The evil that loggers do

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I thought you were busy doing volunteer awareness of the mighty Dolmar.:cheers:

Nope. Not Me.
There is a lot of loggers here complaining how they are being treated, and are tried to make them feel ashamed of what they do for a living, by the Public. It doesn't matter what job is being done in the eye of the Public, Somebody will sure catch H_ _ L for what they do. Then I happened to remember what happened in the past, about the logging industry, and was explaining what I remembered. That's all.
Opps my comment was really directed at Spacenules comment not yours!

I thought I quoted his, I'll have to look now:cheers:
Good post. I know you were just kidding but I think I'll keep my job title the way it's listed on my IRS forms...logger. I refuse to change or dumb-down or in any way hide what I've spent my whole life doing.
You tell 'em Bob. Don't be afraid to be who you really are. :greenchainsaw: :ices_rofl:
When will people's pre-dispositioned judegment of loggers and timber farmers ever change? Never...They say that clear cuts put silt in the water, bad for fish, yet I see landslide after landside on the side of Mt. Adams that blows out the Klickitat River for months to an extent that man could never replicate, yet no one blames God, the sun god, or mother earth, or whoever they want or choose to accknowledge. I see wheat farmers to the east of me plowing thousands of acres of ground that runs off into the Columbia every year with chemicals in it to boot! Everyone loves a farmer though (I like farmers). We have orchardists in this area that spray some of the most cancerous chemicals available to the public, yet they are viewed as respectable hard workers that are valuable to the local economy (I like orchardists, have many friends that are).
So why is it that I am recieved as a villan when I tell people I am a timber faller? We provide so much for so many people, yet are scrutinized for it. The Columbia Gorge is just not what it use to be; a hard working area that used it's resources. People that are now moving here are so out of touch with reality it makes me sick. For example: My fiance has Chron's disease really bad, along with two other inherited diseases, so we are at doctor's offices constantly, along with specialists. When they ask me about my carreer, they almost gasp. I'm serious. Talk about being a tiny bit offended. I hate to admit it, but I told the newest specialist that I was an arborist instead of a logger because I wanted a more un-biased opinion and care for my sweetheart. They look at me like I am primitive or just plain ignorant. I don't get it. I'm almost always clean shaven, puntucal, dressed nice but casual, we don't party or even drink more than a handful of times a year, (we are not a horrible looking couple either, we take care of ourselves) and have a college education, but I choose to be a faller. I can't trace the treatment (we are current on all of our medical bills too) back to anything other my proffession. It really bothers me in the sense that the people who treat us like "me make fire, cook food" savages are the ones that cry for equality and acceptance.
Trust me, I'd have to drive out of state to change it, we have covered Oregon from east to west with doctors.

Burvol, I wish your fiance all the best in her treatment and care.

The same can be said for most professions. If I was in your neck of the woods and told a bunch of loggers I was a biologist, I would assume they would treat me similarly. Take the good with the bad. You are providing a valuable resource to all, whether they like it or not. You know logging and others know what they do and should stick to that. I doubt very few medical doctors know the real environmental impacts outside of the media hype.

Have you looked into the link between Johnne's (pronounced yonies) disease in cows and it's transmission to humans? It has been suggested as a cause of Crohn's disease. Pasteurization doesn't always kill the toxin.
Nope. Not Me.
There is a lot of loggers here complaining how they are being treated, and are tried to make them feel ashamed of what they do for a living, by the Public. It doesn't matter what job is being done in the eye of the Public, Somebody will sure catch H_ _ L for what they do.
Be proud of your selves, and take pride in what you are doing.
Burvol said:
I can't trace the treatment (we are current on all of our medical bills too) back to anything other my proffession. It really bothers me in the sense that the people who treat us like "me make fire, cook food" savages are the ones that cry for equality and acceptance.
gink595 said:
I know it's tough, but if you feel your health services are being compromised because of your profession you might want to find elsewhere, next time someone askes what it is you do, thats not their buisness.
Ha ha ha.
Well, here's what I do to fight it, and by the way, the "agency" I work for keeps us timber people in a separate building. We aren't even Timber anymore, we are Forest Products. I offer, even though I don't like to, to take part in every little school kid show and tell day I can. Unfortunately, the school is now doing the requesting of what they want and timber was left out of the day for little kids. I have a nice slideshow and three poster boards with pictures on them. Little kids love to measure stuff and talk about logging, because they like equipment.

