One more "which saw" question....

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I like the sound of the Dolmar, do they typically have much dealer required issues from new? I don't see any online ordering options on their web site.
Thanks all, for taking the time to answer my newbie questions.

To respond to some of your questions...
The deadfalll is all less than 18 inches, but I have some trees on the property that are well over 30. I don't plan to take any of these large trees unless they show signs of disease and are near the house. I figure one weekend day's use per month on average.

I am planning to buy some safety gear. I have the gloves, boots and goggles, I'm going for some chaps and some ear protection. Plus I'll get the sharpening tools.

It sounds like the 270 over the 290. I'm also going to look into some of the other brands recommended and see if there is dealer service nearby.

Thanks again, I'll be back to let you know how it goes.

Go to the manufactures web sites and look under their "dealer locater" to see if there are any dealers in your area.
I like the sound of the Dolmar, do they typically have much dealer required issues from new? I don't see any online ordering options on their web site.
I don't know if they have any issues or not. I have two Dolmar dealers in my area. One carries two saws and absolutely not parts. They have to order everything. The other carries a few saws, bars and chains and has to order everything else. I'd like to try a 5100, just to much of an inconvenience.
I like the sound of the Dolmar, do they typically have much dealer required issues from new? I don't see any online ordering options on their web site.

I don't think there are many issues, they are very well buildt saws.

Where is CuttinScott and 166??????
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I found three Dolmar dealers in my area. I'm going to look at the 5100s this weekend. Sounds like a consensus pick over the Stihl 270/290 or Husky 455. It has the power of the Stihl 290 and weights a half pound less than the 270 but costs $50 more.

I know y'all have a love/hate relationship with these "which saw" threads so I appreciate the time everyone's taken to give advice. Once I have my saw I'll only bug you about saw maintenance, forest management, and wood heating my home.
I found three Dolmar dealers in my area. I'm going to look at the 5100s this weekend. Sounds like a consensus pick over the Stihl 270/290 or Husky 455. It has the power of the Stihl 290 and weights a half pound less than the 270 but costs $50 more.

I know y'all have a love/hate relationship with these "which saw" threads so I appreciate the time everyone's taken to give advice. Once I have my saw I'll only bug you about saw maintenance, forest management, and wood heating my home.
Hopefully they stock more saws and parts then the Dolmar dealers in my area. Go to all three dealers, see if they stock the basic parts you might need, air filters, bars, chains, sprockets that type of stuff. If they do the 5100 should be a really good saw for you! ;)
saw maintenance.

Speaking for the 5100,
I haven't had the need for dealer support for any maintenance issues with any of my saws, including the Dolmar. You probably won't either.
For what it's worth, a friend of mine spent a couple of days with me cutting a lot of trees, he used all of my saws, but he liked the 5100 better than the stihls' by far.
He said it just felt better, and he liked everything about it.
He hadn't previously used saws a whole lot.
He wasn't worried about which 50cc saw was the best or which was heavier, ect.
He just felt the Dolmar was "better".
Now for a saw nerd, like me......I'm all about checking out the specs of the various saws.;)
But after 2 days of limbing and bucking a bunch of trees, he said the only saw he'd ever consider was a 5100.
we dropped over 30 trees and had 'em limbed and bucked over these 2 (long) days. No maintenance issues.
Most people probably don't care about the splitting of hairs over saws that we do here.:laugh:
Which is why I used my friend in this example.
Good luck shopping for that saw.

Which saw felt best in your hands?

There is nothing wrong with the 290 or 455. I know people who use both and are very happy. You might want a larger displacement saw if your cutting any sizable hardwood. If they feel comfortable to you, then why not? Remember, you're the one that's going to be carrying it around.
AS Network

These which saws discussions are great!! It's like window shopping with 18 of your most opinionated friends :) :confused: :confused: :confused: :)

That's funny. Kind of like the Verison network.

Now you can go shopping with the arborist site network.:hmm3grin2orange:
"It's the network."
Whatever you do, don't buy a 290. The 455 should be a bit better but is also a pig.

I join the group of 5100 supporters. If you can afford that one, you will have all the saw you need. There are other alternatives as well but there really is no reason for not buying the 5100 so ... Buy it and start cut wood ;)
I'd like to try a 5100, just to much of an inconvenience.

I hear ya, no dealers here at all, closest one appears to be in Ontario (only about 1000 miles away).

But since I have a reliable back up saw coutesy of AS supplied part sources... you never know. Plus there's the "I'm the only one for miles with this baby" factor...
"Take out" advice?

These which saws discussions are great!! It's like window shopping with 18 of your most opinionated friends :) :confused: :confused: :confused: :)

That's funny. Kind of like the Verison network.

Now you can go shopping with the arborist site network.:hmm3grin2orange:
"It's the network."

I gotta get a Crackberry so I can take you guys with me when I go saw shoppin'! ha ha LOL>>> Hey salesman, wait a minute I'm polling the chainsaw forum...
I found three local Dolmar dealers, none of whom carried the PS-5100S-18. They all said they could get it ($479) and all said they could service it. So I went on line and found one for $389, $405 delivered. I just bought it.

I couldn't find one negative word about this saw anywhere in cyberspace. It's lighter than the 270 and has more power than the 290 and Dolmar's reputation is as good as (or better than) Stihl, Husky and the other makers of pro saws.

So, thank you folks for the advice. If I had not found this site I would be the proud owner of a Husky 455 Rancher, instead I can't wait for next weekend and my first date with the Dolmar 5100. I'll come back and brag about it next week.
:rockn: :rock:
I found three local Dolmar dealers, none of whom carried the PS-5100S-18. They all said they could get it ($479) and all said they could service it. So I went on line and found one for $389, $405 delivered. I just bought it.

I couldn't find one negative word about this saw anywhere in cyberspace. It's lighter than the 270 and has more power than the 290 and Dolmar's reputation is as good as (or better than) Stihl, Husky and the other makers of pro saws.

So, thank you folks for the advice. If I had not found this site I would be the proud owner of a Husky 455 Rancher, instead I can't wait for next weekend and my first date with the Dolmar 5100. I'll come back and brag about it next week.
:rockn: :rock:

Good deal! I heard the prices went up this year...but $479 is quite the jump...and price fixing at that! Last year MSRP was like $409 and lots of places were selling them for $350-375. You got yourself a fantastic saw! Now, with the $80 you saved, you can buy a nice pair of chaps and a few extra chains!

Good deal! I heard the prices went up this year...but $479 is quite the jump...and price fixing at that! Last year MSRP was like $409 and lots of places were selling them for $350-375. You got yourself a fantastic saw! Now, with the $80 you saved, you can buy a nice pair of chaps and a few extra chains!


The dealers looked up that price, probably MSRP.

Chaps and chain recommendations?

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