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Man im not gonna out you down or anything , but coming in with a positive attitude helps.

You complain about your weight , i weighed over 400 pounds myself at once , it took long strides in my personal life too change this . You need to look in the mirror at who is responsible for you being in the shape you are in physically. Take this from one who has went from 400 pounds down to 280 .
It was my own fault that i was in the shape i was in , but i decided to quit feeling sorry for myself and do something about it . i get up everyday and go to the gym and work out , cardio and weight training. Alot of people want themselves to be able to wave a magic wand and be perfect, health and finances. Neither of which has ever came easy, unless someone is a second hand rich kid . Lets face facts here , were on a chainsaw and arborist forum , this is a working class hard nosed website , no second hand rich kids i would imagine .
I guess what im sayin is that if you want to see changes in your life , you have to make em .

I can understand a mans need of prayer and religion in his life , I am a christian . The last post you made assuming people pn here dont have kind or caring hearts was just enough to make me NEVER want to do business with you . You cant expect to make demeaning remarks about a GROUP of people on a website and expect a boost in business for your efforts.

The truth of the matter is i do care about people and their problems, ive got a list of credit references a mile long that will tell you " He will give the shirt off his back for me if i asked politley." I spend a greater portion of my day than you could ever imagine dedicated to helping other people and putting my needs LAST.

Last point . Has it occured to you that you might not be the only one stuggling with finances , HMMMM RECESSION. Ive been at my job for 13 years never missed one day of work ( hard work, manual labor , oil rig) .
Bout six months ago my wages got cut , how much is my business im not crying bout it . How many others do youthink are suffering right along with you , bet there are a bunch here. Its the hard working class that ends up suffering everytime, But its us hard working people who you say dont have a caring heart that persevere and make it thru these hard times.

This post wasnt meant to be a throw on your personally , this is what i refer to as a reality check , and from your last post you need one bad .
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Calvin if all the people on this site bought every single part you had it would not help you dealing with your depression or with your weight. Turning to Christ in your case is a cop out from your real issues. Remember Calvin the good Lord helps those that help themselves. He would not agree with your way of thinking at the moment but he understands why you think the way you do. He will not give you more than you can bare but you need to get some help. Self pity is the worst way to deal with what your going through. You should get some professional help Calvin and get that depression under control. Do it for your family as well as yourself. You will see life in a whole new light if you would just take the first step. Do it Calvin, you can do it!!

Well said, GREAT advice. Rep sent to you and Calvin.
j j what really dun it for me was running a ragedy 025 as my first saw for 2 years doing everything . then the biguns came out and i had to really do some work . All bull aside , when i lost the weight it felt like i put down a couple of those 075 , dad gum those things are heavy , specially a long barred one . the 084 aint in the feather weight class either tho . lol

Calvin , man i really hope you pull thru this , but until you help yourself i promise you it will not happen , No one can do this but you .

i heard an old timer at the store telling a kid a line the other day ,
The kid asked the old fella at the store if he had a couple dollars he could spare, The old man politely told him if you want something given to you call Obama , he is the only one with money to give away . If you want something from me , the only thing thats free is advice."
good luck calvin
ray parrish got them poulan parts so if anyone needs a ny on that list see him about it at least ray gave me 150.00

im kind of hurt only 8-9 on this site that ever ordered from me waste of time being on this site if im going to be ignored in posts and threads when i give a reply mcculloch thread for example

poulan thread another example husqvarna 394xp air filter top another example

and many more

maybe its that no one has a caring heart on there shoulders towards hurting people

at least thats how there words show

kyle at edgeandengine is about the only person on here that has ever ordered over 300.00 from me in obsolete parts

and i am thinking strongly of just giving him that gift certificate i posted about on my forum which 18 people only have visited

and them 18 probily was vistors and bots im almost 400 lbs did weigh 318 at one time but i told myself whats the use to even loose weight no one seems to care ab out me anyhow except for Christ himself
to live as Christ and to die is gain which means i will be with him and won t have to worry about life down here
only thing that is keeping me going is my parents i dont have a wife or kids like most on this site does women dont want a 400 lb man in there life anyhow

so whats the use to even try to loose weight when no one even cares

if they did care they would do everything they can to help me out but do they ?

i offered echo parts to randy duncan he turned them down same thing to baileys they turned them down also
Between the lines

You can learn from others, especially different yet similar situations. My friend has a used tractor parts biz. He specialized in MF. Did very well I thought. However, do you think he'd done as well with Kubota or JD? (Not much of a demand, etc....)