This area also used to be "logging and mills". The demographics have and are changing. A friend tells people that she is doing "timber enhancement" on her land. Last year the Morton newspaper put an article in the paper about how nice the play was that was on during the Logger's Jubilee because it was a good escape from the logging. I quit feeling the urge to support the theater after that was written. The paper writes cheery articles about artists moving here and doesn't run the humorous editorial that was called, "Back of the Crew Bus" anymore. Maybe the writer died? I lost touch while in exile.

I take part in another website that is 90% tree huggers. I think they would love to kick me off, but I hang in there and remind them, when they whine about the conditions of the roads in the forest, that 90% of those roads were built and maintained for logging. If they want good roads again, better start logging or else pay a fee. Lordy, they hate that logic. The scary part is, they want to turn our area, and most all the woodsy rural areas into their playground. They'll come right out and tell us we can always move and find jobs in another field. The wood can come from other countries. So, I fire back with making the Seattle area a National Park....etc.

If it makes you feel better, and it is an evil thought, I can see the day when there will be too many "professionals" and the people who will be in demand will be the ones who can do the dirty work--like fixing the septic system, running the excavator, logging. I think we are almost there.

I remind the airheads that I don't tell doctors how to run their business as they are the experts in medical matters. Why are people who are ignorant of the woods telling me how to do my job? Apparently, any idiot can do forestry work. :)

So, just tough it out. Remind them that you pay with the same type of money. They sure don't want to refuse it, I bet. Be nice, and then drive off with the Earth First, We'll Log The Other Planets Later bumper sticker on your truck.:)

Oh. The doctor that used to have a clinic here, used to wear a hickory shirt around his office, was known to be the best chainsaw cut stitcher upper (less scarring), and specialized in crushing injuries. One guy here who went to him the first time said he didn't know if it was a real doctor or not. The doctor had on rigging clothes. He was afraid it was a logger about to stitch him up. :)

Excellent post. Things have got pretty bad, and I blame it on the p.c. and often b.s. education sytem, as well as a lot of the boomers. Logging is bad, logging is evil, every tree is sacred. There is no point arguing with these people, they are zealots, true believers. I was on a website here (Tyee) untill I got banned. Many people on that site are highly educated, but lack common sense and are hypocritical double standard dolts, to say the least.

on this site-

Talking about the pine beetle epeidemic, I said log it now while the logs are worth something and reduce fire risk. Thats no good, let nature take its course they said.

We should not dredge the Fraser river, they said, it will destroy the fish. I said the fish do not spawn there and the river will flood, causing millions in damage, maybe billions. Finally the govt' dredged it.

Somehow, even though Vancouver is in a rainforest, we are running out of water. It has been proposed to suck water out of a huge lake (Harrison) and pump it to the city. Great idea I thought. But get this, this ecotard there kept telling me it would drain the lake. The lake is fed by a couple of major rivers and many creeks, it drains into the Fraser. I explained how the lake drains itself into the Fraser, to drain it you would have to build a massive pipe, like 100' in diameter with multiple V-16 diesel pumps to do that (I think they were talking about a 6' pipe) Anyways, I got nowhere, once people get in thier heads, thats it.

These same people could never kill an animal, but they eat them, couldn't start a saw without decomp, think loggers are scumbags, but run down to HomoDepo to buy wood for thier decks. It just goes on and on.
By the way it looks, Your One Of These DORKS that these guys are complaining about, and have to sit back and laugh, when somebody tries to show them encouragement in what they do. What a BOZO.

