Whats your profession, and why do you need your saw?

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After watching cops ruin a innocent guy who gave me a lot of work i j ave lost a lot of respect for them they wanted his land an lied to get it planted some a ya know what kind of seeds on it took damn good care of em too finny they knew just how to find them . th guy is adecent man and I am sick of a bunch of cops abusing thier power .
to get what they want we should not be giving 20 somethings that much power as welll a sa firearm . I pay 100 bucks for them to drink coffee for 2 hours ?? WTF Do something like slow down the cars Duh
maybe wher you are they are cool but we have a major problem with them .
we are implementing a civilian oversight committee over the PDs objections tell me a lot forcing cameras into cars cannot take guns at home for now . have to turn all in . they made thier own mess but too late my buddy is suie the town our taxes are rising great going so yeah i am abit mad at them
So when socop over does it and has cop suff it is annoying just say I am acop and cut fire wood no need fro all the Look at me I am a cop BS
Oh another one is cooling his heals in county jail pending assault and rape of his wife nice guy . :chainsawguy:
and no supervision .
Oh just saying he enjoys beating things that do not obey says it all to me . most cops i know would cringe at that . even the guys who drink coffee and watch cars go by .
Sorry but after my court room experience and seeing out right perjury they lost any rep sect i had and i am sick of all cops as heros most just do thire jobs .
Thankfully he was acquitted his life is still a mess . Not much happened to the cops at least prison for thiner crimes??? :chainsawguy:

I did not mean to offend your wife just the overkill I am a cop stuff not all cops a nice guys or heroes a over used word . OK

So SLOW THE F?CK DOWN and type to where people can read what you're saying..I don't understand,your signature is typed clearly,but I can read German better than I can make out what you are saying in your posts.....Being humorous is fine,telling people you are a cop hater is voicing your opinion,which is also OK...But making jokes about fatal injuries is not funny in any way,shape or form.If your friend is truly innocent was screwed over in such a way,then I hate it for him..Just remember the cop will get his in the end..What goes around comes around...But every other cop in the US isn't responsible for it.
I am a computer systems analyst, and I need my saws for...uhhh. Well, they look good in the garage, and if we ever get another bad hurricane it will be much faster than all my neighbors Mac and Poulans.
: :hmm3grin2orange: : :ices_rofl: :censored: :sucks: :jester: :buttkick: :angry: :chainsawguy:
UN you nee grey matter to use a chain saw unlike perjury on NO DA to coach ya either way kind of funny .use chipper head first, test saw on wrist and always dropstart a sdaw between your legs!

Hey Buddy, whats eatin' you, Hired Gun's a decent sort from what I've seen. Ease up man.
Enlisted in the Army 18 years ago. Since then the Army has given me a commission a BS an MS and taught me how to fly helicopters. Currently teach human factors engineering at the United States Military Academy at West Point. Next summer back out to the big green machine. Own a 300 acre hunting camp in upstate NY - use my saw to keep the trails clear and bring home a few cords of wood a year. Can't own too many toys, moving every 2-3 years has kept us pretty lean.
Lot's of Computer guys around!!. Network Analyst (cisco stuff) and Unix geek, (hence the username). I use my saws mostly to cut firewood for backyard parties.
Ok guys, I think Mtnman4ever realises he has offended a few people with his post. It was however just one post and the guy (or his friend) has obviously been mistreated by some bad cops. Thats just not on either! But as you guys have said it does not mean HiredGun is bad also. So lets just call it an indiscretion and leave the matter be. That is: no more replies on this matter.

Mtnman4ever: I don't want you to stop posting all together and I am sure you have good counsel to give from your experiences. Thats why most are here. To give and receive! in an appropriate manner.

I do not however take back the bad rep you received. I am sorry but your post was inappropriate and deserving of it.

If you wish to continue sharing your views on this matter: Please start a new thread where we can choose whether we would like to participate.:)
Thats some greenhouse you built 'in your spare time'!!! You could survive a nuclear holocaust with that thing:clap:

:heart: I love my lady too!!! :heart: :biggrinbounce2:

I manufacture OEM stripe kits for the classic Fords by day.I cut firewood for 2 households in my spare time.(Yeah "spare time" what a joke!)
The chain saw addiction started when I got bored with fixing up old riding mowers(Ford and Bolens mostly).We have about 30 acres in the blueridge mountains with the shenandoah river out the back door.
I'm currently looking at building a log cabin back in the river hills,so I guess my next step will be a CSM.
Last count I had about 40 saws,so if anyone wants an old project saw let me know,I need to clean out the herd.
Spent last winter building a Greenhouse for the other half in my so called spare time.And still want to have a get together one weekend.


We have not heard much from the full timers?!!

im in the forestry/arboriculture and fire wood buisness so chainsaws are pretty important for my every day goings on!

Cheers those that are!! :cheers:

A breif history and/or pedigree would be interesting if you fellar's (Fellers) are willing. And whats your main saw :chainsawguy:
I'm a cnc/machinist, I use my saw's to block up my firewood and yard clean up. I love the honesty of hard work and many a time when at work trying to squeeze that precious .001'' of accuracy out of a wore out machine I dream of being out in the woods with a saw, I've never worked in the woods but I love the out doors and I love cutting wood It will probably always be a dream though because I'm 33 now and its probably not a good age to start working in the woods. If I ever win the lotto I'm buying myself a huge wood lot and working my ass off.:chainsawguy: I just read this over and it kind of reads like I'm NUTS :crazy1: :crazy1:
im an civil engineer/developer with geology as a hobby. ive spent 10-15 years working in remote areas with all sorts of 'big-boy toys'. a passe quote says that 'men and boys are the same only their sand box grows', i agree whole heartly.
I'm an architect but have always enjoyed doing stuff with tools, it just feels "right".

In the winter I run the snowmaking plant at one of our local resorts - six Centac air compressors (1500 horsepower EACH, three stage turbines, water cooled) and seven 750 horsepower pumps (1,000 gallons per minute each at about 1,000 psi).

I am a bodyshop tech for Mercedes Benz. I have always worked on all kinds of stuff in my spare time. Found this site and thanks to all , I wanna buy every dam chainsaw I see .
Seriously Mntman,, This post is for you!!!!!!

Hey Buddy, whats eatin' you, Hired Gun's a decent sort from what I've seen. Ease up man.

Chill Out,,,,There are several of us on this board who are very Deep into LE,,, or have very close family in that service,,,, We are very proud of them for their devotion,,,,,

The majority are regular people,,, Dont be so quick to lump em all together as they do with apples,,,,,, one or two bad ones,,,,, does not spoil the whole bunch!!!!!

Nuff Said,,,,

US Dept of Energy communications systems. My job takes me into remote areas and the Dolmar 7900 rides with me just in case I need to clear a path.
75% of my heating in the cold Utah winters is woodstove. So I haul firewood every year. Running a saw is the only "chore" that isn't a chore.
Chill Out,,,,There are several of us on this board who are very Deep into LE,,, or have very close family in that service,,,, We are very proud of them for their devotion,,,,,

The majority are regular people,,, Dont be so quick to lump em all together as they do with apples,,,,,, one or two bad ones,,,,, does not spoil the whole bunch!!!!!

Nuff Said,,,,


+1 My wife got into it because she had just gotten out of the military and needed a job that paid better than waiting tables or checking people out at the store..She keeps trying to get out of it,but it keeps calling her back.