Why are flippy caps hated?

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WHo the hell goes cutting anywhere and doesn't bring a combi spanner (scrench) ?
You carry enough saws around so when one gets dull or clogged up with chips and crap you just swap to another saw, and then another one...yeah right pull the other one, 'cause one leg just got way too long:dizzy:
Why don't you go back and do some studying and then explain to us how what I said is drastically different from what you've claimed i said. Or, is honesty too difficult for the flippy cap minded?

You are the one who said you shouldn't have bring along a scrench to take up the slack in a chain. "Sharp chain, sufficient lubrication, and proper tension, and your chain doesn't get loose" you said. I never said the flippy cap was the bomb or was a dud (or SPACEMULE). I've recently become flippy cap deficient, after selling my saws with them. I didn't do it because I can't work them, or because they fell out on the way to the tree. I did it because they are the ones that brought the most, and as I'm not heating with wood anymore, I don't need them. I'm not the SPACEMULE who came here and said something as ignorant as "Sharp chain, sufficient lubrication, and proper tension, and your chain doesn't get loose". IF all you are going to do with the saw is set it on a shelf, then, yes, you won't need to use a scrench. Those that use their saws know better, and you should, too, even if all you ever do is read and comment on the posts here. As far as being honest, post the whole quote next time, so people can see again how the god SPACEMULE sees things in his little world, however screwed up it is.
Its ok Rope, your obviously not the only one who can't figure out or accept the mighty flippy cap. I do admit its not for everyone. Hell chewing gum and walking at the sametime is a feat for some people,:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:


Its three pieces of plastic and and o-ring. Some screw in or on caps have more than one piece to them also. I can say that for now, and it might change if I get the mad cow (Alzheimers, or at least more than sometimzers), I've mastered both. And I can walk and chew gum. But the bubble thing, not so much.
Looking for free working flippy cap for oil reservoir in 200T. will also need one off 192T and also need one for MS250 (that's the wife's saw but borrowed it for one of the others)

I will gladly pay postage.

I think everyone would gladly take free caps. Heck, they only cost about 10-12 bux each! :dizzy:
gotta try..I have really bad luck with them in the winter.:mad:

I have had 0 problems so far with mine. I hope I never do, but I see that some people have. I've only had my 260 for around 4-5 years though. They seem good so far. The ones on our drills still work good too. One of those drills has been beat to death but the cap is still good.

I see thy are expensive when they do go out though.
Lol, I think selling broken ones would be harder to do than finding free ones. :givebeer:

Nahh 2k will buy em lol he likes em so much<a href="http://www.sweetim.com/s.asp?im=gen&lpver=3&ref=11" target="_blank"><img src="http://content.sweetim.com/sim/cpie/emoticons/000203FA.gif" border="0" title="Click to get more." ></a>
Never had a problem with them. Luckier than most? Or, just smarter than the average bear? Go Yogi!
I hate them all...I dont need no stinkin caps, I got me one of these :)

WHo the hell goes cutting anywhere and doesn't bring a combi spanner (scrench) ?
Someone who doesn't need one. :)

I should amend what I said. I said I usually didn't take one, but more accurately there was usually one in the glove compartment that I almost never bothered to dig out. I saw it as working in the woods was for cutting. ####ing around with mechanicing was for home. I'd take gas, oil, a file, wedges, splitting maul, saw, gloves, and ear plugs, and that was it.
Durabikity brand flippy convertors will be available this fall at a special promo rate to husky owners. 409.98 per set of two, which includes an instructional blueray disc.

Pre order via PM to Spacemule
Someone who doesn't need one. :)

I should amend what I said. I said I usually didn't take one, but more accurately there was usually one in the glove compartment that I almost never bothered to dig out. I saw it as working in the woods was for cutting. ####ing around with mechanicing was for home. I'd take gas, oil, a file, wedges, splitting maul, saw, gloves, and ear plugs, and that was it.

Lol, I find it odd that you take everything but the kitchen sink (and a scrench) when you go to the woods. :dizzy:

Space, what is your favorite Stihl saw?:greenchainsaw:

J/k Space, but still, I think it's a good idea to carry a scrench while in the woods with a chainsaw, just in case. Theres alot that can happen. Sticks get jammed up behind the clutch cover and a new chain will loosen pretty quickly when it gets heated up.
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