The evil that loggers do

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Some will even offer up complaints if you remove a hazardous tree. It's too dumb logic to even offer up argument against.
Some will even offer up complaints if you remove a hazardous tree. It's too dumb logic to even offer up argument against.

I work in a park, and I get complaints about trees being cut, usually some old busy-body with too much time on their hands and a big mouth, theyre like, why is this tree being cut down, and I am like, do you see the huge rotten spot in the middle and all the ants and black crap coming out of it, do you see where lightning split it in half, and theyre like, umm, can't you fix those problems instead of cutting it down? NO THE HAZARD TREE HAS TO GO BEFORE IT FALLS ON SOMEONE! Good god already, freaking humans......
Around here, all we have to say is "oh the trees have to come out, and it should improve your view of the water."

Yea they sign up for that.

Then of course there are the other people who consider tree cutting murder. Personally, its your job or your property and there isn't a thing they can do.
This outlook isn't apt to stop soon. Our kid's, and grandkid's are being bombarded with this type of thinking from all sides in public schools.
Schools used to be a place to learn the fact's, now they are allowed to teach opinions.
My grandchildren think that logger's (grandpa) are destroying the earth, and are the major contributor to global warming.
I'd be willing to bet that these so called professional's wipe their butt's with paper. What do you think?

Look these people straight in the eye and say I am a logger.
I provide you and your family with........

The logs that have built your house.
The logs that provided the paper you use everyday.
The logs that were used in your textbooks.
The logs that were used to make your toothpaste.
The logs that were used to make your chewing gum.
The logs that were used to make your party favors.
The logs that were used to make your greeting cards.
The logs that were used to make your newspaper.
The logs that were used for your paper cups.

On and on it goes. Don't let these liberal nit wits make you feel guilty for providing what they need. But are too ignorant to know where it came from or how it got there.

Kevin Davis
When will people's predispositioned judgment of loggers and timber farmers ever change? Never...They say that clear cuts put silt in the water, bad for fish, yet I see landslide after landslide on the side of Mt. Adams that blows out the Klickitat River for months to an extent that man could never replicate, yet no one blames God, the sun god, or mother earth, or whoever they want or choose to acknowledge. I see wheat farmers to the east of me plowing thousands of acres of ground that runs off into the Columbia every year with chemicals in it to boot! Everyone loves a farmer though (I like farmers). We have orchardists in this area that spray some of the most cancerous chemicals available to the public, yet they are viewed as respectable hard workers that are valuable to the local economy (I like orchardists, have many friends that are).
So why is it that I am received as a villan when I tell people I am a timber faller? We provide so much for so many people, yet are scrutinized for it. The Columbia Gorge is just not what it use to be; a hard working area that used it's resources. People that are now moving here are so out of touch with reality it makes me sick. For example: My fiance has Crohn's disease really bad, along with two other inherited diseases, so we are at doctor's offices constantly, along with specialists. When they ask me about my career, they almost gasp. I'm serious. Talk about being a tiny bit offended. I hate to admit it, but I told the newest specialist that I was an arborist instead of a logger because I wanted a more unbiased opinion and care for my sweetheart. They look at me like I am primitive or just plain ignorant. I don't get it. I'm almost always clean shaven, puntucal, dressed nice but casual, we don't party or even drink more than a handful of times a year, (we are not a horrible looking couple either, we take care of ourselves) and have a college education, but I choose to be a faller. I can't trace the treatment (we are current on all of our medical bills too) back to anything other my profession. It really bothers me in the sense that the people who treat us like "me make fire, cook food" savages are the ones that cry for equality and acceptance.
Trust me, I'd have to drive out of state to change it, we have covered Oregon from east to west with doctors.
You know, I used to feel the same way as you. I used to drive transport trucks for a living. I driven for over 13 years. No matter what city I went into, it was almost the same. People would look at me down their noses, thinking I was worse than pond scum. Park your truck on the side of some street and go into a coffee shop, and have people point their fingers at you, and laugh.
It didn't matter. If there was a traffic accident, and if there was a transport truck handy to the scene, guaranteed it was the driver's fault. They figured that the accident would not have happened, if the transport truck wasn't there.
There was hardly any respect for the driver. always told your #1 with a middle finger, by some idiot in a car, because they figured you were too slow. I feel for you loggers out there. If it wasn't for you guys, there would be no jobs at all.
The jobs you guys supply are log haulers, by road, train, and water. Saw mills to cut lumber, pulp for paper, lumber for houses, jobs for carpenters, and so on. (If I keep going, I'll run out of space). So next time if some body asks you what you do for a living, you just proudly say, that you supply jobs for lots of people, and provide shelter for those who need it, as well as needs you.
My hats off to all you loggers, tree climbers, and forestry workers, and those who do the best that they can to make this world a better place. Take care, and hope your better half gets help soon. And by the way. Thanks for every thing you men and women have done, in your profesion. Bruce.
The biggest thing around here is:

People don't want trees cut if it affects them.

If they don't have to look at, they don't care. So the whole environmental thing kinda goes out the window.

Now we have had some jobs where people chained themselves to bulldozers, but that hasn't happened in a long time.
The biggest thing around here is:

People don't want trees cut if it affects them.

If they don't have to look at, they don't care. So the whole environmental thing kinda goes out the window.