Wish you Calvin the best, and to summarize, maybe (if at all possible) diversify your product line. For me service outweighs price, after the initial introduction. (which could happen with a recommendation)

Have a nice day, AS

Calvin... I pray that you will take steps to address what seems to be depression. As others have already is up to seek out help and get things started.

From a business standpoint....I can only offer this:

Both times I have ordered from you, it was as if my order went into a "black-hole". I never got confirmation of my order, a shipping date, nothing.

Only when I contacted you 8-10 days later did things start happening. You can't leave your customers in communication Limbo like that.

To your credit, when you did fill the orders, they were correct right down to the smallest part. The pricing was good and the shipping (when it finally happened) was reasonable.

I am sorry Sir....but your business practices are in bad need of change...(if I am to trade with you anymore).

If my experience is the "exception" then I hope others will post here and convince me to give you one more shot.

I wish you the best Calvin.....I really do.

I can say once again that Calvin goes above and beyond when it comes to searching for parts for folks and trying to help them as much as possible. Things like this can take some time people. I also order from Baileys and they have great customer service also, but when was the last time Bailey's helped anyone to to find a part they don't have in their system? I am currently looking for an obsolete sprocket and I thought Baileys may have a few on a shelf somewhere in their warehouse not showing up on their website. A call to them told me flat out that if they don't show it on the website, they don't have it and good luck finding one. It was no surprise to me, but for a company as connected as Baileys I thought they may at least have some suggestions as to search avenues.

Both CM Small Engines and Baileys are excellent price wise and with basic customer service, but Baileys has never gone out of their way to help me find rare parts - Calvin has. In Calvin you are dealing with a person willing to do everything possible to help you out, from answering questions on this site to searching around for parts.

Thanks Calvin!
the only time i ordered from Calvin, it was handled in a professional manner, the order was correct and his prices were good. i have made several inquiries about parts and as mentioned, Calvin was willing to do the search for me.


sometimes you come across as the guy at the bar that runs up and hits on every girl, desperately trying to find someone to give you attention. and just as at the bar, the person that has a confidence about themselves is the one that the girls want. i understand that your business may make you feel this way, but people have a sense of this and are usually put off by this behavior. be confident in your skills and knowledge. don't insert yourself into threads only trying to sell parts. let those of us who have used you speak up and recommend you. that type of word-of-mouth is much more valuable than your self-promotion.

as for your personal life, set yourself some small goals. no matter how small or great, the way to get to where you want is to start that way. decide today that you are going to leave off that one french fry or drink one less coke. do this everyday for a week. next week add a short walk. even if it is to the mailbox and back a couple of times. do it everyday no matter how bad you feel, how tired you are, or how cold it is outside. each week you can gradually increase what you are doing or not doing.
remeber Calvin, small steps: Rome wasn't built in a day, and you eat an elephant one bite at the time. and if you ever want to talk to someone, PM me. i'm on here most of the day and i check it a couple of times at night.
Are you effin' kiddin' me? :dizzy:

Calvin... I have bought parts from you... but I am not gonna slap you on the back ang send you care bear hugs for it. Get over it...

Your incessant whining has gotten so old... i can't bear it anymore.

You troll the threads putting up part numbers and sayin' you have parts available, and because I don't buy your obsolete parts I'm the "mean person"... and your obsession with "Randy" is mnot healthy... leading to your depression.

Sorry mang... but you just lost a potential customer... you're now on my ignore list...

This is about the only thing I can think of to maybe help here. Just a few questions to consider, and please think about these seriously.

1. Did Jesus face hardships in life on earth?
2. Did He receive ridicule and condemnation?
3. Did He posses, or even care about earthly riches and maintaining wealth?

Now, based upon the answers to the above, do you think Jesus voiced His hardships to His followers in an attempt to receive pity and recognition? Did He expect people to be sympathetic if He voiced how hard life can be?

Calvin, you profess to being a Christian, which means that you have chosen to model your life after Christ. It ain't easy. I fail everyday... most days very miserably. Living a life on earth following Christ does not mean an easy road... quite the contrary.

