A Tale of Three Saws

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Anytime someone comes with the ole "my saw is best and yours is inferior" fanboy talk, they should be directed to this thread.

Just goes to show that either of these saws are awesome and theres really not any one saw better than the rest. Personal preference is the only factor. Stihl, Husky, Dolmar/kita....does'nt matter. Either will give you your money's worth in performance.

This thread is awesome on so many levels!!!!

I mean, I'm going to go insane waiting for the modded saw showdown!

:cheers: Brad S. :yourock: :cheers:
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Nice work Brad, I'd be interested to see that same test run again with 8-pin rims on'em. To late or can it be done???

(yes I know to late at night now, I meant if you haven't torn them down already.... I know how your OCD works. :laugh:)

8-pin??? :monkey:
Anytime someone comes with the ole "my saw is best and yours is inferior" fanboy talk, they should be directed to this thread.

Just goes to show that either of these saws are awesome and theres really not any one saw better than the rest. Personal preference is the only factor.

Exactly. At least in this size wood, there is basically no difference between the MS660 390XP.
Cylinder or crankcase? I assume you mean the cylinders.

Yeah Brad. We know the Dolmar Mahle setups are pretty tidy just interested to see the others.

By the way, I'm going to head home for lunch from work just to see the video - can't access Youtube at work which is a good thing ;)

One moment, please. If I understand the original post, these comparisons are a ported 7901 against a stock 660 and stock 390. Correct? If so, the results are about what one would expect.

I'm interested to see how they'll do against each other when all are ported.

If my assumption that the 7901 is ported and the other saws are stock at the point of this post is incorrect, please correct me. I read the first few posts when they were mounted with great interest but am unwilling to dogpaddle through the detritus of what came after.

Definitely eager to see the vid of them going head to head after they're all ported. Frankly, considering the balderdash typical of this type of speculative thread, I'd be VERY happy to see the final comparison vids posted IN A NEW THREAD so enquiring minds don't have to filter the shytestorm to get to the diamonds.

Again, correct me if I'm wrong about the mods/stock, but this thread should not have been started until all the mods were done and the saw vids produced. With the final results not done, this thread is nothing more than masturbation. In other words, shut up until you got something definitive to say.

I'm just saying.


The whole outline of this thread was to compare a ported 7901 with a stock 390 and 660. Then port the 390 and 660 to see just how far in front they will be, if any, although I do expect them to lay a whipping on the 7901 once modded in larger wood. If Brad can't run a larger wood comparo I'll run one when they get to Australia. The other comparo which people like yourself may find more interesting is the 390 vs. 660 - in fact I am likely to find this more interesting as well :cheers:
A new thread isn't needed - just flick to the last few pages and scan for vids or results.
If you don't like it stop dogpaddling through the detritus and read another thread.
Yeah Brad. We know the Dolmar Mahle setups are pretty tidy just interested to see the others.

By the way, I'm going to head home for lunch from work just to see the video - can't access Youtube at work which is a good thing ;)

The whole outline of this thread was to compare a ported 7901 with a stock 390 and 660. Then port the 390 and 660 to see just how far in front they will be, if any, although I do expect them to lay a whipping on the 7901 once modded in larger wood. If Brad can't run a larger wood comparo I'll run one when they get to Australia. The other comparo which people like yourself may find more interesting is the 390 vs. 660 - in fact I am likely to find this more interesting as well :cheers:
A new thread isn't needed - just flick to the last few pages and scan for vids or results.
If you don't like it stop dogpaddling through the detritus and read another thread.

Thanks for the explainer, MCW. Even though I've been a saw guy for a long time, there are times I feel I'm struggling to understand all the insider stuff on this forum. Your explanation was worthwhile and welcome.

Props to you! :cheers:
Was it Sycamore that you we're cutting? That is prolly a good piece of wood to do these test cuts on. Kinda soft. I think you would get the best consistancy in softer wood. JMO. Good job!
Some around here have been saying this for a WHILE now.
It has even been called the "Undisputed King of Bang for the Buck"!:cheers:

Not in my little orange world :)

But you have to buy the new 7900 then get it ported which costs even more $ if your not a DIYer. Just so it will outcut the stock 90ccs
But you could still come out with less $ invested than the other new saws.
That is with new saws, I realize the HD kitas and the Mahle kit can be a good deal
Power to weight ratio comes into the equation also. So the 7900 may shine

Thats my .03$ worth.

Carry on. Im interested in seeing the end result
But it's cool to see the next size smaller saw compared to it's bigger brothers.

Once ported, I plan to test with 32" bars in Oak.

Cool? Not for me. Maybe for motorheads. There's no joy for me to see a smaller ported saw compared with a larger stock saw. Doesn't matter who manufactured what.

Now that I understand the gist of this thread (thanks again, MCW), the only comparison that matters to me is the one between the ported 660 and 390. And that matters to me about as much as whether one soap opera star has a slightly higher rating than a competing star. In other words, it's fun, not meaningful, to compare them. Out there in the guts of the cut, a few tenths of a second one way or another is the least important factor in my day.

But we love our saw ####ography, eh? Show me those saws cutting naked! :hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:
Cool? Not for me. Maybe for motorheads. There's no joy for me to see a smaller ported saw compared with a larger stock saw. Doesn't matter who manufactured what.

Now that I understand the gist of this thread (thanks again, MCW), the only comparison that matters to me is the one between the ported 660 and 390. And that matters to me about as much as whether one soap opera star has a slightly higher rating than a competing star. In other words, it's fun, not meaningful, to compare them. Out there in the guts of the cut, a few tenths of a second one way or another is the least important factor in my day.

But we love our saw ####ography, eh? Show me those saws cutting naked! :hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:

Baah humbug. You've got CAD and you know it. Why else would you be hangin' out in a chainsaw forum?:hmm3grin2orange: This is all about having a good time:clap:
Baah humbug. You've got CAD and you know it. Why else would you be hangin' out in a chainsaw forum?:hmm3grin2orange: This is all about having a good time:clap:

Good times = naked women. You got any of that to share, or is it just cylinder honing/porting ####? :D :D :D

Bring it!
That about sums up my boring life:cheers:

You need a hot babe from the Stihl calendar. As a photographer specializing in candids, I can hook you up.

Well, not seriously. But I do a lot of candid models, and it sounded good. :D :D

Hone on, dude!!!! :hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:

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