Back In The Shop......Now What's On Your Bench????

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The nice thing about bronze is the fit doesn't have to be perfect. It will fill up any gaps that you have.
can't see it now but that was the biggest gap I ever filled with silver. Almost .156" wide. Way too much silver in that muffler. 5105 Dolmar cat removal.
Wow you could almost jump over that gap! Your a lot better than I am.

I could never fill that gap with silver...........

Thanks for the kind words fellas, I'm nothing special. It took
a small flame, patience and a prayer. That muffler has 32.00 worth of silver solder in it.
Started cleaning up the split crankcases on three 262's in anticipation of taking over the kitchen some day when the wife is gone so that I can install the crank bearings.

My brother gave me the head to a hydraulic filter that I have been wanting. A quick trip to the local hardware store for some plumbing pieces, a side trip to the local auto store for a large spin-on filter, a little creative drilling and I now have a filter system on my cheapie TSC parts washer.
I got my automotive work out of the way, back to saws...I have two Stihls a MS390 which needs a p/c and a MS361 which also needs one. The 390 is apart and cleaned, waiting for the kit in the mail. I never buy a running saw anymore, seems like...
Got some nonsense sorted out today in the shop, still need to get the upper level shelves for bins put up and a bench built for the corner but I did manage to get an 064 finished now that I have a handle on the whole limited vs unlimited ignition wormhole. It runs great I put a GB bar on it and I don't imagine it will be here long. Started pulling parts for a pair of MS460s that are next on the build box. Somehow the MS441 engine swap keeps getting put on the back burner :)