Oh don't mind me. Carry on with your little rally here. :) I find it humorous.
Oh don't mind me. Carry on with your little rally here. :) I find it humorous.

Yeah, don't mind ol' Space. He's just one of those guys that likes being the center of attention...kind of like a little kid at a party for adults. He likes to aggravate and posture and irritate and most of all he likes to argue. It gets him noticed and helps validate his sense of self.

Having him on AS is sort of the electronic version of Herpes. He'll be dormant for awhile but eventually there'll be an outbreak and we have to suffer through his foolishness until the outbreak goes away.

Once in awhile he makes sense. Not often. Not often enough, either. He needs to work on that.

He's employed by Home Depot as the Resident Apologist for shoddy merchandise and indifferent service.

He wants to be a lawyer when he grows up. We're all really hoping he grows up.
Thats what were here for, your entertainment 24-7 365, 366 in a leap year.
I don't mind you poking fun, give it a go anytime. I always have the option to just keep reading.
I kinda thought Space was alright, but I think he just likes to get a rise out of us. Since we are all whining about our selves (apparantly like homos), I'll say this to you Space: I wouldn't pick a fight with a logger; especially a hand logger. You will get hurt real bad. Oh, wait...this is the internet, not reality. Offend us all you want, your safe.
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Yeah, don't mind ol' Space. He's just one of those guys that likes being the center of attention...kind of like a little kid at a party for adults. He likes to aggravate and posture and irritate and most of all he likes to argue. It gets him noticed and helps validate his sense of self.

Having him on AS is sort of the electronic version of Herpes. He'll be dormant for awhile but eventually there'll be an outbreak and we have to suffer through his foolishness until the outbreak goes away.

Once in awhile he makes sense. Not often. Not often enough, either. He needs to work on that.

He's employed by Home Depot as the Resident Apologist for shoddy merchandise and indifferent service.

He wants to be a lawyer when he grows up. We're all really hoping he grows up.
Thanks for taking the time explaining Space Cadet, or what ever he calls himself. Well lets just say then, he has the Space part right, Spaced Out that is. Thanks. Bruce. Take care out there will in the bush.
I've noticed not one of you responded to what I've shown. :)

Not a homo here but I'll give it a go seeing how you quoted me, I don't know what to say that is more clearer than what is there. But... "I know it's tough"= It's hard to switch doctors when involved in real health issues, once your established with a Dr. you hate to leave.
"but if you feel your health services are being compromised because of your profession you might want to find elsewhere,"= If you feel someone will not perform the duties you are wanting or needing them to do because of whtat you do, you should find someone else that isn't biased and wouldn't go that extra step, because your someone they don't like.
"next time someone askes what it is you do, thats not their buisness."= If you feel people are going to not like you because you have a certain opinion or occupation and you depend on their help, it might be a better idea to say nothing at all.
I really don't understand what the misunderstanding about that was, and hopefully that clears anything up. But if not, I'm here for your entertainment as you are for me:cheers:
Having him on AS is sort of the electronic version of Herpes. He'll be dormant for awhile but eventually there'll be an outbreak and we have to suffer through his foolishness until the outbreak goes away.

That's funnier than hell, I had to read that one to my wife, what a hoot you all are:clap:
Spacemule thinks cosmologically. He understands that all this doesn't mean a thing in terms of the eternal evolution of the universe. Even as we post, old worlds are being destroyed, and new ones created. Some bug eyed receptionist with mush for brains in a doctor's office, is pretty miniscule.
Spacemule thinks cosmologically. He understands that all this doesn't mean a thing in terms of the eternal evolution of the universe. Even as we post, old worlds are being destroyed, and new ones created. Some bug eyed receptionist with mush for brains in a doctor's office, is pretty miniscule.

You mean he's an Apathetic Blowhard?:confused: