Anybody know how to get back in touch with Moody?

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The kid is a bum and not an honorable person. All the excuses and apologies was part of his schtick. He knew he was going to screw people over. People want others to feel pity and have understanding for hard times, well I don't buy that, especially when you've got other peoples property or money in your possession. Take care of that before anything else and that will show the character of a person more than some words.

It would be great if there were folks in his area that can pay him a visit and get their property back along with some bruised knuckles.

And why would anyone send port work to someone that's just learning and is getting help from already established porters on this site?

That was my thought, Im not paying the same amount or anywhere close to the going rate, for someone to learn on my saws. Hell, I wouldn't let him port a saw for me for free. The piece of mind of going with a Reputable builder like Mastermind, TLandrum, TreeMonkey, or Blsnelling, is worth the $250. That's why I have stuck with Randy, I have no worries sending him thousands of dollars worth of saws and him getting to them when he can, bc I know who he is as a Person and Friend. Ive never felt the need to venture out and have a saw from each builder, Im happy with what $250 gets my saws from Mastermind. "If it aint broke, don't fix it." I told countless members to stay away from Moody early on in pms. All the warning signs were there.
what the heck steve! i just got a notification saying you quoted my post but i click it and it shows you quoted opinion's post. it's all good bud. just don't let it happen again! LOL
Wow, yet another guy bites the dust and screws a bunch of members. I was surprised to see the stuff about Neal as well. Like Randy said, people will have issues with stuff if you sell used saws or mods, I know I've had a few problems over the years with some saws I've sold, but we've always worked it out. I always just offer to buy the saw back if you don't think I represented it fairly. It's not worth having enemies or having people feel like you pulled a fast one on them. I've been burned a handful of times, but in general, the site is solid. The longer a guy has been on here, the better you can feel about making a deal with them. I'm only on during the late fall/winter since I work a lot during the rest of the year. Always surprising to see how fast the site has progressed when I hop back on.

I am really surprised about Neal too. I had the chance to deal with him, and he seemed to be a really good guy.
had a hunch many years ago that this guy would turn out to be what he apparently is, feel bad for you guys that have saws sit'n in limbo....IF they're still at his? place, good luck getting them back.........:nofunny:
I had an employee like that once. He didn't last long. I hear through the grapevine he is a heroin addict now as well. Smart kid but trifling.

If he has sold those saws to a dealer the people who sent him their saws should contact the dealer. They might not get the saws back but it would serve notice that he is selling what amount to stolen saws. Fraud/theft one or the other take your pick.
he's around. I saw him drive by earlier today. I'd say find him at work, but.... his "bad back" prevents him from that. He did have a logging gig earlier this year in central MO, but that lasted about 4 days before he was fired. his "hard times" that he kept talking about were at his own doing.

one could go after him legally, but it's hard to garnish pocket lint....

oh, and hey Ty

Law enforcement would not be involved with any civil action, but would for a criminal investigation. If he has acquired, retained or disposed of property that belongs to others there are legal ramifications that are punishable.
He's not a druggie.... I've never met anyone like him before. It's a combination of: laziness, zero work ethic, inability to see or do what is right, lack of common sense, extreme dishonesty, champagne taste on a tap water budget, cockiness, in-ability to accept blame, and the uncanny ability to consistently act like a f#cktard.

I hate to say this, but I'm pretty certain that all the aforementioned saws that are (were) in his possession have likely been sold to the local husky dealer....

he "self diagnosed" himself with aspergers last fall, so I think he has convinced himself that anytime he screws someone over, it's aspergers. I actually heard him say once "my aspergers is flaring up".....

hmmm maybe he should look into politics.

I've seen several post where people are wanting sponser list. Maybe this is a good time for the mods to try and create such a list. I'm sure this could be done. Even if you simply list the name and each member can give them a thumbs up or down rating. I work hard for the trust I earn and I dam sure am not willing to loose that.
I've seen several post where people are wanting sponser list. Maybe this is a good time for the mods to try and create such a list. I'm sure this could be done. Even if you simply list the name and each member can give them a thumbs up or down rating. I work hard for the trust I earn and I dam sure am not willing to loose that.
That's a great idea. But votes should be only allowed from the guys who have already dealt with the sponsor. If everybody is allowed to vote, then this will mean nothing.
Neal did me good always thought he was one of good guys and still do nobody's B.S. is going to change that.
I'm sure he did several of his customers good over the years, but a few months back he neglected to respond to a customer altogether. It was then taken to administration, who tried to contact him to find a resolution......... nothing from him. Therefore, he is no more. Sad really.

Life time to build a reputation, seconds to destroy it............
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