Tree climber commits suicide

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Old enough to know better.
. AS Supporting Member.
Feb 26, 2008
Reaction score
Right in the middle, USA
This really isn't an arboricultural related death, except that the livelihood that many of us have chosen is often harsh. I'm sure that had he chosen a different career, the path of his life would have been different. Ralph Green, one of my on & off climbers since 2008, hung himself to death two days ago. No one found him until last night. He was only 32 years old, with lots of time left in his life to fix past mistakes.

Apparently, his girlfriend threw him over, he couldn't see his kids, and he only recently came back to work for me, so he had financial problems as well. No driver's license, he couldn't get around as much as he would prefer, either.

On the job, however, he did a fine job. Hard working, and skilled, I had no complaints. He came to me about a month ago, stating that he was tired of messing around with his life, that he thought it was time to settle down and hold a job. He said he was tired of being poor. For the last month, he was always here, on time, and ready to go, although he spent a lot of time "texting". We all knew it was women problems.

I can't find any obituary or other published information; the only source of information I have is the very brief phone call that came in this morning. Like so many others in this trade, he didn't really have a life that was filled with opportunities nor the advantages of a wealthy family or higher education. He has had problems with alcohol in the past, and I know that he would never have passed a drug screen. Much of his paycheck was taken for child support.

I wish there were more to say, but I really was not involved in his life; he preferred it that way. He kept to himself, and didn't talk much at all.

If I can pass along some advice to others that might be reading this and feeling depressed about their own life, it would be to share a few of your problems with your co-workers and see if they don't help you share the burden. Sometimes it helps to talk about your problems.

Don't always try to be the tough loner that silently takes life's blows. Seek some help when you feel down, 'cause there is always someone who will listen, even if it is on a suicide hotline.
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Sorry to hear that. RIP.

My longtime girlfriend's brother committed suicide about 8 years ago. He was a climber... Sounds like much the same story. He left behind an estranged wife and 10 kids. He was in his mid 30's. We were good friends when we were young.
I was just think today about what you become when you become a person who needs to hire people and work with them.

bad #### PD, that's really ####ed up. Sorry to hear.
I was just think today about what you become when you become a person who needs to hire people and work with them.

bad #### PD, that's really ####ed up. Sorry to hear.

One of the old school (self employed) tree climbers in my county, just climbed up a tree about 30' and hung himself a few weeks ago.

I don't know any details though... wouldn't post any even if I did.. sad deal though!
It's very sad to here, seems to be happing everywhere you look , we try to reach out and they bottle themselves up. What a shame so young too plenty of time to turn his life around
It's difficult to help people with depression because it distorts reality. Trying to get them to see that things may get better is like telling an anorexic that they're too thin. I had a friend who had moderate to severe depression on a pretty regular two month cycle. He told me that when he was OK it was impossible to remember how bad it felt at the bottom of his depression and when he was depressed he couldn't grasp the concept of ever feeling good again. a pretty tough illness that may lead to suicide and the survivors shaking their heads wondering what they could have done to prevent it.
Beautifully said PDQDL. In this of this business we often take on the ill at ease, the rough diamonds, the hit hard times or hard times enthusiast. These personality's employed can bring days of joy other days of frustration. The nature of tree work can forge strong bonds of comrade ship as we work for a profit while avoiding the hazards. Together we take care for each others welfare, even when the day is done.
Sorry for his choice hope others find a better way to address life's roll of the dice.
A couple weeks ago a good friend of two of my guys, a 23 year old girl with a ton of personality, took her own life. She was a great kid, but for all the life she had, she didnt want it. She was smart, pretty and just so likable. Its a shame
I'm sorry to hear this. Suicide is not the solution to any problem and will never be a solution. :(
Beautifully said PDQDL. In this of this business we often take on the ill at ease, the rough diamonds, the hit hard times or hard times enthusiast. These personality's employed can bring days of joy other days of frustration. The nature of tree work can forge strong bonds of comrade ship as we work for a profit while avoiding the hazards. Together we take care for each others welfare, even when the day is done.
Sorry for his choice hope others find a better way to address life's roll of the dice.

Well said.

Sad news, I will be praying.

I stumbled into this thread from the other AS forums quite by chance. It's sad to hear of any suicide deaths because they are 100% preventable. Now, I'm no shrink and neither do I have a litany of letters behind my name but if I may offer an opinion it looks like anyone in a state of mind to kill themselves is in such a dark place because they are spiritually ill, lacking the direction and guidance of God. Christians use their faith as a benchmark when personal trials test them. There are no problems that can't be overcome with the realization that you are never alone. "I will never leave you or forsake you." God's word says in Hebrews 13:5. Just knowing this would lend comfort to the ailing soul.

Fellow Christians understand this, and non believers may scoff at these words but there is a personal peace in the knowledge that there is a master plan and all it takes to become a part of it is to accept it.

So sad its too late for these...
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Very sad to hear of these stories of people who are just pushed to the brink. I often wonder if these people are sorry they acted so harshly and wish to be alive again. Life is very challenging for all of us and everybody has a cross to bear. It is very hard to admit you have a problem and to reach out for help. Nobody wants to be labeled as the messed up freak. I have personal experience and it is very hard to see things in a positive way sometimes.

I stumbled into this thread from the other AS forums quite by chance. It's sad to hear of any suicide deaths because they are 100% preventable. Now, I'm no shrink and neither do I have a litany of letters behind my name but if I may offer an opinion it looks like anyone in a state of mind to kill themselves is in such a dark place because they are spiritually ill, lacking the direction and guidance of God. Christians use their faith as a benchmark when personal trials test them. There are no problems that can't be overcome with the realization that you are never alone. "I will never leave you or forsake you." God's word says in Hebrews 13:5. Just knowing this would lend comfort to the ailing soul.

Fellow Christians understand this, and non believers may scoff at these words but there is a personal peace in the knowledge that there is a master plan and all it takes to become a part of it is to accept it.

So sad its too late for these...

fire away

That post is totally out of place - please remove it! :msp_sad:

I stumbled into this thread from the other AS forums quite by chance. It's sad to hear of any suicide deaths because they are 100% preventable. Now, I'm no shrink and neither do I have a litany of letters behind my name but if I may offer an opinion it looks like anyone in a state of mind to kill themselves is in such a dark place because they are spiritually ill, lacking the direction and guidance of God. Christians use their faith as a benchmark when personal trials test them. There are no problems that can't be overcome with the realization that you are never alone. "I will never leave you or forsake you." God's word says in Hebrews 13:5. Just knowing this would lend comfort to the ailing soul.

Fellow Christians understand this, and non believers may scoff at these words but there is a personal peace in the knowledge that there is a master plan and all it takes to become a part of it is to accept it.

So sad its too late for these...

Opinions don't belong?

Sorry to hear about your climber PDQDL.

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