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Six inches of snow and the trucks are parked , man you must be rich ...I would be out there moving some snow ...

We push snow. It's good and bad. Make money during snow, but very stressful to keep up with it. The reason is our main client is a Hospital with a major Trauma center. That means we clear snow 24/7.

Last year with three blizzards in Philly kept us pretty busy. :notrolls2:
No, I wish! No accounts yet and the city was behind the ball on this, roads are bad still! Big trucks are not 4x4, when it hit yesterday, I was out, when heading in, I had my hands full to say the least! Lots of hills around me. LOTS OF WRECKS! So I'm going to let them get that fixed before I go back out, we are set up for tomorrow, if this lets up. It started cranking up again a while ago. Wish I went after some accounts tho, but wanted to check the dump truck first before I made an agreement with anyone. Was out messing with it today, all seems good, as I thought, but wanted to be sure. Don't like those bat wings. On a big open lot, I would use them, other than that, they are coming off!
U guys push alot of snow 101?

Hell yea , we push and salt if we didn't I would be out of business last year , I mean really that snow was what kept me working ..
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We push snow. It's good and bad. Make money during snow, but very stressful to keep up with it. The reason is our main client is a Hospital with a major Trauma center. That means we clear snow 24/7.

Last year with three blizzards in Philly kept us pretty busy. :notrolls2:

How much are you paying per piece for ins.. thats what kills me its about 1500 per machine ..and we have four and a rental if needed..Where you working Cooper or Jeff, or the University of Penn..
You did bring your ' man-suit ', right?
Jeff :laugh:


Going out today, had that one set yesterday, but snow kept coming down. I have to do it on a weekend so the hired gun can climb it. Small Osage Orange / Hedge. Hopefully he is full of energy, I want to get back in so I can fix the dam heater in the Bucket Truck! Switch on the dash busted!!
Hell of time for that!
Notice how I ditched Schmidy's gay hub caps! ..that what you find under those.. more work to do!

I'm not a big fan of the shiny myself. IMO, it only looks nice if it's real, and I can't imagine real chrome wheels being cheap. Chrome can make a rig look nice but I really believe the only ones who notice it are other rig drivers and I'm not looking to impress them. Paint 'em black and keep 'em clean.
I'm not a big fan of the shiny myself. IMO, it only looks nice if it's real, and I can't imagine real chrome wheels being cheap. Chrome can make a rig look nice but I really believe the only ones who notice it are other rig drivers and I'm not looking to impress them. Paint 'em black and keep 'em clean.

I would like to get them blasted, and painted metalic silver (to match other trucks), but thats a pita. I'll probably just do like you said sometime.

Here is a pic of my old roach "Stubs". The heater doesnt really work in it either. Lol.

Yea man its a yearly thing to blow out the heater core for me too ,somehow wood chips clog it up .. I have very little heat in my truck unless I clean it , I like that truck pretty cool ..
You call it Stubs! Thats cool!
I have to admit, I run the simulators from schmidtys, Im sorry! but when I painted my truck, I put them back on, thought they looked good! I am going to take them off, they are getting ratty looking, but here it is
MDS, the more I look at stubs, the more I like it, double out riggers, short wheel base, Mad Max bumber, winch. I likey!
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so before I tear into this heater, u guys with the experience, what am I getting into?, I have never messed with a heating system.
That's somethin I'm gonna take in and pay someone that knows what tf they are doin.

Contacts are EVERYTHING in this biz. A good inexpensive seasoned mechanic is one of the best contacts you will ever have. My guy can fix anything and it is reasonable. Good at fabricating too.