Wish I could have used my 7900 yesterday

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THALL10326 said:
Now tell me bout that 028, for real, thats one of my all time favorites...............

Sorry Thall, Been busy here lately.. The 028 is low on compression, starts hard, and won't idle. Haven't decided what I will do with it yet.. And as far as Ben. He just keeps gettin under my skin. If I was to send him a new 7900 he would still complain.. Like my ole grandpa used to say "He'd kick if he was hung with a new rope"
sorry if I have a typo or two im on the phone as i write this..
cuttinscott said:
Sorry Thall, Been busy here lately.. The 028 is low on compression, starts hard, and won't idle. Haven't decided what I will do with it yet.. And as far as Ben. He just keeps gettin under my skin. If I was to send him a new 7900 he would still complain.. Like my ole grandpa used to say "He'd kick if he was hung with a new rope"
sorry if I have a typo or two im on the phone as i write this..

Sounds like lil ole besty be bout wore out ,low compression and all. Hmmmmmmmm, probly wore out seals too. Its gots some age on it. Beings you and me are old war buddies, whatcha think you'll do with that ole Stihl peice of junk. I know its in a house of critters of a different breed so I'm sure its wanting a new home asap. May as well be outs on in my shed with its own breed. So if ya aint gonna fix it ya sure can't sell it off the shelf in that condition so just remember its one of my all time favorites, hint hint hint..
Benny That's why I sell these Dolmars to them professionals that are sick of those Husky 570/575's every day. They refuse to use those Huskys anymore....
So the fact that the 575 has problems gives you comfort? Get real.
BTW Elmore this is the sort of attitude I am talking about.....
Elmore said:
Hey Ben, I don't like liars and cheats either. In the case of your Dolmar saw you must have got a lemon. Overall, with the exception of that 7900, Dolmar seems to have a good product but those Dolmar Reps and dealers that you dealt with have put an excalmation point on the end of you and Dolmar's relationship. What ever happened to the concept of "Customer Satisfaction"?

Elmore dayumm your hide, where you been all nite. I wents and gots ya a bunch of new pics and ya aints evens here to looks at em, ya oughts to be shames of ya self. I'm gonna have to take my smallest bar in the shop and whoops ya a few times. Click the pic and see my smallest bar,hehehe.
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I don't know anything about the Huskys and I don't personally know anyone else who has a 7900 but I will say mine has been a fine saw. It has 750+ hrs. of falling timber. I recently put a new carb on it and took off the cyl to clean and rering it. Still had good compression but I wanted to put a new one in. At about 600 hr the throttle return spring broke and in replacing it I buggered up the butterfly plate screw threads. I never could repair that to suit me so since the choke shaft was worn I replaced the carb. I have replaced the rubber sawdust deflector. It is a strong running saw and still looks really good other than the decals.
I like Stihl saws too but comparing the 7900 against the 460 it will be the 7900 for me. Here I dont need a full wrap handle and in all things that matter to me the Dolmar is ahead or equal. The 460s that I own when they had a similar amount of time they also had to have similar minor repairs. I would rather mail order parts {I have spare saws} than make two long round trips and still have to wait for the parts to get there. Only my opinion.
John Ellison said:
I don't know anything about the Huskys and I don't personally know anyone else who has a 7900 but I will say mine has been a fine saw. It has 750+ hrs. of falling timber. I recently put a new carb on it and took off the cyl to clean and rering it. Still had good compression but I wanted to put a new one in. At about 600 hr the throttle return spring broke and in replacing it I buggered up the butterfly plate screw threads. I never could repair that to suit me so since the choke shaft was worn I replaced the carb. I have replaced the rubber sawdust deflector. It is a strong running saw and still looks really good other than the decals.
I like Stihl saws too but comparing the 7900 against the 460 it will be the 7900 for me. Here I dont need a full wrap handle and in all things that matter to me the Dolmar is ahead or equal. The 460s that I own when they had a similar amount of time they also had to have similar minor repairs. I would rather mail order parts {I have spare saws} than make two long round trips and still have to wait for the parts to get there. Only my opinion.

Now there is one of the first true honest opinions I've seen. I've heard exactly the oppisite from those using the 460. Tells me simply its everyone to their own liking. Good post John.
spike60 said:
Yes I COMPLETELY agree that it's time to end the " Dolmar insurection of '06 ". I'm not sure that I could even come up with anything more on this, and I'm not exactly the type who's ever at a loss for words.

I did try to help Tony early on with some useful advice that he should have given some consideration to. With each post, he was digging himself deeper and deeper in a hole. Then instead of looking for a ladder or a rope to get out, he went and found himself a bigger shovel. As I said many times, it was the wrong strategy, and will probably have a lasting effect on him.

I'm not sure I understand where there is a distinction that can be made between bashing the company vs. loving the product. Ripping Dolmar and calling for a boycott is not made any less offensive to the company because you believe the product you are boycotting is well made.

Thall, good buddy, you did a masterful job of lightening this up and it was just the right time to take the edge off. All of that beaver in the woodshed stuff made me lose it. Just don't ever hit the spell check button on one of your posts or you will surely void the warranty on your new Dell!


Spike its nots quites over da bur ridge yet, dang it. I hits da speller checkin butt taun on's my's knew Dell heres and guessum whats? A huge blue box popped upped in der middle of this here's bigs ole screen and it says to me in big bold let tards, NO WAY SUCKER, YOU FIX YOUR OWN SPELLING.
Now aints thata kicks in da ole but-tocks. How dars Dell tells me to fix my owns a spell lynn. Den agains its ben groanin some weirds sounds everys times I goes to typer sumthin. Sorts um sounds sumthin lika this. HAHAHA GOTCHA SUCKER.
Couldn't agree with ya , no, wait. I couldn't agree with you more. Time to lay to rest this story. We all will defend our products since thats where we make our living but no more of this. Any saw that comes in the door is a friend of mine, no matter the brand. I'm sure most feel the exact sameway. Reason I replied to the end of the story is simple. Spike, I likes hows ya mis pelled da last too words. Da korrect way to pell THE END is lika this.