Winter Babies

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ArboristSite Operative
Oct 18, 2008
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I know that this is a wood burning/cutting site, so I will make my inquiry accordingly.

Are there any long time wood burners / first time dad's out here that have a little one due over this burning season.

This is my first, and I figure that I will have some stories to share as the years go on. I saw someone posting the wages for a 16 yr old, so the advice is helpful from that end, but I have a few years to go on that one.

I am trying to convince my wife that she is carrying a log splitter that will take over when this one is about ready to retire to the "small chainsaw" and dragging trees. (What I have done for my father).

I figure an orange onzie can be retrofitted with a STIHL logo and I will be set.
You better get started on making another splitter soon after you get this one. You might get that splitter stolen when it gets older. I had two of them stolen by two different women.

Congratulations on your soon to be arrival.
My little wood stacker was born last Nov. She will get to run a saw and split too, if she wants at least. She might want to be riding the dirtbike I bought her when she was 5 mos old!

It didn't take long for my daughter to learn that there was something intriguing in the wood room. Plan accordingly, I'm sure your little splitter will learn the same!
I am not sure if it is a boy, or girl, nor does that matter. I agree that these little splitters can be stolen, and women do a great job... luckily my lil' lady moved to me so I can be by my parents so I can still help mom and dad.

If it is a girl, I can always go hydraulic... paint the lever pink or purple...
or just leave it orange....

Besides, if they want to be warm... and spend time with daddy... I will be out back making lots of noise and making a big mess.... (Things that seem to draw children out of the woodwork... and drive momma up the wall)
Does mama work, is she taking a long maternity leave? My wife got a serious case of cabin fever during her time off. Almost lost my midn!:dizzy:
I am not sure if it is a boy, or girl, nor does that matter. I agree that these little splitters can be stolen, and women do a great job... luckily my lil' lady moved to me so I can be by my parents so I can still help mom and dad.

If it is a girl, I can always go hydraulic... paint the lever pink or purple...
or just leave it orange....

Besides, if they want to be warm... and spend time with daddy... I will be out back making lots of noise and making a big mess.... (Things that seem to draw children out of the woodwork... and drive momma up the wall)

I've had my boots peed on countless times teaching the 3 daughters how to pee outside because if you go with dad,good possibility there won't be indoor amenities where we are for the day.Now they are 23,18 and 16 and man I miss the days when they were little and thought dad was better than God.
Plannin on takin Mama leave, but we are still deciding if she can stay home or not. Weighin the option of workin for child care, or providing it our selves...
We just celebrated 4 out of 5 of our childrens birthdays in the past 2 weeks :dizzy: They all like to help with the wood. My last one was born in the spring and my wife had her tubes tied on April 1 (no foolin').

As far as working goes we decided that mom stays homewhen the kids are home. She just recently started back to working outside of the home because our youngest is in preschool.
How do you know it wont be a girl who likes girly things.

There is time for that later, kids, fun and dirt go together. If he has a girl he will be doing her a favor to not be squeemish about spiders, bugs and getting a little dirt here and there or helping with some of the activities you enjoy, harvesting firewood. Kids love the feeling of accomplishment by helping. We enjoy the accomplishment of getting the wood used to heat with. Make sure they feel that same accomplishment occasionally without overdoing it on them. If I was tired , sore and yelled at I wouldn't want to keep doing it, neither do the young ones.

Just remember to enjoy the time while they are young. It goes away quickly so let them enjoy it too.

It is doubtful I will be a new dad again , that doesn't mean this grandpa can't enjoy taking the little ones to the woods with him once in a while.
Just remember to enjoy the time while they are young. It goes away quickly so let them enjoy it too.

Ain't it the truth! I never believed time could go so fast, then we had our daughter. Make time, Take time, and Walk slow so your child can keep up.
had a small litter of puppies

(3 collies) been up all night. hard to belive my little girl is 34 and that I have a 13 yo grand daughter. congrats on the new one JWY
There is time for that later, kids, fun and dirt go together. If he has a girl he will be doing her a favor to not be squeemish about spiders, bugs and getting a little dirt here and there or helping with some of the activities you enjoy, harvesting firewood. Kids love the feeling of accomplishment by helping. We enjoy the accomplishment of getting the wood used to heat with. Make sure they feel that same accomplishment occasionally without overdoing it on them. If I was tired , sore and yelled at I wouldn't want to keep doing it, neither do the young ones.

Just remember to enjoy the time while they are young. It goes away quickly so let them enjoy it too.

It is doubtful I will be a new dad again , that doesn't mean this grandpa can't enjoy taking the little ones to the woods with him once in a while.

Words of wisdom.
I have a 6 year old girl this fall she started gathering kindling for me and started to learn how to split some small chunks of pine into kindling for me. She loves it !!! I am afraid one day she to will be stolen away from me. I also have a 2 year old foster daughter and a 3 month old foster son. Hopefully we will be adopting them within the next year. Having your children help out with chores like firewwod and gardening is well worth the effort. It may take longer at first to get the job done but the values that they learn are priceless.:clap: