Got poison ivy again

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leaves of three let them be

My wife get poision bad. She has gotton if off my clothes after I have been in it. If I know I will not throw them in the dirty clothes and put them directly in the washer.

we bought <a href = "">"this"</a> and it worked pretty good
Yeah getting that stuff on your face is the worst. I made the stupid mistake of wiping my forehead with the back of my hand thinking nothing of it. Then a day or 2 later the pi started to break out causing my eyes to swell shut a bit. Ended up having to go to the dermatologist on that one and get a cortisone pill instead of cream.
Luckily I don't seem to be that alergic to poison ivy. I have broken out a few times if I've gotten into some green. My dad and brother in law get it bad though. Think my dad can just look at it and break out.

Hope you get rid of it soon and don't scratch :)
Local pharmacy has a shot you can get in the spring to help w poision ivy. the active ingredient is called Rhus Tox. I did some research on it and I found it in pill form on the internet. I been taking it for a month I am about ready to see if I am impervious or not. The first few times I took it I itched all over but that stopped.
Funny poison ivy story. I was dating a new girl and a rash popped up down south. I hated to but I told her what was up and went to the doctor. This milf doctor comes in and scrubs the rash with something that feels like razor blades and sends it off. It comes back std free. I go back. We start lookin/thinking. I had PI on my hand and arm and stomach. Yep it was good ol PI on my junk too. Never been so glad to have PI either
Yup, I'm battling it right now (just started a week ago).

Normally if there is any chance I got into I wash really good with dish soap and occasionally I may get a single small spec here or there where I must have missed a spot. But last week I was cutting in a grass pasture, didn't see PI anywhere, no vines etc so I didn't bother with dish soap. Yup, 2 days later it started, and kept getting worse for 3 more days. My left forearm is covered and my right has a little on it.

I think from now on I'm just going to use dish soap after every single wood cutting outting, period, end of story, doesn't matter if I think I got into it or not...
The lighting is a little different, but it's really looking a lot worse today. Dripping pus like a leaky faucet. I wonder if I could bottle it and sell it to Iraq?

2 days ago

Seeing those pics brings back bad memories. Hope it doesn't last too much longer. The hot water thing for relief does work...although I thought I would loose my mind because of the itching until it subsides.

Seeing those pics brings back bad memories. Hope it doesn't last too much longer. The hot water thing for relief does work...although I thought I would loose my mind because of the itching until it subsides.


Funny you mention that... whenever I do the hot water trick I always get this "weird" sort of feeling all over my body. I've never been on illicit drugs before but its sort of what I imagine it to be like. Sort this wonderfully terrible feeling, like I'm about to pee my pants, and can't stand still... almost like I've got a spirit in my body trying to beat it's way out... I can't really explain it, but it feels so good yet sucks so bad... You follow me?
I never got PI when I was young, but now seem to get it a few times a summer. After my last round of Prednisone, my wife found a product called Ivy Block at the drug store. Haven't tried it yet myself, but was wondering if anyone else has any experience with it?
I'm only mildly allergic (and adult onset...I was 35 when I became allergic!)
Fortunately the little bit of vines I get into during firewood season don't bother me (yet). But I can't weed poison ivy like I used to by just pulling it up around the yard!

The rash is caused by the oil in the plant, urushiol.

Poison Ivy is often called an allergy, but its kind of the opposite of one. Over time, your body becomes less reactive to most allergens (allergy shots contain the thing you're sensitive to). The more you're exposed to poison ivy, the more sensitive you become to it.

Like you, I used to be able to literally roll in the stuff until my mid-30's. Now I'm so sensitive to it I just developed a rash reading the subject line. :censored:
Mostly I do not get it, usually can rub it on my skin and won't get it.
Seems funny, you can touch it, rub up against it, or inhale the smoking fumes and dern near die....but to get immunity you must EAT the leaves.....


Read on.....

[The first step in immunizing yourself is to gather a young budding poison ivy leaf in the spring with a pair of tweezers, and eat it. Then, as the leaves grow, you will consume one leaf per day until you are “stuffing down” a mature leaf. And, I mean stuffing. The less chewing you do, the better. Big leaves should be cut down to pieces that you can swallow whole. After you have “finished off’ a mature leaf, the immunization process, which can take three to four weeks, is completed.
If you can not get yourself to munch on a poison ivy leaf, you can encapsulate the leaves and swallow them as a daily medication. Encapsulating them is a wiser choice, because you do not run the risk of introducing the leaves’ poison oil to the skin around the mouth and lips. If you are just going to “pop” them in your mouth, make sure you are using tweezers and that you do not make any contact with your skin. The mucus membrane inside your mouth will protect it from any harmful effects. Always drink a glass of water after you ingest poison ivy.]

the link is here to read all about it......
I didn't read past the first page but Tecnu worked for me. It's expensive, but weeks of poison ivy is murder.