The evil that loggers do

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Apr 10, 2007
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West Coast
When will people's pre-dispositioned judegment of loggers and timber farmers ever change? Never...They say that clear cuts put silt in the water, bad for fish, yet I see landslide after landside on the side of Mt. Adams that blows out the Klickitat River for months to an extent that man could never replicate, yet no one blames God, the sun god, or mother earth, or whoever they want or choose to accknowledge. I see wheat farmers to the east of me plowing thousands of acres of ground that runs off into the Columbia every year with chemicals in it to boot! Everyone loves a farmer though (I like farmers). We have orchardists in this area that spray some of the most cancerous chemicals available to the public, yet they are viewed as respectable hard workers that are valuable to the local economy (I like orchardists, have many friends that are).
So why is it that I am recieved as a villan when I tell people I am a timber faller? We provide so much for so many people, yet are scrutinized for it. The Columbia Gorge is just not what it use to be; a hard working area that used it's resources. People that are now moving here are so out of touch with reality it makes me sick. For example: My fiance has Chron's disease really bad, along with two other inherited diseases, so we are at doctor's offices constantly, along with specialists. When they ask me about my carreer, they almost gasp. I'm serious. Talk about being a tiny bit offended. I hate to admit it, but I told the newest specialist that I was an arborist instead of a logger because I wanted a more un-biased opinion and care for my sweetheart. They look at me like I am primitive or just plain ignorant. I don't get it. I'm almost always clean shaven, puntucal, dressed nice but casual, we don't party or even drink more than a handful of times a year, (we are not a horrible looking couple either, we take care of ourselves) and have a college education, but I choose to be a faller. I can't trace the treatment (we are current on all of our medical bills too) back to anything other my proffession. It really bothers me in the sense that the people who treat us like "me make fire, cook food" savages are the ones that cry for equality and acceptance.
Trust me, I'd have to drive out of state to change it, we have covered Oregon from east to west with doctors.
When will people's pre-dispositioned judegment of loggers and timber farmers ever change? Never...They say that clear cuts put silt in the water, bad for fish, yet I see landslide after landside on the side of Mt. Adams that blows out the Klickitat River for months to an extent that man could never replicate, yet no one blames God, the sun god, or mother earth, or whoever they want or choose to accknowledge. I see wheat farmers to the east of me plowing thousands of acres of ground that runs off into the Columbia every year with chemicals in it to boot! Everyone loves a farmer though (I like farmers). We have orchardists in this area that spray some of the most cancerous chemicals available to the public, yet they are viewed as respectable hard workers that are valuable to the local economy (I like orchardists, have many friends that are).
So why is it that I am recieved as a villan when I tell people I am a timber faller? We provide so much for so many people, yet are scrutinized for it. The Columbia Gorge is just not what it use to be; a hard working area that used it's resources. People that are now moving here are so out of touch with reality it makes me sick. For example: My fiance has Chron's disease really bad, along with two other inherited diseases, so we are at doctor's offices constantly, along with specialists. When they ask me about my carreer, they almost gasp. I'm serious. Talk about being a tiny bit offended. I hate to admit it, but I told the newest specialist that I was an arborist instead of a logger because I wanted a more un-biased opinion and care for my sweetheart. They look at me like I am primitive or just plain ignorant. I don't get it. I'm almost always clean shaven, puntucal, dressed nice but casual, we don't party or even drink more than a handful of times a year, (we are not a horrible looking couple either, we take care of ourselves) and have a college education, but I choose to be a faller. I can't trace the treatment (we are current on all of our medical bills too) back to anything other my proffession. It really bothers me in the sense that the people who treat us like "me make fire, cook food" savages are the ones that cry for equality and acceptance.
Trust me, I'd have to drive out of state to change it, we have covered Oregon from east to west with doctors.

They suffer from the inbred liberal mentality. Called stupidity.

Same with the steel mills or steel workers, some really hate the fact that they strip mine and are enviorment unfriendly better but... Then the same offended people benefit from them with their steel cars, steel washing machines, fancy steel staircases, jewelry an simple item that requires a metal, which is mostly everything and if it's not made of metal the machine that produced it is! Your industry is the same, they probably live in wood houses and have fancy wood furniture to decorate. red wood decks to entertain with. Piss on em, their hipocrits. I will bow my head to the guy that complains about my profession that lives 100% off of the land with no benefits from what a steel mill makes. Good luck with that one.
Same with the steel mills or steel workers, some really hate the fact that they strip mine and are enviorment unfriendly better but... Then the same offended people benefit from them with their steel cars, steel washing machines, fancy steel staircases, jewelry an simple item that requires a metal, which is mostly everything and if it's not made of metal the machine that produced it is! Your industry is the same, they probably live in wood houses and have fancy wood furniture to decorate. red wood decks to entertain with. Piss on em, their hipocrits. I will bow my head to the guy that complains about my profession that lives 100% off of the land with no benefits from what a steel mill makes. Good luck with that one.

I agree completely, I am just in a really hard spot. I don't give an inch or have nothing to hide, I am just viewed as such by the community that provides us care, and it sucks. I don't want my wife's care comprimised because of what I do, but the sick bastards are so twisted, that's how they operate.
I hear you. I catch hell from people when we tear up the street or bridge or driveway doing construction, but everyone wants a wider, smoother, nice new street or whatever to drive on. There are a lot of idiots out there that have no clue what it takes to provide them with the things they take advantage of for everyday life.
Threads like this sure signal a bad future for this site. A lot of people have it tough but I don't see where name calling or blatant stigmatizing has ever accomplished anything except more polarization. How about educating somebody about the positives of what you do?
I agree completely, I am just in a really hard spot. I don't give an inch or have nothing to hide, I am just viewed as such by the community that provides us care, and it sucks. I don't want my wife's care comprimised because of what I do, but the sick bastards are so twisted, that's how they operate.

