Hey Thall!

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Ewwwwwwwwwww your bringing my moma into this, go make your arrangements feller, your about to meet your maker, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

ERR i would have prefered a LOL at the end instead of a grrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!

Elvis is great!!!!:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:

Is that enought sucking up yet?
Hahahahha, the fear of God and meeting God sure does change people,LOLOL

I have a friend that has an Elvis tatoo and a huge collection of everything Elvis! She makes the DJ put on Elvis every night in the pub!
And she has been to Graceland!
Well, that call may have happened but I believe that Elvis was, well not entirely truthful. But it does make for a good story....Lets assume that he did claim over a 1,000 in roughly 2 yrs(i assume different women)....thats 1.38 girls a day/night.....not if you count the days on the road he had, which i think we could agree on maybe 200 days over the two years...so we are down up to 1.90 girls a day/night. This is all based on him staying at one event or location for 24 hrs, which is very unlikely...So lets say he said at each event or location for 8 hrs....that means we need to triple the girls the previously stated rate of 1.90 girls by three, since he wasnt at that location for the full 24 hrs, so we are up to 1.9x3 which is 5.7 girls at each location or event over a 8 hr period....Which proves my point...there was no way this occured cuz as we all know you cant make love to .7 of a a girl :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: LOL

Well, actually.... oh, never mind. :dizzy:
I walked out of the Boundary Waters in northern MN after being in for a week. That was the only big news we got after being out of contact with civilization.

Autin 1: nice dog you got there! I had a good one once upon a time. You may have seen her compete when I was getting her Canadian field championship.NFC FC AFC CFC RISKY BUSINESS RUBY. iF ANY Of you know what these initals mean then you are true retriever people.You Canadians are the nicest people I've ever been around, next to the Aussies!They stand alone !