New Solo 681 / Vids & Pics

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You might say I finally succumbed to the Dolmar bug, except I did it with a twist. There are numberous improvements on the 681, plus, I just think it's a better looking saw, lol. I ordered it from Baileys, where it's been on backorder. It arrived this afternoon. I put fuel in it and it popped on the 2nd pull. No missing the pop on this thing. It fired right up and ran like a dream. I tweaked the L and LA a little but did not touch the H. I let it warm up and shut it off to cool. I later put a 28" bar and Stihl RSC chain on it, fired it back up, warmed it up, and hit WOT just long enough to get a quick reading, 12,800. A fair amount rich, just like I wanted it. I then loaded it up and headed down where I've been whittling away on those big dead Oak trees that I had the 3120 in. The saw only made one cut before the video starts. So you're seeing a brand new saw, straight out of the box, and running rich.

Some have commented on soft AV springs. I didn't feel that at all. Maybe they've stiffened them up. This is also the new model that has a decomp. Thank goodness it does. Compression is already 185 PSI after this very first outing!

OK, Stihl was your darling .... then Husky .... Dolmar catches your fancy and we've seen several threads on that. Fair enough. Looks like Solo is now the thing. OK. Fine. Wonder why?

The saw feels real good in the hands. I didn't notice vibes at all while I was cutting. But then again, I wasn't thinking about them either. I did not notice the soft feel many have commented on. I'm suspecting they've changed the springs. Funny you mention the oiler. I had it turned down for the quick tuning check I gave it and failed to turn it up before hitting the wood. The chain was rather dry but never got hot, lol. I think I'll really like this saw.

Feels good in the hands, eh? Springs are good.

They are a little stronger than a 7900, but not by much. Andyshine77 has a 7900 that's bone stock. It's a newer one that should have all the updates. We will be running them for a comparison before I do anything to this one.

Oh ... and they're stronger than the 7900. And inexpensive too.

Nothing but rave reviews from all of you guys. Which leads me to the question. Why do so few guys own them? $730 is not a bad price for a 81cc saw, especially when it runs like a 90cc saw.

Well, you know the drill. Availablilty .... dealer network ... parts .... proven in the field by pros .... dependability. Does it have 1 ring like the 7900? That would be nice to know.

yeah, maybe you should talk to them about being sponsored.

Someone notices your newfound relationship and queries.

I'm not sponsored per se, but Gregg has his ways of making it up to me.:clap:

OK, Bailey's doesn't sponsor you. But ... but .... Bailey's will "make it up to me". Wonder what .... and why. So, I ask the question that arouses and insults.


So, am I to understand that this "review" has some "strings" attached to it?

ole joat

Brad answers. Actually edits the post quickly. Ah ... it's feedback. OK. Good deal. Case settled.

I paid for this saw in full. No strings attached. Gregg has never asked that I make my reviews public, but has not objected either. He appreciates honest feedback.

Woops ... but ... now it's unsettled. Why?

Honestly, I'm not sure where you was headed with that. Can you explain?

Brad, I simply followed the normal progression of this thread. The question begged to be asked.

I remain,

ole joat
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.. or ... the 346XP and the 390XP.

Just wondering what the recommended bar lengths are for the 681, what with the larger bearings and all.

Looks like good package for the money. Did you get in on the free shipping for orders over $200?:cheers:
The question begged to be asked.

I remain,

ole joat


What makes you think the question was begging to be asked?
The question never uttered a sound to me.

What makes you want to hold Brad to a higher standard than the rest of us have to meet?
LOTS of us, me included, have started threads bragging, or just telling our internet friends about our new saw purchase.
Several of us have posted "reviews" of our purchases, but I've never seen anyone else's motives and especially integrity, questioned because of a post or review..............except Brad.

Many of us have benefitted from the care packages that Gregg has sent Brad to disperse at the GTGs, is our integrity in question too?


well Doc if you say it is a good saw i would believe it. i aint to easily swayed to stray from stihl but this may temp me to go to the red blooded sawz:cry: i do like the videos of your saw collection.

Just wondering what the recommended bar lengths are for the 681, what with the larger bearings and all.

Looks like good package for the money. Did you get in on the free shipping for orders over $200?:cheers:

This is right from Solos website.

Excellent power to weight ratio – 80.7 cc engine delivers 6.4 hp at just 13.9 pounds! Designed for felling and bucking large timber. Easily handles a 36” guide bar. Heavy-duty magnesium alloy crankcase and side cover withstand the toughest use.

Yes, I got in on the free shipping. That wasn't the first time either:)
Go ahead Joat. Go ahead and call me a liar. That's what you're implying. You and others like to question every thing I do for alterior reasons. I like to call it the Bully Syndrome. It's usually done by jealous and insecure individuals, that have nothing to offer themselves. It makes them feel better about themselves when they tear someone else down. If that shoe doesn't fit you, then quit putting it on!

Someone comes along and craps on nearly every thread I start. This time I guess it's your turn to be the troll. What gives? Just how difficult is it to figure out that I love chainsaws? Every color, every brand, every size. It has NOTHING to do with Baileys. Gregg gave me some parts for my 038 Magnum for doing some prototype reviews months ago. Since then I've gotten a few more P&C kits for reviewing and goodies to hand out at GTGs. That's it. You can make of it what ever you want. But you're doing nothing but stiring up trouble that simply has no substance what so ever.

