impure alcohal not to exceed a maximum of 10% content by volume. Your stuffs be damed.

:arg: ARG!

:confident: WTF, who let the pirate in?

:ghost: T'was nay I.

:confident: Why speakith thy likes a pirate? WTH.

:arg: ARG, shivers thee timbers wheare beit the E, thy parlor nee be parlay'd.

:ghost: Eeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkk.

:confident: That's it, everybody out of the van.
I'm looking at it...

yeah it's my fault YOU have to buy the ethanol blended stuff when all you have to do is look a little harder to find something else. get over yourself.
all the crying you've done has made you look like the child you still are.
again, you need ot go back and re-read all my posts here in this thread and tell me what exactly you are complaining about.
what? you're not happy i'm telling you that ethanol is being added to gasoline? it's been added to it for over 20 years!! it's only been in the last 10 or so that they've started adding higher percentages, where have you been?
or is it you're pouting because i said if you don't want to use e blended (i'm not talking e85, i'm talking reg-super) you might need to do a little looking around for lesser amounts of ethanol?
or maybe, just maybe, you throwing a temper tantrum because i told you you might as well get used to it, it isn't going away, find a way to work around it or with it? this might be it! it's that WORK word! if it means you getting off your arse to do something, (like work) other than just complaining on the internet you might find that mystical ethanol free gasoline you want, but don't want to look for down the road. better hurry, it won't be there for long. oops! you didn't want to hear that.
A few years back, built a saw specifically to run on e85.

It doesn't start the best, but it will not 4 stroke no matter how far out the H needle is turned.

(Mac 7-10)

Have a stock 7-10 on gas, and the esaw will spank it!

Course the esaw has a tad more squish.

…it isn't going away, find a way to work around it or with it…

I disagree… it will go away, at least as we know it. All you have to do is study the economics of it… no frggin’ way the program can be sustained. But the longer it does last will increase how much it will cost us in the end.

If you think the housing crash was a fiasco???… You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!
yeah it's my fault YOU have to buy the ethanol blended stuff when all you have to do is look a little harder to find something else. get over yourself.
all the crying you've done has made you look like the child you still are.
again, you need ot go back and re-read all my posts here in this thread and tell me what exactly you are complaining about.
what? you're not happy i'm telling you that ethanol is being added to gasoline? it's been added to it for over 20 years!! it's only been in the last 10 or so that they've started adding higher percentages, where have you been?
or is it you're pouting because i said if you don't want to use e blended (i'm not talking e85, i'm talking reg-super) you might need to do a little looking around for lesser amounts of ethanol?
or maybe, just maybe, you throwing a temper tantrum because i told you you might as well get used to it, it isn't going away, find a way to work around it or with it? this might be it! it's that WORK word! if it means you getting off your arse to do something, (like work) other than just complaining on the internet you might find that mystical ethanol free gasoline you want, but don't want to look for down the road. better hurry, it won't be there for long. oops! you didn't want to hear that.

I already found a source nearby, and I already know that if something isn't done soon, ethanol will simply stay. I still think if enough people get their heads on straight, we could get ethanol completely removed from the ingredient list... Way ahead of you in that regard.

And I already have plans for setting up for the day if (more of when...) e15 shows up at the pumps and pure gas disappears from the pumps forever.

You get worked up a bit too easy. I'm not as stupid or lazy as you think...
The one thing that kills me is the fact that it takes a 1 gallon input of conventional dino fuel to produce one gallon of corn based ethanol....0 net gain...Actually a negitive when you look at lost food production acreage. Cellulose based ethanol, done right, nets 1 gallon conventional to 20 gallons cellulose based ethanol...Could be off a bit, but that is the last I checked.......We just ain't spending tax dollars in the right places.

