Worst nut job I've ever went to quote

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sorry to go so far off topic - just readin through the thread for the first time
but why does everyone always blame the other guy? sure hes at fault too (most of the time - few instances he honestly might not know the chick is married/has a boyfriend).. but where is all the anger towards the person most deserving... THE WOMAN. she knew she was married.. she knew what she was doing and where she was doing it... why didnt he walk her out in the yard right along side and make her eat #### ? i dont get it.. male or female, they know right from wrong.
either way, being a religious man, he should have just realized it was all part of god's plan.

.. anyway, back to readin

My theory would be the religious guy probably thought he'd end up staying wth his old lady and he might have to kiss her at some point in the future.
Just when I thought yer head was on straight, ya start talking like that idiot Palin. The Rupert Murdoch influence, no doubt? (He's having the same effect in Oz, re climate change.)

Yeah, it's a real good thing that she didn't get elected or anything. I mean, can you imagine the shape this country would be in if we got stuck with a president that was inexperienced and unqualified for the job?

How ya liken' that "hope and change" now? :msp_w00t:
Yeah, it's a real good thing that she didn't get elected or anything. I mean, can you imagine the shape this country would be in if we got stuck with a president that was inexperienced and unqualified for the job?

How ya liken' that "hope and change" now? :msp_w00t:

winner,winner,,chicken dinner!!!!!!!!!!!! fact...
I'm in Mn....really...don't think so Tim....your what we think of as down south.
as to biz...we don't do it that way either..here we agree Tim.
You speak the truth . I merely meant we're almost in Canada and thats as far North as you can get and we don't conduct business that way. I will concede the northen status to you.
You speak the truth . I merely meant we're almost in Canada and thats as far North as you can get and we don't conduct business that way. I will concede the northen status to you.

We abut Canada too...did I say abut...:msp_w00t::msp_w00t::msp_w00t:

Roo-coo'coo'-a-roo-coo'coo...pack up the back bacon and take off hoser...Eh!...Right-On!
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Now, you see all the fervor caused from just a single turd?-heh, heh! Not about the kid gettin' screwed that makes me want to gas up and head out there myself. What I'm laughing about is I got a guy across the street that's gotta be related to this a-hole! He's probably the most arrogant turd blossom I've ever met, and he teaches 3rd or 4th grade kids.
My theory is this: Him and the turd "professor" and their ilk, are so used to dealing with kids, they actually develop a superiority complex over time. Absolute power-senators, judges, cops, etc has the same effect.
Bocephus wrote a song about guys like this(attitude adjustment). "Head for a mop and butt for a broom" comes to mind. Exactly what this guy needs. Glad that wasn't my kid or I'd likely be in trouble with the law about now.

Hank Jr....also said in the song...." just one appointment straightened em right out"
my friend actually thinks he is just absolutely ignorant of the way the rural living works, just no common sense, just and a poor So Cal educated idiot, retired, moved to our area to give mother earth news living a try. If he does call here, I will return the call and let him know that I'm booked up, and based on how he treated the young man wouldn't have time for him even if I had time.
As of today, the professor isn't completely ignorant. He now knows the proper way to measure a cord of wood! Great ending. Wouldn't have time even if I had time. Love it.

I'm in Mn....really...don't think so Tim....your what we think of as down south.
"Down south???" CrappieKieth, you're picking on a NH brother there. I can say he's down south because he is, to me. But north to south we're about as far away from you as Faribault. And from here the trip to Canada is 20 miles shorter than yours. But I'll let you claim all the cold weather you want.
Right on, education isn't ALL bad, and there are different kinds of everything -- teachers, mechanics, public servants. I guess you'd call me a university professor of sorts, so I've known a lot of professors. Some of my colleagues are great and some aren't worth the powder and shot to blow them to hell. Granted, you're not likely to get the "I'll pay after I burn it" proposal from somebody who drives a truck or works in a machine shop, but Indianspring's guy is a deluded, self-important jerk first, and a retired professor second.

Can't WAIT for Monday, unless the matter shows up on the police blotter before then.

There's nothing wrong with education OR educators. There are good ones and bad ones like any other profession. That's like saying all farmers, construction workers, loggers,etc. are mean, ignorant people. They're not. I have farmers in my family. Some of you are being as closed minded and judgemental as you sometimes accuse them as being.

Yer focusing entirely on possible conspiracies- fine for gummint attornies . Total waste of time for me.

I, for one, am focused on scientific research, starting from the day results of atmospheric CO2 content measurement on Mauna Loa were published. One big problem- getting measurements of aspects of the situation in the northern latitudes is an enormous task.

Regardless, it matters not what I or anyone believe in the matter. (That's where Ruppert comes in.) It's what can be scientifically shown to exist, and most all of us would not have a clue as to how to interpret the data. Ever see "Idiocracy"?

Some think we should burn all the coal and oil we can, right now, with no plan to deal with consequences. Do you see the dangers in that?
Most professors went to school, became indoctrinated and then taught school making them liberal idiots on the threshold of communism. Are there exceptions ? Sure there are, but by and large they are smug superior jackasses that couldn't get by their raging incompetence without tenure(don't even get me started on that). So if in our experience most of us have as much respect and contempt for them as they have for us don't be surprised at the general perception. Much like lawyers, there is a reason there is so many jokes about them.Because it's true.