I could try and answer each one of your questions/accusations, but they deserve an answer. Matter of fact, I don't believe you want an answer. You're getting what you want right here. Stiring up a bunch of made up nonsense and crapping on another good informative thread. Well, that was until you came along:chainsaw:

And you wonder why the good guys quit posting around here. You know, it gets real old having to defend your honor around here all the time. I earned my respect around here by doing exactly what I'm doing in this very post. Showing my work. If you don't like it, don't read it. Am I always right? Nope. And I'll say so. I share nearly everything I do and hopefully help out some people along the way.

Even if you are helping him sell a few saws (not saying you are,) who cares? He's a site sponsor. Is it ported yet? Only took you a fw hours on the 4000.
Even if you are helping him sell a few saws (not saying you are,) who cares? He's a site sponsor. Is it ported yet? Only took you a fw hours on the 4000.

I'm going to leave it stock until after I have a little fuel through it and have a chance to run it agains Andyshine77s stock 7900. That's one of the things I really want to see. Then I'll port it and see what I can do with it against his EHP7900. That's one mean running machine. If I can catch or pass that, I'll know I've got something.
Wowzers is right..........

Anyway, that saw is nice, been tossing it up between it and the 7900. With that power to price you can't beat it!!

Also, don't ever feel like you need to "defend you honor" because everyone here knows how much you put into this site!! You help alot of people here, and it is appreciated!!!!!!!!! :notrolls2:
Does that not call into question your appraisal? I ask in good faith.

I have not given an appraisal on this saw. Check out the first post. I simply showed pics of the saw I received, a video of it cutting, and that I think I'll really like this saw. All the approvals have come from others that have much more experience with the saw than myself. I have all of 1/2 tank of fuel experience with it. You would think I had come in here saying this was the best saw of all times and that nothing compares. I have not done that.
Originally Posted by blsnelling View Post
Go ahead Joat. Go ahead and call me a liar. That's what you're implying.
I didn't get that at all. To ask about potential sources of bias has nothing to do with accusations of lying. Why so defensive about it? It was a legitimate question.

Does that not call into question your appraisal? I ask in good faith.

Frankly I wondered the same question. It is what it is, why did it strike such a nerve?
Getting rowdy in here

Brad I think what started Joat was your one post, this one:

"I'm not sponsored per se, but Gregg has his ways of making it up to me".

Now if your taking goodies from Gregg and doing reviews on saws they sell surely you must see what Joat is referring to. It doesn't need to be so to give off the impression that it is.

I say clear the air and prove that ole Joat wrong. Surely there are some things about that 681 you don't like at first glance? I sure noticed something about it right away and I would never own it, tant no way, that thing is uglier than that gal I woke up with the next morning after boozing all nite,LOL
Brad I think what started Joat was your one post, this one:

"I'm not sponsored per se, but Gregg has his ways of making it up to me".

Now if your taking goodies from Gregg and doing reviews on saws they sell surely you must see what Joat is referring to. It doesn't need to be so to give off the impression that it is.

I say clear the air and prove that ole Joat wrong. Surely there are some things about that 681 you don't like at first glance? I sure noticed something about it right away and I would never own it, tant no way, that thing is uglier than that gal I woke up with the next morning after boozing all nite,LOL

I keep telling you Tom, Woodie ain't no gal!!!

This is 166's solo 681 at spikes gtg. I know it has been modded, (don't know the specifics) and it was impressive. That log was Beech.

The 681 in that video I sold today to a local logger that has been wanting a modded 7900 or 681 for the last year. I was willing to sell the 681 before my modded 7900's though.

I knew about Brad getting a 681 for the last couple weeks. He priced one from me but I couldn't touch baileys pricing on the 681 especially after the free shipping. But Bailey's is probably selling more 681's than all the US dealers combined.

I didn't get that at all. To ask about potential sources of bias has nothing to do with accusations of lying. Why so defensive about it? It was a legitimate question.

Does that not call into question your appraisal? I ask in good faith.

Originally Posted by blsnelling View Post
Go ahead Joat. Go ahead and call me a liar. That's what you're implying.
I didn't get that at all. To ask about potential sources of bias has nothing to do with accusations of lying. Why so defensive about it? It was a legitimate question.

Frankly I wondered the same question. It is what it is, why did it strike such a nerve?

Brad I think what started Joat was your one post, this one:

"I'm not sponsored per se, but Gregg has his ways of making it up to me".

Now if your taking goodies from Gregg and doing reviews on saws they sell surely you must see what Joat is referring to. It doesn't need to be so to give off the impression that it is.

I say clear the air and prove that ole Joat wrong. Surely there are some things about that 681 you don't like at first glance? I sure noticed something about it right away and I would never own it, tant no way, that thing is uglier than that gal I woke up with the next morning after boozing all nite,LOL

You guys are right. I over reacted and ask for Joats forgiveness. I'll answer the question straight up. There is no formal relationship between me and Baileys. I've reviewed numerous products for them and they've been mine to keep, stuff like P&Cs and mufflers, etc. I consider that an honor and try to pay that back with fair reviews. Gregg's always been kind to send lots of good stuff for GTGs. Everyone benefits from that. This 681 is just another saw that catches my attention. I was impressed with the 7900 I modded for MCW. The 681 is supposed to be even better so I had to try one, see what I could do with it.

I know I'll probably catch a little flack from deleting my post, but that's OK. You guys were right, and it was out of line. I simply over reacted due to a few other situations in the last week or two.
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Are you guys kidding me? Look how much effort Joat put into post 82. He went through every one of Brad's replies, and then commented on each. You can't tell me Joat didn't have a specific motive in mind when he posted. It is all the same stuff over and over again. Brad shares info/video/pics all the time and there is always someone that wants to make themselves look better by trying to discredit him. Don't tell me any different, it that wasn't your intention you wouldn't have posted.

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