to all you i cut 300-400 cords a year

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Has anybody ever posted on here cutting 400 cards a year by themselves?

Beside the beer dude above...

I cut 800 last year, but I had a little help an stuff... :msp_wink:

If I may,myself and two other fellows and a Gripo mechanical splitter did 8 cords in a day and it was already cut and piled.
We slugged our guts out... made 1200 but we were whipped.
I challenge anybody on here to try it.
To cut /split a cubic cord in a day in the woods would be a really good day, in every weather with no mechainical help..
I believe 260 cords a year is possible but your one tuff SOB and then you get to deliver it.

I do 45 cords a year in my spare time myself, with the logs delivered its a ton of work,but to do it in July and January to keep the daily average up.. no thanks

This summer I did over a cord - cut, split, brought home and piled, same day. CAN be done.

like i said you arent cutting 300-400 cords a year by yourself i still call bull####

Wah. Get a life. And get lost.
shows how ignorant you are

Hmmm, not quite sure who you're directing most of your post's at. But I'm wondering if you're not exposing your own ignorance.

Let me enlighten you.

Ignorant is when a person knows nothing about, or hasn't been educated about a subject. (No shame in that at all.)

Stupid is when a person has been taught, or knows better, but continues to do what they are trying to do the wrong way. Or a person who refuses to listen, or learn.

Ron White once said; "You can't fix stupid." I agree.

I have the equipment and ability to do it but not the desire to do it. Not enough money in it to be worth my time. I can work 1 day on overtime and pay for the amount of wood I use to heat my house for the winter. I cut for fun and to control my sanity, 15 saws, 4 splitters, conveyor, dump truck, 2 dump trailers, tractor and 3 pth skidder, 2 buzz saws, etc.
I would assume there are very few 1 man operations doing that volume of wood, it just would be more efficient($wise) to hire a couple of kids or whatever to do the grunt work while the boss does the specialized stuff. Most efficient wood size depends on your equipment, a big processor running a 44" blade would just fly on 10" logs, couldn't even do 20" stuff with it. There is a huge variety of cutting and splitting equipment out there, each one was designed for specific log sizes. Sure you can do other sizes with them but production will vary.
ps, real firewooders use cross cut saws.
I do 30 or so. Thats enough, thanks.:msp_smile:

you are a damn liar, no damn way a cow can cut, pile brush ,split 30 cords a year, your full of ####.And like i said you arent cutting 30 cords a year with hooves.. i still call bull#### :mad:

Thanks Steve, I wanted to do that but I is too dumb.

you are a damn liar, no damn way a cow can cut, pile brush ,split 30 cords a year, your full of ####.And like i said you arent cutting 30 cords a year with hooves.. i still call bull#### :mad:

Speaking of dumb, are you through? Don't matter, "I have a potty mouth" anyway. :clap:

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