So, what's your day job?

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Politics and religion can destroy our unity........I rarely talk about either. This thread has been great so far.......I appreciate being able to read about what you guys's very interesting to me.

I thought I was a real smart guy when I was a kid. Every summer I helped my older brother frame houses. By the time I was 14 I was making more per hour than guys twice my age that worked in the local plants. So when summer was over, and school started, I'd pick a fight and get suspended. That way I could spend another week or so working. It turned into a bad habit......and I ended up quitting school in the 8th grade.

I got hurt in a bad car wreck when I was 16.......and couldn't work for a few months. During that time I got my GED, and started the Automotive Technology Program at CCTC. At the time, I was the youngest student in the school.

The school is located in Central North Carolina and that is smack dab in the middle of NASCAR country. One of the instructors was good friends with a man named Tom Usury. Tom built a lot of top tier race engine engines in a little cinder block shop. When I met Tom, I realized that I was anything but smart. Tom was so full of real knowledge that it was scary.......the man was a genius. He was kind enough to allow the second year students in the program that were interested in performance engines go to his shop and help out a little. I was one of the very interested ones......

I was also a work study student. That means I stayed after school and cleaned up the shops in exchange for a small amount of money.......that money allowed me to get back and forth to school without trying to hold down a job like many of the other students had to do. That also meant that I was there when the "after hour" projects of the instructors were being done. Looking back now I see how lucky I was to get the experiences that I got back then.

When I was done with school, I worked for a shop in Sanford, NC........the place ended up closing it's doors suddenly when the owner got sick. I needed to pay my rent, so I called my brother and went back to framing houses. That was the end of my automotive "career".
of all the mechanics I have read about,,,seems smokey yunich was the top dog..........
I'm a career firefighter and on my days off I work for a industrial rescue company doing confined space and high angle rescue as well as rope access.

And on my days off from my days off I beg my wife to let me go cut wood...which I'm not having much luck considering there is a 2year old at home and another one due in a month.
kids tend to alter things a mite................just a mite:dizzy::dizzy:
I went to Dunwoody technical college for automotive after high school then was in the auto industry for about 10 years. I really didn't like it, seems no matter how good of work you do and try to treat people fairly auto techs always seem to be looked down upon and thought of as crooks. So not a good feeling and not a fun job, at least not for me. And if I don't like doing something, I do something else. I drove truck for a few years, delivered propane a few years, then moved on to doing service work for the propane company. Now I found a job I enjoy and get a descent wage. I do all of the testing at a fire truck manufacturer. I run the pumps, foam systems, hydraulics, generators, aerials, I do the UL testing of them and get the trucks calibrated and working correctly before they are shipped worldwide to our customers. I've been doing it for 6 years now. Monday-friday 9 hour days. I get to play with fire trucks all day, not a bad gig.
yeah,,and to this day, mechs aint paid what they are, dentists and lawyers, want their vehicles to run right,,but they still think your just a grease monkey:(:mad::mad:
yeah,,and to this day, mechs aint paid what they are, dentists and lawyers, want their vehicles to run right,,but they still think your just a grease monkey:(:mad::mad:
No I don't. I respect a man who can do things I can't. Actually, I respect all men until they prove to me that I shouldn't
I love these threads. Very interesting reading.
I'm involved in a few things but my day job is as a Senior Horticultural Agronomist. This means I give technical agricultural advice to farmers or in my case fruit growers as I specialise in tree and vine crops. I've been involved in technical agronomy for around 17 years after graduating from uni in 1995. Interestingly Broadacre agronomists who specialise in field crops (wheat, barley, cotton etc) are a dime a dozen in Australia. Guys like myself who specialise in irrigated horticulture are getting harder and harder to find. If we advertise a job now odds on that we won't find a single suitable applicant. Nearly all agricultural graduates intend to work in field cropping.
My main role now is as a Fee For Service agronomist which means growers enter into contracts to get my advice and pay the company I work for to access that advice. Good paying job, I get a phone, iPad, laptop, and a new Ford Ranger and fuel cards for free. The Ranger is also for private use which is awesome. The job has its downsides especially when we have disease outbreaks in crops like winegrapes. My work mobile phone was ringing like an Indian call centre last week after we had rain causing bunch rots in winegrapes. The company I work for is Elders which has been going for 175 years now. Great company to work for after resigning from Landmark the other year after Agrium bought us out. Most guys involved in agriculture in Canada and the U.S. Would know Agrium.
My family also run a curtain and blind business where I've been doing most of the installing for around 20 years. My dad used to do a fair amount but as he's got older and grumpier mum gets me to do all the big installs now. Because it's all word of mouth we get most of the big homes in our region where people want decent quality products and fabrics and don't mind paying the extra for it. The second you advertise you draw in too many tyre kickers that only base their purchases on price. The family business does not deal with people who only want cheap crap.
I also run an after hours chainsaw and tree felling business including firewood in winter. I actually do this because I enjoy it. I don't make massive money from it but it certainly pays some bills and buys some toys.
I also worked for two years in commercial air conditioning with my uncle who's a refrigeration mechanic. I love working in trade type jobs but it meant living in the city which sucked the big one.
When I get spare time I do as much shooting as possible including Sporting Clays and hunting. I also have a boat and go fishing when I can as live very close to the Murray River.
I'm also on a 9 handicap with golf so get out when possible although time is a bit too limited to play as much as I like. I used to be out 3-4 times a week.
I'm a Diesel Locomotive Mechanic.
I start the day with clean shiny tools an before long they look like this

Here I have an injector from a 710ci two stroke cylinder and there is 16 cylinders on this particular engine. That's 11,360ci per engine to produce 4000hp

Here is the hole it belongs in

And here it is installed

I do this for this company
I worked 40 years for the CSX railroad, but my last 3 months were with the NS. I got a NS paycheck, and actually retired from the NS RR. It's a long story, and would be boring.

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