Would you let your dentist port a saw?

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Guido Salvage

Supreme Saw Whoreder
Apr 27, 2010
Reaction score
Farmville, VA
So sitting here in the dentist chair getting a crown done. My dentist is good with a drill and said her grandfather taught her how to carve with a Dremel at age 7. Should I turn her loose on a saw?
After she had been using those tools on an old cylinder, I wouldn't want here using them in my mouth?:msp_biggrin:
Well considering just yesterday my dentist was drilling away and the cost came to $1250, I'd just buy a new saw.
Draw out what you want her to do. I bet it would be the nicest, smoothest, cleanest port job you ever saw...for about $12,000.00!
So sitting here in the dentist chair getting a crown done. My dentist is good with a drill and said her grandfather taught her how to carve with a Dremel at age 7. Should I turn her loose on a saw?

Two Things...One you're definitely sick,(CAD) you can't even go to the dentist without relating it to chainsaws
Two..Depending on how well your crown turned out would dictate whether or not you should allow her to port your saw...:hmm3grin2orange:

As far as Letting MasterMind work on my teeth...Well i don't think so..did you ever see the pile off shavings that are left over when he's done..:msp_scared:
I went to the dentist once.........bastard tried to stick his instrument in my mouth. :msp_scared:

I don't go for that sorta thing ya know. :msp_unsure:
Funny connection. I have a neighbor who is a dentist. Love the guy and his family are real good down home folks. He's not the least bit mechanical or labor intensive ifn ya know what I mean. Anyway i get to thinking the same thing about a grinder set up. Some he gives me one for cutting up a tree or some other work i did for him while he never saw me there.
I would love to use it but i got no clue how to port or what type of an air line to run to it, awfully cool looking grinder set though.
So no i would not let my dentist port a saw.
The real question is if you would let Mastermind grind and fill a cavity in yer mouth...

In either a survival situation or with some proper training, yes...

To the OP, the pictures of your female dentist aren't loading... is it just my phone?
GS...just throw open that barn door and let hwer look at that mountain of saws and tell her to have at. I have let my wife go at some fine detail work on painting and pinstriping cars. Not only are they smarter and prettier,women have the motor skills to do detail work. Once involved, my wife wants to know the whole process...from welding, grinding, fiber glass to paint prep. You may end up with a saw junkie if you got her involved:dunno:
So sitting here in the dentist chair getting a crown done. My dentist is good with a drill and said her grandfather taught her how to carve with a Dremel at age 7. Should I turn her loose on a saw?

Depends, how fast can you chew now and do you need running in?
So sitting here in the dentist chair getting a crown done. My dentist is good with a drill and said her grandfather taught her how to carve with a Dremel at age 7. Should I turn her loose on a saw?

I understand you were trying to be humorous with the post and I got a good laugh out of the responses.

In reality being able to use a tool to perform a specific task does not qualify that person for any other task. All the county fairs here have folks carving animals out of logs with saws. They are HIGHLY skilled folks and do great work. However that does not make them skilled at other uses of the saw. I would bet slim to none know anything about falling timber. The same can be said of fallers I bet slim to none of them are skilled carvers. They both use a version of the same tool but neither job is related in anyway.