Now we have had some jobs where people chained themselves to bulldozers, but that hasn't happened in a long time.

I hope it was at least to impress the ladies:dizzy: I'd be cutting them lose with a torch.
They suffer from the inbred liberal mentality. Called stupidity.


+1, You are absolutely right, I'm not a professional logger but I hear the same crap about how my dirt bike is destroying the enviroment...
I'd like to clear cut an area and burn a huge brush pile just to piss people off, it doesn't matter that the next year I could plant thousands of seedlings, all they see is the bad.

For every tree people bitch about....I will cut down three.
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I'd like to clear cut an area and burn a huge brush pile just to piss people off, it doesn't matter that the next year I could plant thousands of seedlings, all they see is the bad.

For every tree people bitch about....I will cut down three.

Don't forget the used oil and tractor tires, if you need some I'll donate to the cause:cheers:
I'd like to clear cut an area and burn a huge brush pile just to piss people off, it doesn't matter that the next year I could plant thousands of seedlings, all they see is the bad.

For every tree people bitch about....I will cut down three.

Now thats more like it!
Thanks for the support guys...I am proud to be a logger, damn proud, the last one in my family to keep it going so it doesn't die with my dad, fifth generation logger to boot. Maybe I have just tried to hard to fit in when I had no need to. I have done nothing wrong. Thanks for all the insight, I will carry these kind words with me at my next appointment :cheers:
Thanks for the support guys...I am proud to be a logger, damn proud, the last one in my family to keep it going so it doesn't die with my dad, fifth generation logger to boot. Maybe I have just tried to hard to fit in when I had no need to. I have done nothing wrong. Thanks for all the insight, I will carry these kind words with me at my next appointment :cheers:

No problem. I guess you could always think up derogatory things to say to medical people about their profession but that probably wouldn't help your lady and we don't want that. You can always put a word on them after you get her healed up. Or several words, if you want.

A friend of mine did ask a chiropractor one time..."Didn't have the grades to get into a real medical school, eh?"
In my life time loggers have gone from being heroes to criminals.
Who saved Little Red Riding Hood? Ask any kid today who Paul Bunyan was. Then ask them if they have ever seen Fern Gully. They are shown that pitiful excuse of a fantasy cartoon in elementary school and taught from kindergarten that cutting any tree is bad.
Just a few days ago we where doing a fuel reduction beside a private beach on a Private lake. A couple of small children, 7 or 8 I am guessing had to stop and demand to know what we where doing to the trees and then seemed to think we should stop. Half the state is on fire and millions of trees are burning up and they still have been so conditioned that they can't understand why we would thin trees and remove fuel ladders.
Several years ago our family had a small logging and saw mill business. This was my only source of income. I had my niece and nephew, they had just started elementary school and came home from school pretty disturbed. After about a week of their strange behavior, it finally came out one night at the dinner table, that I had to stop cutting trees. That it was evil and they could not understand how I could be doing such a bad thing.
I went to their school and had a talk with their principle and there is one small elementary school that for the time being moderated their propaganda.
I work with a 23 year old that is single and has the challenge of trying to have a social life in SoCal. His dad was a logger all his life in OR until he came down here for the bark beetle epidemic. His whole life he wanted to be a logger and a timber faller is the pinnacle he has aspired to reach. Fortunately for him, he is smart, hard working, has good hygiene, not bad looking and he can find a few girls who can overlook his occupation.
We have had the same conversation. He meets a girl, she asks what he does, he answers that he is a logger and she reacts in a negative way in varying degrees, from blowing him off to cussing him out. He is learning to climb, so I suggested that he should answer with arborist instead of logger.
It is a shame, but we are looked at as roughly the same as murdering rapist by a large part of the society. That is of course until there is an emergency such as a fire or beetle epidemic that makes a fire imminent. Then for a short time we are heroes again.
The problem lies in education. People have been taught that trees have as much or more of soul than humans. They some how believe that the tree has more right to life than a human does.
There is a huge disconnection between the consumer product and the source.
There is no education of the public as to trees being a renewable resource. To the point where large retail stores claim to be environmentally friendly by using petroleum bags to save thousands of trees from being made into paper bags.
I'm glad I don't live on the west coast....

But in my area, people are beginning to rename their professions. The guy that drives the honey wagon is now a sanitary engineer. There aren't any mechanics anywhere anymore...they are certified tech's. My wife's girlfriend, who works in a hospital is a registered physical therapist. 20 years ago she helped accident victims and surgery patients regain lost motion and use of limbs.

So, how about renaming yourself from "logger", to, say, "Timber harvest professional" or maybe "Forest product relocation specialist", then list off some "certifications" like "understory fuels reduction" or "specialized condition engineer" or maybe a real mouthful like "technical specialties engineering" (meaning you figure out how to get the job done).

I call myself a liberal, and got a little agitated at the comment about "stupid libruls", but I think that's a different breed oiut there on the left coast, and maybe one that doesn't truly understand the term "liberal". "liberal" means (to be) free, but that doesn't mean free to be a jerk. If a "liberal" were to discriminate against somebody, here, because of what they do for a living, they'd have a hard time staying in business.

Maybe "liberal" and "arrogant, self-important as$" are synonymous out there.
That's worse than sad.
Loggers are not looked at as sanitation specialist or truck drivers. We are looked at like Jeffery Dalmer.