You get worked up a bit too easy. I'm not as stupid or lazy as you think...

i'm the one getting worked up? go and look at posts #8, 35 and 61. your the only idiot throwing the personal insults out and the only idiot throwing a temper tantrum over something so small and unimportant becuse i said ethanol isn't as bad as a couple people make it out to be.
you see promac, i know a little more than some conspiracy theorists on this forum about ethanol, been in the industry for almost 11 years making the stuff out of wheet straw, corn stover and cobs... let alone potato e in the back yard....
here's my place of employment:

Iogen Corporation

do you have a job in the field? or just getting "facts" off the interweb? and yes, sorry to say to you doubters, ethanol is here to stay. learn to live with it. or move somewhere else. you can complain all you want on a little forum about it but it don't make one difference.
i'm the one getting worked up? go and look at posts #8, 35 and 61. your the only idiot throwing the personal insults out and the only idiot throwing a temper tantrum over something so small and unimportant becuse i said ethanol isn't as bad as a couple people make it out to be.
you see promac, i know a little more than some conspiracy theorists on this forum about ethanol, been in the industry for almost 11 years making the stuff out of wheet straw, corn stover and cobs... let alone potato e in the back yard....
here's my place of employment:

Iogen Corporation

do you have a job in the field? or just getting "facts" off the interweb? and yes, sorry to say to you doubters, ethanol is here to stay. learn to live with it. or move somewhere else. you can complain all you want on a little forum about it but it don't make one difference.

You guys are getting wound up over nothing.Ethanol may,in fact,be here to stay.That doesn't change the fact however, that for chainsaws, it sucks. Canadians may make it different,because in this country it's made from corn that was once used to feed animals that are used to feed people.Corn that is grown on land that was once used to grow cotton that was once used to make clothes for people.This is no conspiracy theory, but another fact.The corn used to make ethanol is grown on farms that use big diesel burning tractors.I've heard that 1 gal. of diesel is used to get 1 gal. of eth. but I don't know that for a fact.
The only reason ethanol should be used is if we run out of the good stuff, good old gasoline made out of rock oil.It's nice to know we can make the stuff, but in many ways, ethanol does in fact, suck.
Corn is for making cereal n whiskey.



If you support the ethanol lobby you are part of the problem. :hypnotized:
… sorry to say to you doubters, ethanol is here to stay.

That sounds like a statement from some of the “Ethanol People” in this state, but I’m a realist… Fantasy worlds are for fools, drunks and small children. The government money won’t last indefinitely, and in this country the Ethanol industry has done nothing to move towards independence ever since the government money started coming in. The business model for Ethanol used 3-dollar corn… What? No one (except me) was smart enough to see what was going to happen with the price of corn?

Probably the biggest lie fed to us is that Ethanol reduces dependence on foreign oil. Every time I hear that I almost go ballistic! If Ethanol is such a great energy source… why doesn’t the Ethanol industry use it to power their manufacturing facilities? Follow the money… a select few are getting filthy rich off government money (our tax dollars) while the rest of us pay.

Ethanol cost each and every one of us money… starting long before it gets to the pump. Ethanol (as we know it) cannot stand on its own in business world. It is idiocy, and it’s just a matter of time until the program implodes. How long before that happens just determins how much it will cost us in the end.
I always wondered what that means.

Say this is the box...

You just think outside of it like so...
|_| Ideas! Light bulbs! Outside the box!

I will say, it can be difficult to think outside of the box sometimes. I have found that, in most cases, when I have thought outside of the box and came up with something great, someone else beat me to it. :blob2:
I grow corn, soy beans, and wheat... Sold the dairy cattle about a year ago...
Anybody want a farmers prospective? You might be surprised how most of us fellas growing the stuff feel about the whole mess...
Just sayin...
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Did yall know Thomas Edison discovered latex? I read he always though inside the box.And that he hated ethanol in his chainsaw.Well, the first part is true.
I grow corn, sow dan's and wheat... Sold the dairy cattle about a year ago...
Anybody want a farmers prospective? You might be be surprised how most of us fellas growing the stuff feel about the whole mess...
Just sayin...

Yes, Hedge, your perspective would be valuable to me.