044 gamble

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Nothing but 32:1
Jul 15, 2009
Reaction score
Either work or home
well guys ,i finally did it ,i bought a 044 on ebay<much to my wifes disgust>,didn't know anything about this saw ,pic looked ok so i thought what the heck,had to drive 3hours to pick it up<more filthy looks>,turns out it's an old Brisbane city council saw,bent 20" bar big time ,plastics missing and now that its stripped she's got marks in the cylinder,looks like a bb kit is going to be the order of the day, probly the best thing is the pin size is 12mm<didn't know that when buying it> looking foward to building this,have read heaps on hear about modding one of these< will post pics later>
good deal.

so did the gamble pay off or not?

ill probly build one more 044/440. id like to do a 460 top end on one

looking forward to the pics
You'll like the 044 and I'm sure you'll like it all the more for having built it up yourself. They are tremendous saws by any standard. Keep us posted and congratulations!
did you pressure and vac test the bottom end before you torn it down.
she dont look that bad at all, what did you pay for it? tank looks like it is all there, and thats a good thing...
no pressure test,but i found base gasket not sealing 1 bolt was loose,probly had been started without cleaner fitted thats how she come ,carb screws way out or should i say "way in"the high screwwas only out half turn? hadn't been apart before but will give it the full treatment before i run it,prob paid to much compared to what u guys would pay, stuff like that is a bit scarce over here ,but thats what its all about isn't it,bringing another one back to life and having a ball doing it.had to resize pics, see how this goes.
you going to try an clean that cylinder up? it looks pretty clean. just alittle bit of scoreing on the piston. how bads the cylinder?
yeah, it says project 044 big bore in his sig line
Yeah guys i thought about that ,just putting a piston in and giving it a go but since the bb kits are pretty reasonably priced incl shipping to oz why not,will keep P&c on shelf if it cleans up ,its a mahle can"t bring myself to throwing it
if no good anyway
the stock cyl with a meteor piston will make more power than a stock BB kit...
parts arriving

well the parts are slowly turning up,got the bb kit a few days ago,checked ring end gap .004" and .005".This seems a bit tight to me ,guys what should the optimal ring gap be set at,and piston to bore clearance ,have looked but can't find specifics.some info here would be a great help.also has rings with the groove around the face ,has anyone had probs with these,this kit is a NOS branded,
044 project complete






Well guys finally finished the rebuild ,this saw is awsome have only run one tank through it so far pulling 25"bar,wow does it wick up quick of idle,done some porting,port matching,muf mod,set squish at .023",threw those grooved rings and ordered a set of cabers from old mate in greece,gapped them ,compression cold is 175psi,give a paint job,this is one project that to me has turned out better than expected,here are some pics <sorry for the pic quality>
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