Untouched hardwoods

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A man with a saw (if he knows what he’s doing) and a tractor/small skidder can get in, take what is abundant and disappear with minimal impact.

The mechanized "selective harvest" of today is not much better than the old clear-cut ways they claim to better. :(

Doesn't do much good to leave trees when the tops are all broken out and limbs broken off from top to bottom.

I commend you Jerry.... a lot of folks these days can't see past the money that blinds them. :cheers:

On the acreage that I do cut on it is only done during the winter, ground frozen with some snow cover, selective cut and a year later only the cut off stumps are witness to some one removing a tree here and there. That`s the way I was shown and have followed all my life. Not effiecient enough for todays harvesters.
I love spots like that.

The peace and the beauty of an old growth. We're the fortunate ones to have this.

This Province is just starting to realize that some acreage has to be saved from the relentless harvesting that has been carried on here for 400 years. Recently a couple thousand acres of old growth close to me has been saved from harvesting, its been designated a wilderness area which is even better than a park designation at least here. Parks can be harvested but no mechanized machinery is allowed upon Wildrerness designated land, no tree can be cut either.
Jerry, thanks for sharing the great pictures. I remember my grandfather teaching us the sounds of the deep woods, and each sound the we could repeat and get a response. I was either too stupid, or didn't pay enough attention like I should have.

Thanks for sharing.


Absolutely pristine stream and woods. I know what it is like to be in woods that have never been cut but they weren't mine.

Thanks Carl;
It is not necessary to own the woods, its nice to have but I wish more of the woods could be kept in better shape and that owners were better stewards of the land, maybe time will teach them that todays values are fleeting at best.
This Province is just starting to realize that some acreage has to be saved from the relentless harvesting that has been carried on here for 400 years. Recently a couple thousand acres of old growth close to me has been saved from harvesting, its been designated a wilderness area which is even better than a park designation at least here. Parks can be harvested but no mechanized machinery is allowed upon Wildrerness designated land, no tree can be cut either.

Too bad someone on this side of the strait wouldn't do something about it here. Greedy mill owners are going to clearcut this entire island if someone doesn't stop them. Make you cry when you see tri-axle loads of what they call fire wood and the biggest stick is about 8'' diameter.
Just this past winter down the road from me, they clear cut a patch that was just starting to regenerate after being logged 20 years ago. Hardwood doesn't grow that much in 20 years around here.
I guess it saves gas not having to noodle ( or even split ) anything.
Yes the stream does run year round, it will get a skim of ice where the current runs slowly during the winter but never freezes solid. There is speckled brook trout living in abundance in this stream. Three lbs. would be about the max size with 14"-16" being the average. Only outside source of sound I ever heard here was an airplane once.

In have fished a lot of NS but never found a stream with 3lb brookies..
would love to take the 5wght flyrod with barbless hooks and give them some exercise :)
would go on my bike and found some really nice places,would never know i had been there after i left :)
Jerry, thanks for sharing the great pictures. I remember my grandfather teaching us the sounds of the deep woods, and each sound the we could repeat and get a response. I was either too stupid, or didn't pay enough attention like I should have.

Thanks for sharing.


That part of my upbringing I will never forget, I got to spend 45 years with my father and around 22 with my grandfather working in the woods and travelling the woods hunting/fishing. We would even travel the woods at night, few others would or did so and it is a different place after dark. I still do and love to do so. On one night in particular it was very dark, light rain falling and low land fog shrouding the woods. Around 2:30 am I thought I would leave the main path and shortcut across country to get to the lake we were heading for more quickly. We had a boat hidden there and it would be more expedient to come out directly to the boat. Well dad and I set off but after a half hours travel we figured I missed the target. Being dark and foggy there was little to do but sit and wait for daylight, dad was smoking his pipe and I could see the glow on his face when he took a long inhale. He waited a couple seconds and then blew out the smoke. At that point I thought that it would be a 4-5 hour wait until daylight and then I would find my way again but dad tilted his head sort of back and issued the three note call of the Northern Loon that they use to locate each other. Within seconds a loon on the lake we were looking for answered him, we were less than two hundred feet from the lake and in direct line to find the boat. That night will live with me forever, I knew dad could communicate with the loons but I just would not have thought of doing just that at that time of night, just goes to show how in touch some men were with their surroundings.
Too bad someone on this side of the strait wouldn't do something about it here. Greedy mill owners are going to clearcut this entire island if someone doesn't stop them. Make you cry when you see tri-axle loads of what they call fire wood and the biggest stick is about 8'' diameter.
Just this past winter down the road from me, they clear cut a patch that was just starting to regenerate after being logged 20 years ago. Hardwood doesn't grow that much in 20 years around here.
I guess it saves gas not having to noodle ( or even split ) anything.