Perhaps you would like to stop by and share your thoughts with my university professor wife......
Yeah, it's a real good thing that she didn't get elected or anything. I mean, can you imagine the shape this country would be in if we got stuck with a president that was inexperienced and unqualified for the job?

How ya liken' that "hope and change" now? :msp_w00t:

IMO, it's a bit unfair to state that Obama is inexperianced and unqualified, and therefor responsable for the financial and economic state of Uncle Sam country. You also make it look like former presidents such Reagan, Clinton and especially Bush were intelligent guys that really knew what they were doing.

Politicians can only survive if they serve the real powers of capitalism, and a smart guy with a vision or proper agenda therefor has no chance getting into the office. Only if you are a good actor with a relatively good capacity of speech, you have a chance to make it.

And that's not only valid in the USA. Europe is governed by a overwhelming set of incompetent politicians who have absolutely no clue what has to be done to make europe working worth a ####e. Italy's clown had to be finally replaced by a government of technocrats, in order to avoid a total collapse of the country, and europe with it. Belgium survived a reign without a true government for almost 2 years, without any trouble at all. Todays leaders are just spokesmen of the true powers that be...money.

I regret to inform you that the horse has died. There is no further reason to beat it anymore.
Yer focusing entirely on possible conspiracies- fine for gummint attornies . Total waste of time for me.

I, for one, am focused on scientific research, starting from the day results of atmospheric CO2 content measurement on Mauna Loa were published. One big problem- getting measurements of aspects of the situation in the northern latitudes is an enormous task.

Regardless, it matters not what I or anyone believe in the matter. (That's where Ruppert comes in.) It's what can be scientifically shown to exist, and most all of us would not have a clue as to how to interpret the data. Ever see "Idiocracy"?

Some think we should burn all the coal and oil we can, right now, with no plan to deal with consequences. Do you see the dangers in that?

Of course I see the dangers in that. And I posted *data*, not conspiracy theory, go research it yourself, see where carbon credits came from. I've been pro getting away from the big energy cartels since the 60s now. And getting to the point we can leave that stuff way buried in the ground.

And I have also embraced solar power myself, put my meagre wallet where my mouth is, for a variety of reasons. I like solar photovoltaics (have a modest array), solar thermal (greenhouse, got some fresh picked tomatoes yesterday...), and solar biochemical--firewood. Firewood is stored solar, about as clean an energy source as you can get. It's not perfect, but it gets close compared to most other sources, and is pretty spiffy about being carbon neutral. Not all the way, but dang close..

Those are my top choices for energy. Nuclear fusion power, and the easiest way to get it.

Liquid fuels are harder right now, but eventually I'll get independent on that, and won't need any fossil fuels. Cleaner and more independent. Why pollute, and why make billionaires richer?

And I minimize my uses of them, and never waste or burn any that aren't necessary, ie no fuel burning "toys" for one. Necessary work, then shut down, that's it. No jetski type toys (land, air, sea, nuthin) no trailriding, no racing, no joyriding on the road, no running stuff 10 times bigger than it needs to be to get the job done. None, zero, it doesn't happen with me, not anymore. Used to, seen the light, changed my mind and my actions.. I'm serious, don't waste an erg that isn't necessary for my work. And I've switched back to all hand splitting over most of it being done with the hydraulic. Now, hand split only. Now if/when I go sell some wood sometime in the future..not sure how I will address that yet. Ideally..something like a diesel engine splitter running off my own biodiesel, or something like a steam plant, running clunky pieces of wood. Ideally...have to see how it goes.

My little timeline was just to illustrate where the driving force for classifying CO2 as a dangerous pollutant came from..not so much from science, as much as from the scam paper financial product known as "carbon credits". And how the data-the real science-got perverted. It's a money grab, and also a major political power grab. Governments want *control* over their serfs. It's part of their gig now.

That took something that was good and necessary, dealing with serious pollution, and blew it out of the water with unnecessary baggage. It is corrupt now. Whizzes me off something this important got perverted for that crap.

There's probably a lot of *good* science in there..just we have no way to tell now. That's the part that annoys me the most.

People say that the big oil cartels have economic power..bah, pikers, it is the big international money boys who are the real string pullers here.

I want science independent as possible, as far from politics as can be had. Because of the proven recent past history of compromised science and obviously corrupt government...personally..I can't trust it (them). I would *like* to, but can't.

But that doesn't mean I have adopted like some sort of neocon Rush Limbaugh Luddite version of science either, of course not. I certainly remember chunky styled yellow air and rapidly losing any sources of even moderately clean water. Left to their own profits, corporations could give a whit about pollution, that's why I think they should have some minimum regulations, I just don't trust the regulators now, nor do I trust the tame scientists who exist on corporate grants. We are in a seriously "no win" situation.

No, I don't have any easy answers for that either, to me, the system has been flawed for a long time, due to corruption and too much fixation on the almighty conjob buck.

I believe in being a "good steward", and to me, that should come first over "profits".

I also know that puts me into a distinct minority on this planet. So be it, I don't care, "making money" has never been the most important thing in my life. It barely makes it into the top ten, if that.