Whats your profession, and why do you need your saw?

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Design cars by day, fight fires by night and cut when I can...the last two are for fun (volunteer firefighter, firewood cutter).
Mechanical designer, I do mostly gages, but also tools and special machines.

I use my saws for firewood and salvage logging to feed my woodworking hobby. 99% of my cutting is done on the family farm, we have 180 acres.

student (only a year left, then to polytechnics) :hmm3grin2orange:

Using saws to take care of my forest (some 16ha) and make some firewood too...
Marketing Director - for ad agency. I do ads and catalogs for a number of outdoor product manufacturers. Lures, boats, tackle boxes etc.
We own 240 acres in northern Wisconsin - I use my saws to cut and rip-split firewood for cabin fireplace and home fireplace cut about 10-12 cords a year. Also use saws to maintain trails on our property as well as shooting lanes for deer stands!

- - - Al

Husky 141
Husky 55 (Grey Top)
REBORN - Husky 261
NEW - Stihl MS 361
I manufacture OEM stripe kits for the classic Fords by day.I cut firewood for 2 households in my spare time.(Yeah "spare time" what a joke!)
The chain saw addiction started when I got bored with fixing up old riding mowers(Ford and Bolens mostly).We have about 30 acres in the blueridge mountains with the shenandoah river out the back door.
I'm currently looking at building a log cabin back in the river hills,so I guess my next step will be a CSM.
Last count I had about 40 saws,so if anyone wants an old project saw let me know,I need to clean out the herd.
Spent last winter building a Greenhouse for the other half in my so called spare time.And still want to have a get together one weekend.


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Well damm buddy.I always kinda liked you,but that's a little rediculous...My wife's also a cop

After watching cops ruin a innocent guy who gave me a lot of work i j ave lost a lot of respect for them they wanted his land an lied to get it planted some a ya know what kind of seeds on it took damn good care of em too finny they knew just how to find them . th guy is adecent man and I am sick of a bunch of cops abusing thier power .
to get what they want we should not be giving 20 somethings that much power as welll a sa firearm . I pay 100 bucks for them to drink coffee for 2 hours ?? WTF Do something like slow down the cars Duh
maybe wher you are they are cool but we have a major problem with them .
we are implementing a civilian oversight committee over the PDs objections tell me a lot forcing cameras into cars cannot take guns at home for now . have to turn all in . they made thier own mess but too late my buddy is suie the town our taxes are rising great going so yeah i am abit mad at them
So when socop over does it and has cop suff it is annoying just say I am acop and cut fire wood no need fro all the Look at me I am a cop BS
Oh another one is cooling his heals in county jail pending assault and rape of his wife nice guy . :chainsawguy:
and no supervision .
Oh just saying he enjoys beating things that do not obey says it all to me . most cops i know would cringe at that . even the guys who drink coffee and watch cars go by .
Sorry but after my court room experience and seeing out right perjury they lost any rep sect i had and i am sick of all cops as heros most just do thire jobs .
Thankfully he was acquitted his life is still a mess . Not much happened to the cops at least prison for thiner crimes??? :chainsawguy:

I did not mean to offend your wife just the overkill I am a cop stuff not all cops a nice guys or heroes a over used word . OK
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Previously a builder of custom production machines, mech/elect/plumb/fab/program.

For the last 4+ years, full time stay-at-home-dad, once that started we had to take measures to stretch the one income, so heating with wood had the biggest impact, it all started there, chainsaw-wise anyway.
Learned what leaning out a saw meant, oops, upgraded from a 360 to a 460, and just cut for firewood, then I found AS, and have accumulated more saws, big thanks to JonsredJohnny on the 020, and learned about using a CSM, and started milling the best part of the log first, to feed my very novice woodworking hobby.

Cutting/processing wood for our own use makes for a good stress outlet, physical workout, have met new people, and the milling, besides being enjoyable, is part of a more purposeful sequence, once the lumber is crafted into a finshed product, that tree will outlive its natural lifespan.

The kids get enjoyment out of it too, they like to help pile the scraps on the bonfire pile, stack the firewood, toss it through the basement window, play with the milling cutoffs once I've planed them smooth, and learning their goemetrical shapes in the process.

Feeling longwinded today.:D
Used to make Circuit Boards - the green things, not putting the parts on them.

I got my saw after re-wiring a house for a friend, he paid me and I spent my 'mad money' on the saw. The house I bought was neglected, lots of trees overgrown, a blown down of twisted trees, and wanted a garden without so much shade.

Now I'm a stay at home dad and have been and several relatives and friends house cutting for them, usually they have a craftsman saw that I put to shame. :biggrinbounce2:
I work with my Dad building guyed wired cell phone towers; but do not erect them. I also use Georgia's Hope scholarship " In which I am very thankful of." to go to college, and try to earn some type of degree. As for chainsaws, I work on and use them for a hobby. I have collected over 50 saws so far, which are all justified for use to cut firewood of course. I also collect the parts for the old Poulan and McCulloch chainsaws as well.
Right now I am finishing up my Industrial Eng. degree. I do a lot of odd jobs to make extra money, cut yards, landscape, electrical work, etc. I cut firewood for my mom's Hardy wood heater(outside furnace). I have been known to sell a bit of firewood also. Here lately I have been doing a lot of storm cleanup.
I'm an electrical engineer, I design various portions of the chips that go into cell phones to process the signal between the handset and base station.

