How 'bout a Slice of Humble Pie...

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Leave 'em be. In about 5 years he's gonna remember that post. LOL!!!

My eyeballs are still 20/15, but most of my other sub assemblys could use a zerk fitting, or some shims LOL!!!

I swear I wasn't born with the feet I got now!
You see mine somewhere, lemme know!

Stay safe!

how old are you, I feel the same..
43 now? Have someone take a picture of the top of your head from above. Well now, if the hair on top of your head seems to be disappearing from up there, I'll tell you where it's going. Seems that hair, after a number of years, likes to find a more sheltered environment in which to live. Its really kind of rough living on top of a man's head exposed to all that UV light and tight sweaty hats and getting rubbed and bumped the wrong way all of the time. Just like old folks moving to Florida your hair will want to start migrating south. Sometimes hair will start the relocation process and find new territories in which to live and thrive not from from its original starting place. Wait until one day, when you have the proper lighting & mirrors with which to see, you discover your hair's new homes. It is unbelievable how much hair can grow inside of a man's ear and nose. And grow it does. It grows faster than any other hair on your body. It is truly impressive.:D
I was just sitting in the coffee shop and I overheard these two old timers sitting in a booth next to mine. One asked the other if he was going to get cremated. The other fella replied "any time now"
HAHAHA! No kiddin'...

The guy I was cuttin' with yesterday had a baby sized Stihl (an MS210) with a 16" bar on it, in the back of his truck along with his MS440. While we were takin' a quick break, I grabbed the little sucker and fired it up. Started easy, ran like a top... and suprised me when I went and did some cuttin' with it. I have never owned a saw that small...

...prolly never will. But the baby saw suprised me. :)

I use a squirt of whatever color spraypaint is closest at hand. Lighting over my workbench is pretty lousy, so the visual aid's helpful. Don't have any whiteout in the barn. Wouldn't have even occurred to me as an option before I joined this site.

HAHAHA! No kiddin'...

The guy I was cuttin' with yesterday had a baby sized Stihl (an MS210) with a 16" bar on it, in the back of his truck along with his MS440. While we were takin' a quick break, I grabbed the little sucker and fired it up. Started easy, ran like a top... and suprised me when I went and did some cuttin' with it. I have never owned a saw that small...

...prolly never will. But the baby saw suprised me. :)


The 210 gets a bad rap. Some of it understandable, but I use mine a lot since much of my firewood comes from stuff between 8"-14".

My 60 y.o FIL has all but assumed ownership of the 017. He swears by it. He's still strong as a bull but after a few bypasses, his endurance isn't what it used to be and he likes running the little saw.
I've been using a white paint pen. It works well as long as you don't touch the link for a minute or so.. ;)

I HAVE been too lazy in the past to mark them, then I just look for the file marks, but I'm always looking to see how damn many more teeth I have before I'm done. The white mark works well. :)

I thought I was the only one that did that...

My eyes are still pretty good, but I still use an ink marker to mark where I started. I'm sure I could get by without it.

I guess my 200t and 350 have me spoiled, I have no use for the MS210! I want to cut, not gnaw at it all day:monkey:

I will tell you the 046 is starting to get heavy! It's no where near as much fun to run as it used to be!
I've allways said that when they give you bifocals they should put an extra vertebrae in your neck so you can tilt your head back farther to see through the S---O--- B's. Standing and trying to read fine print of something that is posted head high is a pain in the neck.:cry:



Awesome pic for your avatar. Where did you get it?
I did today... 'cuz I was able to do this... :)


Me and my "limbing" saw... :laugh:


You look the part. I see you even got your old man 'spenders on. :) Did you drink your prune juice this morning and holler at the kids on your grass?
Gary, I am part of the over the hill gang. Yes over 50. Some chains have two teeth on the same side next to each other. I use this as a guide when it is evident. Ken

"my tail Feathers May Droop, But I Can Still Out crow Most Anything in the Barn Yard"
So... I had the 044 on the workbench last night with the bar clamped in a vice filin' chains for a clearing job I'm doin' later this afternoon...

...anyhoo... the old eyes aren't what the used to be. I have to wear glasses for more than just reading now. I had left my glasses in the house and was too lazy to go and get them... So I start to filin', and I can't tell which cutter I started at... too blurry to see the filings on the chain.

So... I squint and finally see the cutter I started with. I started to file the opposite side cutters, and then notice a black magic marker on the bench next to the shop radio. I grabbed it and put a black dot on the top of the cutter... so I could see where I started. My eyes are gettin' worse...

Nowthen... there was a thread started prolly a year ago about this exact thing. Markin' chains when filin'... and me being me... I poked fun at some of you'se that had to do it.

Well... my friends... humility is a b1tch sometimes... so I just wanted you to know that the slice of pie I was force fed... tasted just fine. :laugh:

Ugh... gettin' old sucks...


Lol so the ole eagles getting bald and can't hunt critters no more eh? You know what the blind man told the deaf man?

see I can hear you lol!
Getting old ain't for wimps. I am 58 and had to get glasses a year and a half ago. I was always blessed with 20/10 and 20/12 vision. When I renewed my pilots license once the flight doctor was sure I was far sighted until I could read the bottom line of the up close card. No more I'm afraid. I have also found that stuff that I used to pick up and carry away without even thinking about it has grown heavier, damn increase in gravity, forget global warming, we need to do something about this gravity problem. As long as we are engaging this conversation on lost youth, I also noticed that the double black diamond slopes are a lot more difficult now. I'd not been skiing for several years and when I went to CO. for business in late April. I went 2 days early to visit my cousin and hit the slopes for a day. After a few runs to loosen up and help some folks who were in WAY over their heads I headed for the steep and deep. First run down the DD was OK, but when I went back, Well, between the age and going from 900 feet to 12500 in a day, I was WAY over my head on the second run. I made it down without mishap, but it sure wasn't pretty. Sometimes discretion is the better choice. Hang in there Gary and all the rest, we're in this together. JR