Husqvarna 560XP/562XP Projected Delivery Date

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Oh ya I remember

Terry, I have been expecting this downturn for several years now. I've been gathering hand tools like one man and two man crosscut saws along with german and swedish made axes and splitting mauls. It is basically going to get down to food,water and firewood. When I built my log home 25 years ago I built it with a full basement and what is amazing is the fact that the basement stays a constant 70 degrees year round with no heat or air. Zogger do you remember the heads up posting that I did back in January and it got moved to the political section. I get my Foxfire books, that were done in North Georgia, out occasionally and bone up on the survival skills.

Sure, I remember. survivalism/preparedness is my main gig. That's the primary reason I am staying put with the job and living arrangements I have now. Pays crappy now, but even in a severe crash we can cruise here. Have three different water sources on site, plenty of garden space, our own meats, etc. Firewood all over and I got a small solar array back when I could afford it, still works good but the batts need changing out now, the thing is over ten years old now.

Another great depression note: big game like deer almost disappeared most places. Being able to trap and eat unconventional small game is a good skill to have. A lot of guys "survival preps" are limited to owning guns....does not bode well there, for a variety of reasons.

New saws..I still think it isn't prudent, and I now regret the new saws I got last year, shoulda looked for used deals of the more common and well "repped" kind. Stuff like 372xp and 440...known good quality, plenty of parts out there. Maybe not the ultimate design now, but plenty good enough and well proven, with decent parts availability.

Not sure on smaller saws, any takers on recommendations from anyone? make/model/reason. For example I got given a well used (falling apart) 028wb. Piston and jug still look good. Thinking that might be one model to restore and keep for actual practical use. And I have a poulan 295 I got to run some, that looks "OK" enough. Not sure on the smaller husklies, my 137 just hangs in there. I'll be getting some spare parts for it, just in case. It cuts a lot and can't complain about mileage with it either, it's a sipper.

Fuel availability....we go on and on about how crappy ethanol blended fuel is, but I am thinking having at least one saw that is designed/modded from the ground up to be able to run with ALL ethanol as the fuel..home made fuel in other words..then some other "bio oil" for both the mix part and the bar oil you can keep growing your own fuel. Of course I guess you could always use filtered drain oil for the bar in a pinch, and that is easy enough to stockpile. I still like the idea of all farm produced though. Just no idea on how to mod a saw to make it ethanol bullet proof.
Zogger, I have found a local service station that has all 3 grades of ethanol free gas. I am using it with stihl HP Ultra oil and all my saws are running better and cooler.
Paul, did you check that British Arborist forum out? The one with the 560 photos.

Hope this is ok to link. I just did a google search for the 560xp and it pulled it up.

<a href="]SkogsElmia 2011 Husqvarna 560xp - | Discussion Forum for Arborists">link</a>
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Well, ya

Zog Man, any luck on finding a p/c for your 600P?

Ya, you can get them but I don't have the scratch right now. Plus our large chest freezer is going down so I have to find a replacement for it pretty soon now, so there goes any "spare" FRNs I might have. *Right* in the middle of gardening season...grumble...
that would be interesting

I wish someone would come out with a high rpm diesel chainsaw. Rudolf Diesel originally designed his engine to run on peanut oil.

Hard to start though. But I like the idea of a diesel saw on general principles, the fuel lasts longer and no worries about getting the correct mix ratio, etc.

Maybe they can make a strato diesel....

Those older saws that run on diesel, I know a few models have been made, someone here must have one, maybe they will chime in with a report on starting them and how they worked, etc.
Ya, you can get them but I don't have the scratch right now. Plus our large chest freezer is going down so I have to find a replacement for it pretty soon now, so there goes any "spare" FRNs I might have. *Right* in the middle of gardening season...grumble...