I know it's tough, but if you feel your health services are being compromised because of your profession you might want to find elsewhere, next time someone askes what it is you do, thats not their buisness. Illegals probably don't get that treatment. You know they should be happy you and other log, It isn't very sanitary to provide health care or surgeries in the woods:cheers:
I hear you. I catch hell from people when we tear up the street or bridge or driveway doing construction, but everyone wants a wider, smoother, nice new street or whatever to drive on. There are a lot of idiots out there that have no clue what it takes to provide them with the things they take advantage of for everyday life.

Yeah, that's for sure. They want to have their cake, eat it, have more in the fridge, and have it be somehow provided by magic.

Burvol, I'm sorry you and your fiancé are treated like that. It is just plain wrong.
I think you can say this about most professions that don't involve pushing paper!The oil industry is huge in my area. Gee now what's not made from oil?
It's a fact of life live with it I say! I happen to like my home made from wood
I just hope the wood was cut with a Jred:) One thing about Forrest's they do grow back.
I know Ranchers that feel the same when they meet city people who ask how could you send a animal off to slaughter. Most people never think of were the product they are buying comes from. Doesn't matter be it a 2x4 or steak or peace of angle iron.They have know clue what it took to get what they wanted at the store.
Nothing wrong with a guy or gal that cut's trees for a living in my eyes. It's a tough job and someone has to do it!
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Threads like this sure signal a bad future for this site. A lot of people have it tough but I don't see where name calling or blatant stigmatizing has ever accomplished anything except more polarization. How about educating somebody about the positives of what you do?

Maybe they should take the time and educate themselves before they criticize us for what we do, and do for them. Why should we pacify someone for thinking badley of us.
Threads like this sure signal a bad future for this site. A lot of people have it tough but I don't see where name calling or blatant stigmatizing has ever accomplished anything except more polarization. How about educating somebody about the positives of what you do?

Its called "Free Speech". We have a right to vent. How we present ourselves in public is one thing. I believe we are in the bounds of this forum with what we posted. We are talking to each other, not the general public. Know what I mean?
Threads like this sure signal a bad future for this site. A lot of people have it tough but I don't see where name calling or blatant stigmatizing has ever accomplished anything except more polarization. How about educating somebody about the positives of what you do?

I do, I love an educational experience. What I am trying to do is raise awarness among people like us that are in similar trades, as posted in response here, and kind of share my frustration I guess. My guess is that most guys in similar trades feel the same way! You will see as you spend more time here that working men and women in similar trades stick together...we have to.
When will people's pre-dispositioned judegment of loggers and timber farmers ever change?.

This make me think that a century ago when people were concerned with making a living and staying healthy while raising their family there was no time to fuss about such trivial matters!
sounds like the makings of a great GEICO commercial.

seriously though, just go with the "don't ask, don't tell..." if you must.

whatever it takes. sorry to hear this.
If you go around looking for life to be fair, you are likely to be awfully disappointed. Have pride in your accomplishments. It's hard to believe that health care workers are prejudicial as you describe, the IQ level must have dropped substantially in that trade.
sounds like the makings of a great GEICO commercial.

seriously though, just go with the "don't ask, don't tell..." if you must.

whatever it takes. sorry to hear this.

Absolutely wrong. Burvol, or any other logger, should never have to be ashamed of what he does for a living.

We, as loggers, provide a valuable product and perform a valuable service.

If the general public chooses, in honest ignorance, to belittle and condemn us for what we do the fault is with them and not us. If their perception of us is faulty they need to look more closely and with a more honest eye at the men and women who bring their wood to them. keep logging if that's what you want to do. You're not whining and you're not off base in your description of the way things are. When somebody asks you what you do for a living you just look them right in the damn eyes and tell them " I'm a logger" If they don't like that then that's their problem...not yours. :cheers: Bob
If it wasn't for loggers then we would have Vikings and polar bears roaming and pillaging at will through the wild, and that would not be good.
I know its easy for me to say this, but don't take it personally. Those people have their shoulders anally oriented, and need a plexiglass belly button just to see.:censored: The professional elite are so far removed from the real world that they don't realize where anything comes from. If they had to butcher an animal, likely they would never eat meat again, and that is their loss, not mine.:clap: Likewise, I doubt they know the origin of leather, where plastics and tires come from, and don't realize that anything wooden came from a tree. Somehow I doubt that they all live in dryvit houses....OMG! styrofoam...educated :censored: idiots!

I don't like to cut live trees if it isn't necessary, but trees can be planted to replace those. Gypsy moths have caused lots of damage here in Pennsylvania, and it makes sense to take out the standing dead before it rots.

Logging isn't a job that I aspire to. Conversely, its laborious and dangerous work. I owe a debt of gratitude to loggers in southern Virginia for providing the 6''X12" logs that my new house is being built from. 3"x36"x72" redwood slabs are being shipped from Kalifornia for vanity tops as we speak. I like wood...:cheers:
If it wasn't for loggers then we would have Vikings and polar bears roaming and pillaging at will through the wild, and that would not be good.

and i would live in a house made of mud and cow poop...

so thank you burvol, and everyone else, who is a logger,
faller, choker setter, landing rat, delimber op, hooktender, etc...

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