Charity Cut for Interfaith Caregivers-Who is up for the task at hand?

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Anyone hear from Wendell yet? Doesn't look like he's been on since Friday night. Hope he's just off enjoying the weekend.

The first of the pictures, from the Friday night safety meeting, HeavyFuel and longbar getting the skidloader unstuck (beefie got it out with his truck)


The piles Saturday morning before we started.



We had pretty good-sized piles of rounds before too long, here's Steve (Steve NW WI) sizing one up.


The piles by about lunchtime.


More pics coming
more pics

The piles of rounds were by lunchtime.


Some people pics, first is Steve NW WI with a Dolmar


Next is Grandpatractor w/ a Dolmar and some of the "Arboristsite Youth Brigade" splitting and stacking in the background.


Wendell with a J-red, deadtrees is behind Wendell


Pele55 sharping and a local (??) inspecting a fiskars.


Still more to come.
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More pics

WetGunPowder, ???, and Beefie shooting the breeze.


The bigger of the 2 piles, about the afternoon break.


WetGunPowder and ??? attacking the smaller pile from the other side.


Grandpatractor and Beefie cutting while deadtrees waits for more logs.


Wendell still at it.


Still more to come.
Last pics

WetGunPowder cutting the last log. Don't have a name for the other fellow.


After finishing up, Beefie brought out the 090G for some cuttin'.


It was almost as tall or taller than most people.


All finished with the pictures. Waiting for the next cutting event. And again, a big thank you to all involved.
WoW! Some nice hard work there! Great work everyone!

I do wish I could have been there! Will try to make other events.

Grandpatractor....thanks for the labor-saver skidsteer! How's your wife doing?
I dont think they have WiFi in Iowa yet!:laugh::laugh:

I'm sure they do but definitely not at my parents. :msp_tongue:

882 miles and countless cups of coffee and I have returned! :rock:

Getting to Boyd's on Friday:

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The gang is here and it is time for the pre-Safety meeting

<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value=""><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>
Getting started on Saturday. Unfortunately, I didn't know there was a second pile of logs when I was making the video (of course that was probably a good thing!).

<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value=""><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="390"></object>
Well, I decided I would be a little productive this afternoon so I drove to the office to get my saws out of my wife's car and bring them home to get them all cleaned up. Seems that I didn't quite get the tailgate latched so on the 3/4 mile drive back to my house, the tailgate opened and I am now no longer the proud owner of a 346 or a 395. I was back over my path within 3 minutes and they were already gone.

I already have an ad up on CL so hopefully a good Samaritan found them. Man, I am bummed.
Well, I decided I would be a little productive this afternoon so I drove to the office to get my saws out of my wife's car and bring them home to get them all cleaned up. Seems that I didn't quite get the tailgate latched so on the 3/4 mile drive back to my house, the tailgate opened and I am now no longer the proud owner of a 346 or a 395. I was back over my path within 3 minutes and they were already gone.

I already have an ad up on CL so hopefully a good Samaritan found them. Man, I am bummed.

What a terrible way to end a great weekend-Hopefully someone will return them:cry:
What an incredible day! You guys never cease to amaze us. Interfaith Caregivers cannot thank you enough for all you have done for us. It is because of you gentlemen that our program is so successful and continuing to grow. Several "tours" of the worksite were given on Sunday and Monday to people who didn't want to stop on Saturday and disturb the effort. I just love talking about the Arborists and your unbelievable efforts. I will never ever again suggest a task is insurmountable!!!

The efforts you put in, the distances you travel, the good natured fun, all makes for great memories.

Thank you all again for everything you have done for our group. Interfaith Caregivers of Burnett County salutes you!!!!!!!

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