A year ago I bought a house on 2 acres with a grove of lemon trees and a few other citrus trees. Figured with that many trees I just had to have a new chainsaw to keep them in line. Now that I've done all the trimming I could find on my property, I need to go visit my buddy in WA and have a go at some of his Doug firs. Something about cutting wood with a screaming 2-stroke that you just can't get enough of, but everyone here already knows that.
There was an airline pilot that attacked his co worker with a crash axe all airline pilots are evil. Give me a break.

Bad compariosn
airline pilots do not have a arsenal in gernal as well las legal authority to do as they please ,Pilots can not arrest . usually Have no reason or means to plant evidence to scam . Givng a 20 something a firearm and power is plain stupid , They need a 4 year degree pay to go with it and lots of weekly backgrounfd and drug test if not daily drug and alcohol tests
it goes on too often almost every town has a cop problem .Ours has been ued at lest 4 times other more! that tell me they are a problem and the whole glorifying them as the most dangerous job puttin g thierl ives on the line is crock. Timberfalling is number 2aftercomcercailfishing . most do not sdo much in ourtown the good ones are greatand raras they burn out . bu tand do a great job but whenlet onewhobutys woodfrom me he said in verbatim
"If he was on this PD it would be his last day and he would not get a job as a rent a cop !" He said Iwas right to slam him for his posting beating things that do not obey ok what else does he beat into submisionfo fun? That bothered a cop! even talking about beating things into submission online can get a cop fired and overdoing it with all the cop stuff is a good way to make your superiors mad as all hell Oh they do read the net . if you don not want it public do not post .all he had to say is I am a cop I cut fire wood . and leave out the rest orstate i like running heavy equipment .
Had hesaidIamcopwho want to paly with hwevyequipoment andrun saw no bifg deal leave outall the otherstuff theraresoemwhohavehad bad encounters with bad /dirty cops :cheers:
im in the forestry/arboriculture and fire wood buisness so chainsaws are pretty important for my every day goings on!
You know Mtnman you mise well stop while you are behind. You done lost any respect you had here IMO.
There is good and bad in any job and I would say 98% of law enforcement try and do a good job by the people. Your small town cops sound just like are small town cops, heck even our chief of police is in jail pending trial. :biggrinbounce2:

Of the 30,000 inmates in our system and about 2900 I/M's in our prison alone. I would guess only 20 or less have been from the L.E. field from what I have seen and heard over the last 20 years. Guess where the rest came from.
IT systems designer specializing in big/scary stuff for governments. It's good fun, and no one really knows how it should be done, which leads to a lot of sleepless nights.

I have 150 acres of pine forest in Wales (UK) which I retreat to. No electricity, no phone, no running water. It is sort of the opposite of my real life. I like collecting saws as well. I've got an 088 which I can't justify, but its great fun, and I've just bought an 090 for the same reason. I'll have to go milling or something. :D

I have taken the saws to work though - I've got a presentation on systems architecture which has a saw theme, and a picture of my 088 "in action".
Bad compariosn
airline pilots do not have a arsenal in gernal as well las legal authority to do as they please ,Pilots can not arrest . usually Have no reason or means to plant evidence to scam . Givng a 20 something a firearm and power is plain stupid , They need a 4 year degree pay to go with it and lots of weekly backgrounfd and drug test if not daily drug and alcohol tests
it goes on too often almost every town has a cop problem .Ours has been ued at lest 4 times other more! that tell me they are a problem and the whole glorifying them as the most dangerous job puttin g thierl ives on the line is crock. Timberfalling is number 2aftercomcercailfishing . most do not sdo much in ourtown the good ones are greatand raras they burn out . bu tand do a great job but whenlet onewhobutys woodfrom me he said in verbatim
"If he was on this PD it would be his last day and he would not get a job as a rent a cop !" He said Iwas right to slam him for his posting beating things that do not obey ok what else does he beat into submisionfo fun? That bothered a cop! even talking about beating things into submission online can get a cop fired and overdoing it with all the cop stuff is a good way to make your superiors mad as all hell Oh they do read the net . if you don not want it public do not post .all he had to say is I am a cop I cut fire wood . and leave out the rest orstate i like running heavy equipment .
Had hesaidIamcopwho want to paly with hwevyequipoment andrun saw no bifg deal leave outall the otherstuff theraresoemwhohavehad bad encounters with bad /dirty cops :cheers:
With all due respect, all you had to say was you thought the gents attempted humor (obviously tongue in cheek) distasteful (or nothing at all) rather than blathering along and side-tracking an interesting read, not everyone agrees with everyone else's sense of humor, let it rest.


I'm an MD. My home was built 25 years ago into several acres of the scrubbiest pine woods you can imagine. I am frequently clearing off fallen trees. I also cut a couple of cords a year for firewood. (not pine)

I am very, very slowly encouraging the hardwoods to replace the pines.
Man you had to go and use the word "need"(my wife figures I don't "need" a saw at all! Go figure! I am a Ford dealership mechanic by dayand mild mannered chainsaw freak any other chance I get!:greenchainsaw:
I do tree removals for friends (word of mouth) paid for all my equipment doing it and then some!