The evil that loggers do

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I've noticed not one of you responded to what I've shown. :)

Ok. I'll take a shot a responding... Assuming for the moment that you aren't just trying to make fun of people, but rather feel you are attempting to provide a little social commentary. I would say this. Any group of people who feel maligned by society will tend to make comments similar in structure to any other group of people who feel maligned by society. OTOH... You could have compared this thread to a black pride parade, a women's rights parade, a jewish pride parade, etc. Instead you chose a gay pride parade. Why? Because it's more fun, that's why. It's funny to compare big tough loggers to homos and watch them squirm... You insult loggers by comparing them to homos, and you insult gays by using them as your tool to insult loggers. I guess you weren't trying for social commentary at all, you just wanted to make fun of loggers and gays... Jerk.:monkey:
It's funny to compare big tough loggers to homos and watch them squirm... You insult loggers by comparing them to homos, and you insult gays by using them as your tool to insult loggers. I guess you weren't trying for social commentary at all, you just wanted to make fun of loggers and gays... Jerk.:monkey:

I'll buy that. :cheers:
I dont understand why this idiot is still allowed on this forum. Hes nothing but a forum jockey with no real life other than his computer that tries to start grief. Why the mods allow this is beyond me.:monkey:
I dont understand why this idiot is still allowed on this forum. Hes nothing but a forum jockey with no real life other than his computer that tries to start grief. Why the mods allow this is beyond me.:monkey:

I prefer "intellectually challenged." :) :spam:
These same people could never kill an animal, but they eat them, couldn't start a saw without decomp, think loggers are scumbags, but run down to HomoDepo to buy wood for thier decks. It just goes on and on.

Ruh roh. I have to have a decomp button or Twinkle won't start! Today I remembered I need to put a pro logging sticker on my kayak...friends wanted stickers too. The sticker kind of offsets the fru fru look and I have flames on it already. Wow, working with Twinkle so much really makes paddling easier.

Ah HA! I see others also have correlated the Fern Gully movie with the start of programming kids against logging. I have never seen the movie but have heard of moms and dads having to sit down and lecture their kids about where their income comes from after the kids saw the movie.

My other unscientific correlation is that the really big bad fires started about the time that salvage logging of bug kill and bug damaged trees was pretty much shut down. We had big fires, but not as many. Areas that were proactive and cut the dead and dying lodgepole have not burned. We also used to go after budworm weakened trees but no more. Now people say the budworm (reddish) trees are dying due to global warming because we never used to see them along the highways. Well, they used to be cut down and sent off to the mill. So much is unsaid. :chainsaw:
I kinda thought Space was alright, but I think he just likes to get a rise out of us. Since we are all whining about our selves (apparantly like homos), I'll say this to you Space: I wouldn't pick a fight with a logger; especially a hand logger. You will get hurt real bad. Oh, wait...this is the internet, not reality. Offend us all you want, your safe.

And so it goes, party on Wayne, party on Garth. Sorry about the decomp crack Slowp, you do what a lot of men cannot or will not do.
I didn't ask for you to budge Clearance! I was simply stating that in AS world, he is safe, not in a landing with that attitude. Reminds me of a friend that was cutting and had a boss (who was a forester that didn't know jack) on his ass all week about production. He finally went too far and came up to the cutter's stump while he was on the log working it up, and made him stop his saw. He started yelling at him about this and that, production, production, production, (really brushy and bad ground too) at that he needed to go faster...until in mid sentence the cutter knocked him out with one blow to the chin, stood over him and said, "Was that fast enough for you?" Of course he walked, but he probably never pushed a guy in the woods like that again.
I didn't ask for you to budge Clearance! I was simply stating that in AS world, he is safe, not in a landing with that attitude. Reminds me of a friend that was cutting and had a boss (who was a forester that didn't know jack) on his ass all week about production. He finally went too far and came up to the cutter's stump while he was on the log working it up, and made him stop his saw. He started yelling at him about this and that, production, production, production, (really brushy and bad ground too) at that he needed to go faster...until in mid sentence the cutter knocked him out with one blow to the chin, stood over him and said, "Was that fast enough for you?" Of course he walked, but he probably never pushed a guy in the woods like that again.

I know buddy, no big deal, just agreeing with you, so it goes. If we were all in the bar after work and Space started mouthing off he would be laid out pretty quick. Well, I guess that depends on the bar. I am sure in some bars, which I never frequent, his mouthiness would go over well.
If we were all in the bar after work and Space started mouthing off he would be laid out pretty quick. Well, I guess that depends on the bar. I am sure in some bars, which I never frequent, his mouthiness would go over well.

It would be worth it though. :)
just for you, spaceMULE

a farmer and a mule head down a country road.
they come to a bridge. the mule balks and the
farmer cracks the whip. once more the mule balks.

farmer gets down, walks up to the mule and says,
"that's once."

the mule crosses the bridge reluctantly.

after awhile, they come to another bridge.
again the mule balks and again the farmer
cracks his whip.

farmer gets down, walks up to the mule and says,
"that's twice."

the mule grudgingly crosses the bridge.

again, they come to another bridge.

the mule balks.

the farmer gets down off the wagon,
pulls out his shotgun, and shoots the mule dead.

farmer says, "that's it."
a farmer and a mule head down a country road.
they come to a bridge. the mule balks and the
farmer cracks the whip. once more the mule balks.

farmer gets down, walks up to the mule and says,
"that's once."

the mule crosses the bridge reluctantly.

after awhile, they come to another bridge.
again the mule balks and again the farmer
cracks his whip.

farmer gets down, walks up to the mule and says,
"that's twice."

the mule grudgingly crosses the bridge.

again, they come to another bridge.

the mule balks.

the farmer gets down off the wagon,
pulls out his shotgun, and shoots the mule dead.

farmer says, "that's it."
Hey, that the niceest thing I heard said to Space Cadet (what a DORK) all day. That was a good one though. I got a real good laugh out of that one.
a farmer and a mule head down a country road.
they come to a bridge. the mule balks and the
farmer cracks the whip. once more the mule balks.

farmer gets down, walks up to the mule and says,
"that's once."

the mule crosses the bridge reluctantly.

after awhile, they come to another bridge.
again the mule balks and again the farmer
cracks his whip.

farmer gets down, walks up to the mule and says,
"that's twice."

the mule grudgingly crosses the bridge.

again, they come to another bridge.

the mule balks.

the farmer gets down off the wagon,
pulls out his shotgun, and shoots the mule dead.

farmer says, "that's it."
Dad always said there is one thing that is most important when training an animal. If you want to train an animal, you've got to be smarter than the animal. :)
Hey DORK (what a SPACE CADET)your lucky your not in a bar, instead of cowering behind that keyboard, I guarantee that you wouldn't be so mouthy, around a bunch of these guys that you are insulting. I'd bet Money on that. Bruce
I'm not the one calling names, am I. Seems to me you can't quite grasp what being mouthy is. As far as me, I never make silly threats such as "You wouldn't say that to my face." That's rather childish. :cheers:

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