Zogger, I bought a dual powered refrigerator/freezer that runs on electricity or propane. I got it from Lehman's Hardware in Kidron Ohio. It only burns about 2 gallons of propane per week. The Amish and Mennonites claim it will keep milk a week longer. I know the freezer will keep ice cream rock hard.
Jimmy, I've been aware of the coming collapse for a long time and have made various precautions. I'm living in a small rural village that is surrounded by prime farming country (dairy, beef, horticulture). Good rainfall, no crime, friendly neighbors, year around growing season. When I come off the mountain I can access rail lines, hospitals and the fine fishing off the coast.

I've lost count of all the fruit/nut trees and fruit vines I have on the property. Raised gardens, root cellar, wood stove for heating/cooking, work shed, diesel truck that runs on biodiesel (used motor oil, veg oil, ATF, etc) - oh yeah, and I live in the Land Down Under.

I don't need a 560, but after the gains I got out of my 450, a 560 might make a neat project saw.
Jimmy, I've been aware of the coming collapse for a long time and have made various precautions. I'm living in a small rural village that is surrounded by prime farming country (dairy, beef, horticulture). Good rainfall, no crime, friendly neighbors, year around growing season. When I come off the mountain I can access rail lines, hospitals and the fine fishing off the coast.

I've lost count of all the fruit/nut trees and fruit vines I have on the property. Raised gardens, root cellar, wood stove for heating/cooking, work shed, diesel truck that runs on biodiesel (used motor oil, veg oil, ATF, etc) - oh yeah, and I live in the Land Down Under.

I don't need a 560, but after the gains I got out of my 450, a 560 might make a neat project saw.

Terry, maybe you need a few Yanks down there. I was sold when you got to the no crime part. I told Rudolf73 a while back that a few years ago I went on a European vacation. There were 52 people on the tour bus. Half were from the U.S and the other half were from Australia and a few from New Zealand. The Aussies sure know how to party and have a good time. You guys would get in about 3:00 am then would be on the bus at 7:00. We couldn't keep up the pace. We toured 8 countries and had a ball with our down under friends.
I'm a former Yank. I bailed/fled the States in 1982.

Well, there is some crime. About 6 years ago someone stole a chainsaw out of the back of some bloke's ute (pickup truck) that was parked outside of the local pub. Other than that, we don't lock up the cars or the house when we go out.

I heard a story that occurred about 10 years ago. Seems there were a few thefts around town and the locals narrowed it down to some 'renters' in town. The local cop made a point to indicate that he would be out of town attending a class on a certain date. A bunch of the locals turned up at the renters house that day with axe handles and the like - and suggested they move out. They did.
I'm a former Yank. I bailed/fled the States in 1982.

Well, there is some crime. About 6 years ago someone stole a chainsaw out of the back of some bloke's ute (pickup truck) that was parked outside of the local pub. Other than that, we don't lock up the cars or the house when we go out.

I heard a story that occurred about 10 years ago. Seems there were a few thefts around town and the locals narrowed it down to some 'renters' in town. The local cop made a point to indicate that he would be out of town attending a class on a certain date. A bunch of the locals turned up at the renters house that day with axe handles and the like - and suggested they move out. They did.

And that, my friends, is an example of how things should be done!

Wish we could do that with about 35% our country! We'd be in good shape now if that were the case.
I'm a former Yank. I bailed/fled the States in 1982.

Well, there is some crime. About 6 years ago someone stole a chainsaw out of the back of some bloke's ute (pickup truck) that was parked outside of the local pub. Other than that, we don't lock up the cars or the house when we go out.

I heard a story that occurred about 10 years ago. Seems there were a few thefts around town and the locals narrowed it down to some 'renters' in town. The local cop made a point to indicate that he would be out of town attending a class on a certain date. A bunch of the locals turned up at the renters house that day with axe handles and the like - and suggested they move out. They did.


I'm what, 120km over the hills from you and it's just the same here.
Chainsaws are left in ute beds all the time, no one locks their house.
A bit different to the city though.