It is going on here as well Chris, its a damm shame but they are chipping all the hardwood they can haul and shipping it from Sheet Harbour out overseas. They take almost anything and just run it through chippers, there is a mountain of chips there and a huge wheeled loader looks like a dinky toy up on top that mountain.
Nice pics Jerry. Beautiful place to go! I really love getting back out to the woods, very peaceful. I hardly get to do it though.

It is and I don`t go there nearly often enough, I do spend many days in the forest however travelling the backwoods in a canoe with only a small day pack, within 5 mins I can be in the canoe and paddle+portage up a river into the interior of the province, luckily there is so many lakes here that I can take my pick of 25-30 I can reach in a day`s travel by canoe.
Thanks for taking the time to share with us.

So whats the going rate for a week vacation tent camping by the stream?:)

Beautiful place.

Would you care to explain a loon call. I think I may have heard one here in NC, but not sure. Anything like a whooty whoot who?
In have fished a lot of NS but never found a stream with 3lb brookies..
would love to take the 5wght flyrod with barbless hooks and give them some exercise :)
would go on my bike and found some really nice places,would never know i had been there after i left :)

Probably the only places 3 lb fish can still be caught are not accessable by any kind of road, I travel by boat and canoe for 12-14 miles in from any roads to go fishing, not many big fish still easy to get but there is still some in the backwoods that have seen limited fishing pressure. I am not bragging but I have fished this province all my life and have found a very few spots where a big fish still swims. It`s been 2 years since I landed a 3 lb plus brookie but I have at least hooked and lost a couple that were in that class. I am a fly fisher myself, 5wt graphite rod my fav. backwoods companion. I lost a big fella last
In have fished a lot of NS but never found a stream with 3lb brookies..
would love to take the 5wght flyrod with barbless hooks and give them some exercise :)
would go on my bike and found some really nice places,would never know i had been there after i left :)

Probably the only places 3 lb. fish can still be caught are not accessable by any kind of road, I travel by boat and canoe for 12-14 miles in from any roads to go fishing, not many big fish still easy to get but there is still some in the backwoods that have seen limited fishing pressure. I am not bragging but I have fished this province all my life and have found a very few spots where a big fish still swims. It`s been 2 years since I landed a 3 lb. plus brookie but I have at least hooked and lost a couple that were in that class. I am a fly fisher myself, 5wt graphite rod my fav. backwoods companion. I lost a big fella last Sunday but at least had the privilidge to have a battle with him for at least 2 mins, got caught up in a submerged tree limb and broke the 2 lb. leader.
It is and I don`t go there nearly often enough, I do spend many days in the forest however travelling the backwoods in a canoe with only a small day pack, within 5 mins I can be in the canoe and paddle+portage up a river into the interior of the province, luckily there is so many lakes here that I can take my pick of 25-30 I can reach in a day`s travel by canoe.

Ya, same here, plenty of boating places here, in the ocean Gulf Islands, way too many places to explore, and many many many lakes. I go on Elk lake allot, since its 5 mins from my house.
It is going on here as well Chris, its a damm shame but they are chipping all the hardwood they can haul and shipping it from Sheet Harbour out overseas. They take almost anything and just run it through chippers, there is a mountain of chips there and a huge wheeled loader looks like a dinky toy up on top that mountain.

Government just put out proposals here for what they call 'biomass heating facilities'. They are going to heat six gov. buildings with either wood chips or straw, cornstalks...etc. Hopefully they go with the straw or something that will help the farmers a bit and save the forest.
Interesting thing is , the city of Summerside was going to get in on this biomass bandwagon also, but they did a study and found that it wasn't cost effective at the current price of oil.
Poor cost effectiveness never slows down the government though....lol
Thanks for taking the time to share with us.

So whats the going rate for a week vacation tent camping by the stream?:)

Beautiful place.

Would you care to explain a loon call. I think I may have heard one here in NC, but not sure. Anything like a whooty whoot who?

Hey LP, never thought anyone on here would give a hoot. LOL.
The Northern Loons around here have a very distinct language that is easy to decipher once you have spent 45 years listening to them or have someone point out what each call means. It is considered the call of the wild up this way but the one call we use to locate a loon is the three note call we decipher to mean ,where are you. The loons use this call to locate one another and can be heard for 4-5 miles on a calm evening. It may not make sense to you if you are not around them to have heard this call but it goes ,aaaaahh, llooo, haaa. Thats the best I can do with letters but if you could hear the call from the birds themselves you would soon catch the meaning, they answer with a wwwooohoott, it deciphered as," here I am".
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