Look inward, very carefully, and don't falisify what you see. Seperate every aspect of life that's causing you disturbance. Ask yourself whether or not you're dealing each of these issues as you feel Jesus would. Don't lie to yourself. Pray for strength to change the things within you that you feel need changing.

+1 well said Dan

:agree2: I'm not a very religious person,,but I do believe...
I believe God made us,,as a man to come on this earth for a reason,,,and Jesus to save us...But deep inside,,,they gave us a choice....To either have the nads to take life on the chin,,,or to roll over like a fish to die on dry land....We have a mind,,a soul,,,but what makes us make it in this ####ty world is guts,,,the will to say,,,I'm not giving up,,,to learn why and how can I make things,,,my buiss. better....Word of mouth goes along ways....Look at Baileys....How they get so big...Heck,,,ask em,,,ask and learn....We can live to be 100 years old and still ask... God made us,,Jesus saves us,,but in their eyes, but you gotta have the will and say,,,my #### is gonna sell,,and go out and work your ass off....You cant feel sorry if it dont work out,,if it dont and you tryed your best,,,you did all you can do...
This isnt a diss to you Calvin....I think your a wonderfull person cause you try to help people,,but you gotta look at things as I do.....As each breath I have in me,,I'm gonna work my ass off to make it.....It's up to you my friend....
Are you effin' kiddin' me? :dizzy:

Calvin... I have bought parts from you... but I am not gonna slap you on the back ang send you care bear hugs for it. Get over it...

Your incessant whining has gotten so old... i can't bear it anymore.

You troll the threads putting up part numbers and sayin' you have parts available, and because I don't buy your obsolete parts I'm the "mean person"... and your obsession with "Randy" is mnot healthy... leading to your depression.

Sorry mang... but you just lost a potential customer... you're now on my ignore list...


+1,,, you gave a couple of wiseazz replies to a couple of my posts, i overlooked them, and tried to get more info from you,, you never answered me,,, more lost business.............
I'll try to make this nice.

Calvin, you have to take ownership of your own problems. It's no one elses fault. As long as you continue to blame everyone and everything else, nothing will get better. You've got to put the work in if you want a business to work. I don't feel like you've done that. For example, I know you had a group of parts to sell. You didn't want to itemize it, so you lost a potential sale. Other requests go unanswered all together. Running a business is more work than I can imagine. Perhaps you should get out of this business and find a job where you can put your time in and bring home a steady income. I think that would help your stress level tremendously.

And please quit throwing the Christian mumbo jumbo into everything. I'm a very religious person, and appreciate what your trying to stand for. But what you do makes the rest of us look bad. What works is living your life as an example for the rest of the world to see.

The other thing is the way you throw out totally unrelated sales pitches all the time. That kind of behaviour is destructive. You're hurting yourself, not helping. You also need to quit airing your dirty laundry for the rest of the world to read. The self pity thing doesn't help you one bit.

I know I'm a little blunt Calvin, but I hope you can take what I've said to heart.
+1 to what Brad said, right on the money.

Customers don't care about your problems or your politics/faith. The way you carry-on I can't see anyone wanting to do business with a person like that. You scare people away, you sound like your crazy and it's depressing. I'm sure there has to be a self-help forum around the net someplace with a bunch of other needy people that would just love to listen to your troubles. A chainsaw forum surely does not.
+1 about itemizing your parts like brad said. Every time i read a post and you just throw out part numbers that no one has a clue what they are. Then you ask them to look up what parts they are and if they are the ones they need. If they are like me then they cannot be bothered with that. You should have all the info there that you need to be able to look up what part is what not have your customer chase it down for you.

I have ordered a few small things from you now and I must saw your shipping is very quick and I appreciate that. I must saw I was not to happy about being on my cell with you long distance for 30 minutes not long ago while you pulled parts for other members...It was a little strange and expensive.

These guys are right though. The more I see these random posts the less I wanna do business with you but still continue cause I know you need it. If I was a new customer and saw this though I would never order. Everyone goes threw tough times though calvin and sometimes you just gotta suck it up and make the best of it. it will eventually get better but you gotta help yourself 1st. The best thing you could do is go talk to some people and get straightened out. Maybe the parts business just isn't for you.

I wish you luck and hope everything turns out well. Just hang in there
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