Can we pllleeeeeaase stay on topic!

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When I was a kid I got grounded for coughing so hard at the dinner table that a strand of Sapgetti shot out of my nose.

Ok, me playing with it by see sawing it back and forth then snorking it back into my head and swallowing it may have had something to do with it........

Okay, that just caused hot coffee to come out of MY nose, axehole...
How long will the mods let this totally off topic thread about staying on topic last as a sticky? whew! I just had too add to the post count
When I was a kid I got grounded for coughing so hard at the dinner table that a strand of Sapgetti shot out of my nose.

Ok, me playing with it by see sawing it back and forth then snorking it back into my head and swallowing it may have had something to do with it........


Damn you RBW.. I was reading this as the wife was talking and I started to grin. She accused me of not listening to anything she said.. well... she was right... but I "defended my actions" by laying the blame on you. She was not amused, so I had an extra beer or two tonight to compensate. :givebeer:
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Im think'n of buy'n a saw-what the best one-I cut mostly wood?
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Also, should I rinse off the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher or just load it up.

I keep waiting for a beer can to come out of the sky and smash me like the commercial.